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Unicorn Library Version 4.0
Version 4.0 of the Unicorn library is available for both Turbo C and
Microsoft C. It contains many graphics, sound, screen handling, window
and general purpose functions. In addition there are some window functions.
There are also some fucntions to allow handling of printer output, the
joystick and a mouse interface. It is possible to play complete songs.
The graphics include functions for circles, a rotated ellipse ( you are
no longer confined to having your ellipses along the horizontal or vertical
axis ) lines palettes and many more.
There are over 200 functions available in the Unicorn Library and all
source code is available from the author for only $25.00. The library
was originaly release in late 1986 as a Lattice C version which is no
longer supported ( although the source is still available ). The library
at present is in small model for both Turbo C and Microsoft C although
users should be able to convert it to any model with little difficulty.
The author no longer directly supports other models due to the difficulty
of maintaining 6 different sets of disks for both compilers. It should
not be difficult to convert the source to other compilers although the
author has made no attempt to do so due to the heavy cost of additional
The release disks contain a full manual and a quick reference guide to
all functions in the library and in addition there are read me files.
The library is well documented throughout and the source code is librally
commented to aid the user in learning C or assembler or simply in
understanding the library functions. It is hoped that others will be
encouraged to learn more about C and the inner workings of the machine
through studying the code. There are also several demo programs on the
two release disks including one for the Tandy 1000 that takes full
advantage of the 16 color medium resolution graphics and the 3 voice
sound chip. ( essentially the Tandy emulates a PCjr for this ) This
machine is very powerful and vastly underated. If you are interested
in how to handle other graphics adapters the code for this could be
If you have tried to contact the author in the past without luck the
new address is on the release disks.