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$Id: read.me 1.2 90/06/09 18:28:33 marking Exp $
builddec.c build group 3 and group 4 decoding tables
g3g4.h definitions for groups 3 and 4 decoding
g3sdecod.c routines to decode group 3 images using if statements
g3sencod.c routines to encode group 3 images using if statements
g3tdecod.c routines using tables to decode group 3 images
g4sencod.c routines to encode group 4 images using if statements
g4sdecod.c routines to decode group 4 images using if statements
g4tdecod.c routines using tables to decode group 4 images
gnencode.c utilities for the encode routines
read.me this file
This is the first release of the g3g4 utilities. Work in progress
to enhance the capabilities of the toolkit includes table encoding
of group 3 and group 4 images, and some optimization.
A tiff toolkit is also being prepared. Although the routines in this
collection can be used with g3 and g4 images in tiff files, they
have no provision for handling the structure of the files themselves.
The future tiff toolkit will add those features.
Note that the calling sequence of the user-provided support routines
differs slightly from that indicated in the C Users Journal article.
The versions here make indirect calls using pointers, so that at
one time one input routine might be used, and at other times another.
This allows considerably more flexible usage, since the source of
the file can be changed without relinking. The names have been
changed a little to prevent inadvertent use of the old method.
Copyright 1989, 1990 Michael P. Marking, Post Office Box 8039,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85252-8039. All rights reserved.
License is granted by the copyright holder to distribute and use this
code without payment of royalties or the necessity of notification as
long as this notice (all the text under "LEGAL") is included.
Reference: $Id: read.me 1.2 90/06/09 18:28:33 marking Exp $
This program is offered without any warranty of any kind. It includes
no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. Testing and
suitability for any use are the sole responsibility of the user.
Although there is no support offered with these programs, the author
will endeavor to correct errors. Updates will also be made available
from time to time.
Contact: Michael P. Marking, Post Office Box 8039, Scottsdale, Arizona
85252-8039 USA. Replies are not guaranteed to be swift. Beginning
July 1990, e-mail may be sent to uunet!ipel!marking.
Also beginning in July 1990, this code will be archived at the
ipel!phoenix BBS in file g3g4.zoo. The 24-hour telephone number
for 300/1200/2400 is (602)274-0462. When logging in, specify user
"public", system "bbs", and password "public".
This code is also available from the C Users Group in volume 317.
$Log: read.me $
\" Revision 1.2 90/06/09 18:28:33 marking
\" update for release
\" Revision 1.1 89/06/09 17:56:42 marking
\" Initial revision
-- end read.me