C/C++ Interactive Guide
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343 lines
# TITLE: Turbo Link Response file object file extractor
# DATE: 09/20/1989;
# VERSION: 1.2;
# DESCRIPTION: "An AWK program which scans a link-configuration
# file and builds a batch file which will in turn
# produce a make-file. Requires the services of a
# source-file dependency generator (such as cincdep)."
# KEYWORDS: Makefile, make, include, dependency generator;
# WARNINGS: "Filenames are assumed to contain only characters from
# the limited set [A-Za-z_0-9.]. Your TLR file must
# contain all of the object files which you want scanned
# for dependencies, as well as the executable file name."
# PolyAwk will generate false matches to lines
# beginning with non-ASCII (i.e. 128..256) chars."
# AUTHORS: James Yehle;
# COMPILERS: PolyAWK, Mortice Kern AWK, Rob Duff's PC-AWK 2.0;
# TLR2mak.awk Last modified Sep 20, 1989 12:54
# Scans an Turbo Link response file to produce a batch file for
# use with cincdep.awk to build a set of make-file dependency lists
# Jim Yehle 753 Left Fork Rd. #B/Sugarloaf Star Route/Boulder, CO 80302 9252
# . . . Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Sep 10 89 JRY -- Released for C User's Group distribution --
# 1.2 Sep 10 89 JRY Added legal-filename-char regular expression
# 1.1 Sep 8 89 JRY Added "verbose" CO output as debug level 1.
# 1.0 Aug 31 89 JRY Initial creation.. adapted from Intel bind-
# configuration file extractor CF2MAK.AWK (v 1.5).
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Usage is:
# awk -f tlr2mak.awk filename.tlr outfile=[path]filename
# lc=command lcf=[p][n][e] [>batchfile]
# where outfile gets the conglomerated dependency generator output
# Order of command-line parameters (save for "-f ..."
# and ">batchfile") is irrelevant, but identifiers must be in lower case.
# lc is the compile command (no spaces allowed)
# lcf controls which components of the source file's name get
# included in the link command line: p = directory path,
# n = name, e = extension.
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Takes a Turbo Link response file as input. Assumes that the portion of the
# TLINK command line containing the object file list and the executable file
# is put into a "Turbo Link Response" file. The linker must be invoked via a
# form such as "TLINK /c c0s @bawk.tlr,bawk.map,emu maths cs", where BAWK.TLR
# might contain "o:\bawk o:\bawkdo o:\bawkact o:\bawkpat o:\bawksym, o:\bawk".
# Alternatively, you could just put the whole business into BAWK.TLR and
# tell the linker "TLINK @bawk.tlr".
# Generates an executable-dependency list at the start of outfile,
# followed by the link command and the primary (executable) file name.
# Extracts all object file names.
# Generates a batch file line, for each object file found, of the form:
# comdpre srcfile "incpath="incpath "objname="file.obj
# "cc="cc "ccf="ccf comdmid outfile comdpost
# unless the source file can't be found, in which case it makes this line:
# comdpre "__NOFILE__ objname="file.obj "cc= ccf= " comdmid outfile comdpost
# The search for the source file covers C files only, but can be easily
# extended to support other languages. (See example in CF2MAK.AWK.)
# Assumes object file names contain only these chars: [A-Za-z0-9_]*.obj
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Turbo Link (response file) rules:
# Lines can be continued by putting a '+' at the end of line
# Unterminated line is taken as a comma
# Turbo Link's command-line invocation form is:
# TLINK /options objfile objfile ..., exefile, mapfile, libfile libfile ...
# Everything past TLINK can come from a response file, as in TLINK @exe.tlr
# Cf2mak supports several languages. Each language must have
# 1) a source file name extension to replace object file extension (.obj)
# 2) a source directory pathname (stuck on front of file name during search)
# 3) an include-file directory whose name to pass to a dependency scanner
# 4) a compiler command to pass to dependency scanner (no spaces allowed)
# 5) controls for filename pathname/extension inclusion in compile command line
# 6) a dependency generator awk program
# Language 1 is C
ext[1] = ".c"
path[1] = "s:\\c\\"
ipath[1] = "s:\\c\\inc\\"
cc[1] = "ccc"
ccf[1] = "n"
depgen[1] = "s:\\awk\\cincdep.awk"
# Set various strings used in building batch-file command lines
# allpre Leading line(s) of entire batch file
# allpost Trailing line(s) of entire batch file
# comment Comment-line lead-in: DOS "REM" or "ECHO", iRMX ";"
# comdpre Command line prefix
# comdmid Command line midle: between source & output file names
# comdpost Command line suffix
# linecont Line-continuation EOL char: snake " /", unix make "\"
# fname_chars Regular expression specifying any single legal char
# which can appear in a file name. Must exclude
# directory path separator character! (DOS \, UNIX /)
allpre = "echo off"
allpost = "echo on"
comment = "echo "
comdpre = "awk -f "
comdmid = " >>"
comdpost = ""
linecont = " \\"
fname_chars = "[^\\\\ :]" # Unix "[^/ ]"; used to use "[A-Za-z0-9_]"
co = "CON" # Console-out: MS-DOS "CON", iRMX ":co:", unix "/dev/tty"
debug = 0 # 0=off, 1=verbose, 2=main-level debug, 3= adds functions
print "tlr2mak.awk Bind configuration object-file extractor v 1.2" > co
outfile = get_cl_param( "outfile=", 0)
lc = get_cl_param( "lc=", 0)
lcf = get_cl_param( "lcf=", 0)
print allpre
field = "objs"
field_end = 0
gsub( /[\t]/, " ", $0) # Tabs -> spaces; re-parse $0
# If line-continuer is glued to a fname, push it into next fname
sub( /\+$/, " +", $0) # (forces re-parsing of $0 into $1..$NF+1)
if (debug>1)
print "Line #" NR " has " NF " fnames:" >co
# Preserve NF, $1..$NF; since sub-functions' getline() will change them
nfnames = NF
for (f = 1; f <= NF; ++f) {
fname[f] = $f
if (debug>1)
print " -> fname[" f "] = '" $f "'." >co
# Process each file name (i.e. word, or $1..$NF) in the line
for (f = 1; f <= nfnames; ++f) {
if (debug>1)
printf( "Processing fname[%d]: '%s'\n", f, fname[f]) >co
if (f==nfnames && fname[f]=="+") {
if (debug>1)
printf("Last fname[%d] == \"+\" (\"%s\")\n", f, fname[f]) >co
if ( fname[f] ~ /^\// ) { # 1st char is '/': its an /option
field_end = 0
if (debug>1)
print " ..it's an option." >co
# If fname ends with a comma, remove it; stop after this fname
field_end = sub( /,$/, "", fname[f] )
if (field=="exe") { # Get executable-file name
# Split executable file name into Path, Name, and Extension components
split_filename( fname[f], exefile, fname_chars)
if (exefile["ext"]=="") { /* Turbo Link assumes ".EXE" extension
if (debug>1)
printf( " \".EXE\" added to executable-name \"%s\"\n",
exefile["path"] exefile["name"] ) >co
if (debug>1)