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* *
* jjbset.h *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, JJB. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Purpose: *
* *
* The main reason for the get( and set( functions is to provide an *
* easy way to fetch and store integers and characters so they are *
* TRULY GLOBAL for all source and object files linked. Plus, using *
* arrays allows all variables to be initalized fast and easy. *
* *
* JJB, 9236 church Rd suite 1082, Dallas, Tx 75231 (214) 341-1635 *
JJB has defined the following arrays as follows:
#define IARRYSIZE 80;
#define CARRYSIZE 10;
unsigned int iarry[IARRAYSIZE];
unsigned char carry[CARRAYSIZE];
The function jjb_initalize(), initalizes the integer and character
arrays to zero and initalizes some of the variables such as the
unsigned int get(int) for the integer array
void set(int, int)
unsigned char getc(int) for the character array
void setc(int,char)
#define IARRYSIZE 80
#define IASIZE 0 /* holds size of the array. */
#define VIDEOMODE 1 /* video mode of user of your program */
#define VATTRIB 2 /* the attribute used for all 'vf' functions */
#define VNCOLOR 3 /* the attribute set for your normal color */
#define VRCOLOR 4 /* the attribute set for your reverse color */
#define VUCOLOR 5 /* the attribute set for your underline color */
#define VICOLOR 6 /* the attribute set for your input color */
#define VNCOLORMENU 7 /* the normal attribute for pull-down menus */
#define VRCOLORMENU 8 /* the reverse attribute for pull-down menus */
#define VUCOLORMENU 9 /* the underline attribute for pull-down menus */
#define VWCOLORMENU 10 /* the border attribute for pull-down windows */
#define VEXITATTRIB 11 /* attribute saved so exiting can use same */
#define VDOWN 12 /* number of rows to come down in 'vfsdo(' */
#define VOVER 13 /* come over to this column for 'vfsdo(' */
#define WROW 14 /* window row for last window made */
#define WCOL 15 /* window column for last window made */
#define WWIDTH 16 /* window width for last window made */
#define WDEPTH 17 /* window depth for last window made */
#define IK_AL_REG 20 /* low byte reg of kbd interrupt in kbint() */
#define IK_AH_REG 21 /* high byte reg of kbd interrupt in kbint() */
#define IKEY 22 /* integer value of last keypress KEY */
#define IKEYU 23 /* integer value of KEYU */
#define IK_EXT 24 /* integer value of K_EXT */
#define IK_CODE 25 /* integer value of keyboard scan code K_CODE */
#define UPPER_SW 26 /* set T forces all keypresses to upper case. */
#define VCLRW_SW 27 /* set T turns off big JJB window */
#define SHOWSETUP_SW 28 /* set T shows jjb_setup() on screen */
#define BEEPOFF_SW 29 /* set T turns off beep */
#define HELPOFF_SW 30 /* set T turns off F1 help. */
#define HEADINGOFF_SW 31 /* set T turns off heading row display */
#define BOTOFF_SW 32 /* set T turns off bottom row display */
#define ALTOFF_SW 33 /* set T turns off ALT key for opt selection */
#define ALTXOFF_SW 34 /* set T disables ALT X to exit to DOS */
#define ALTXSURE_SW 35 /* set T asks question before DOS exit */
#define KBDDEL 40 /* number 1-255 to slow up store_keys( */
#define JDEL 41 /* value of last delay. jdelay(SAME) uses it. */
#define INT_INPUTTED 42 /* number input_num( accepted */
#define DEFAULTOPT 43 /* holds a number from 1 to 50 which refers
to the default option. The default option is
the option JJB will call when it completes
the option it is executing. You may change
this number from any function. */
/* internal JJB variable and switches for the enter( functions */
#define EPTR 44 /* enter pointer */
#define ESTART 45 /* start with this pointer */
#define EMAX 46 /* largest possible pointer for editing */
#define EDSP_SW 47 /* when set T, all enter functions display */
* *
* *
* 'getc( and setc( are the same as the integer function except they *
* fetch and store characters. *
* *
* Do not confuse 'getc(KE)' with 'get_ch()'. The function get_ch() waits *
* for a key to be pressed and then stores the values in the character *
* array under the definitions: KE, KEU, KEE and KCODE. get_ch() also *
* stores the integer equivalent in the integer arrays under the *
* definitions: IKE, IKEU, IKEE and IKCODE. *
* *
* char getc(int); ex: ch = getc(KE); reads last keypress *
* void setc(int,char); setc(USERC1,ch); stores char in USERC1 *
* *
#define CARRYSIZE 10 /* size of the character array */
#define K_AL_REG 81 /* save low byte from last keyboard interrupt */
#define K_AH_REG 82 /* save high byte from last keyboard interrupt */
/* in kbint(), KEY is made equal to K_AL_REG and
K_EXT is made equal to K_AH_REG */
#define KEY 83 /* last keypress character */
#define KEYU 84 /* last keypress taken to upper case */
#define K_EXT 85 /* if KEY= '\0', K_EXT hold byte of extention */
#define K_CODE 86 /* keyboard scan code */
#define REMOVE 87 /* remove key for enter( functions '*' */
/* Note: You may be thinking that KEY above should be defined as 1,
instead of 81. You are correct. However JJB has made it 81 for
a reason.
The get( and set( functions check to make sure that the value being
sent to it is between 0 and 79. If not, an error message will occur.
Therefore if you use 'get(KEY)' instead of the proper 'getc(KEY)',
JJB will catch your error.
'getc(' and 'setc(' substracts 80 from the value being sent to
it before it fetches or stores a character.
/* These are defined for the setting the color functions. */
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2