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- parse_fn(char *fspec,char *fdrive, char *fpath, char *fn, char *fe)
- /* This function will parse and break apart the filespec pointed to
- by *fspec. It will pass back the drive, directory, filename, extension.
- If a given part does not exist a NULL character string will be passed
- back.
- */
- {
- char work[85], *fpt, ch;
- int slash_found=0;
- *fpath=0x00; *fn=0x00; *fe=0x00;
- *fdrive=0x00;
- strcpy(work,fspec);
- if(work[1]==':') {
- toupper(work[0]);
- *fdrive=work[0];
- strcpy(&work[0],&work[2]);
- }
- fpt=work + strlen(work) - 1;
- while(fpt >= work) {
- if(*fpt=='.') {
- strcpy(fe,fpt+1);
- *fpt=0x00;
- fpt--;
- }
- else {
- if(*fpt=='\\') {
- slash_found++;
- if(slash_found==1) {
- strcpy(fn,fpt+1);
- *fpt=0x00;
- fpt--;
- }
- else
- if(fpt==work) {
- strcpy(fpath,fpt);
- fpt--;
- }
- else
- fpt--;
- }
- else
- fpt--;
- }
- }
- if(slash_found==1)
- strcpy(fpath,"\\");
- if(slash_found==0)
- strcpy(fn,work);
- upcase(fpath);
- upcase(fn);
- upcase(fe);
- }