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463 lines
SE - Stack Editor
Summary of key usage
^A word left
^B reserved for unimplemented block marking operations
^C or PgDn window down one page
^D or <left arrow> cursor left one character
^E or <up arrow> cursor up one line
^F cursor right one word
^G or <Del> delete character under cursor
^H or <Backspace> delete character to left of cursor
^I or <Tab> tab right
^J jump to line n or mark current line for next jump
^K block manipulations
B block moves
Q quit
w=write file
a=abandon edited file (also F9)
X write file and exit to system (also F10)
R read and insert disc file
^L, F3, F4 repeat last find/alter
^N line break (<ret> is preferred)
^O pop a copy of last deleted line.
^P pop last deleted line
^Q 'quick' options
A find and replace (see also F6)
F find (see also F6)
K editing context (tabs, files, etc.)
P reform paragraphs per dot commands
^R or <PgUp> window up one page
^S or <left arrow> cursor left one character
^T delete word
^U or ^<left arrow> cursor full left
(moves window left if already full left)
^V or <ins> character insert/overlay toggle (transitory)
^W window up one line
^X or <dn arrow> cursor down one line
^Y delete from cursor to end of line (delete line if full left)
^Z window down one line
^[ same as escape key
^- undo the last 100 changes on a line-by-line basis. (+, not
ctrl+, becomes redo in this mode)
<home> window to beginning of file
<end> window to end of file
^] or ^<right arrow> cursor full right. (moves window right if already
full right)
<esc> cancel or abort command, nothing if no partial command.
F1 help menu (toggles)
F2 Initiate string search or search and replace
F3 repeat last search or search & replace backward (same as forward ^L)
F4 repeat last search or search & replace forward (same as backward ^L)
F5 unused
F6 Center window on cursor (horizontally and vertically)
F7 option selection
F8 directory display
F9 exit without saving (same as ^KQ)
F10 save the current file and exit (same as ^KX)
.rm 80
The use of the carriage return is a little different than Wordstar. First, it
operates the same in the character insert and character overlay mode. It is
used to break lines into two lines. ^N will also do that, but ^N will eventually
be used to push/delete the remainder of sentences spanning more than one line,
so <ret> is the prime key for breaking lines.
When a line is broken the cursor normally ends up on the lower line, which is
the latter portion of the original line. An exception occurs when the cursor is
initially in column 1, in which case it stays on the new blank line created by
the line break, in preparation for the entry of new text.
^Y deletes from the cursor to the end of the line rather than the entire line.
Use ^U first (as needed) to move the cursor full left to delete the entire line.
Characters are inserted into the existing text in the default mode. The <ins>
and ^V keys are used to enter the overlay mode, where the character under
the cursor is replaced by the new character. The overlay mode is usually
used for editing tables with a rigid format. The simplest way to change
one or two characters in existing text is to insert the new characters
then delete the old, rather than entering the overlay mode first. The
word OVER appears in the header when in the character replace mode, and
the mode is transitory. Any cursor positioning command which moves the
cursor more than 10 lines in a single step causes reversion to the insert
Lines are concatenated by deleting any character to the right of the rightmost
visible character with ^G or <del>. That is the only way of concatenating
lines. The program has free cursor movement, so the right arrow and ^] can be
used to move the cursor beyond the visible end of the line. Line concatenation
works the same way there, except the point of concatenation is the cursor
position rather than the last visible character. If the last character of the
line is on the screen then the ^] command will move the cursor to just beyond
The ^O (pop a copy) and ^P (pop) stack operations pop the lines pushed with ^Y.
The cursor must be in column 1 for a push to occur. The stack will hold 100
lines. This version contains a preliminary version of the stack operations and
there are some restrictions, which are given in the read.me file. The functions
will be refined and expanded in a future release.
The default file extensions are .c and .doc. The extension for the input file
need not be specified if it is one of these.
The <esc> key will cancel all prompted ^K and ^Q queries. It will also abort a
string search or search and replace operation. It can also be used to
exit the help mode. The escape key has no effect if there is nothing
to abort.
The program will rarely automatically scroll horizontally with the default
options. That is sometimes an inconvenience when editing documents with short
lines, but is essential when editing material with lines mostly longer than 80
columns. Use ^] and ^U repetitively to move the cursor horizontally in large
chunks. F6 is often more convenient.
The program takes 0x0D as the input file end of line marker. The 0x0A is
ignored, although normally there. The output file is always the standard 0D 0A.
There is a DOS ambiguity in the way the end of file character appears in the
file. The trailing characters in the last line can be either "text" 0D 0A 1A or
"text 1A". Most programs don't care which way it is, but the selection is
controllable. If the <end> key carries the cursor to a line containing visible
characters then that line is terminated by ^Z but not by a carriage return and
line feed. The selection is controllable by the normal editing commands.
The primary file is never altered by the program. A copy is first produced,
then the primary file is renamed to the .bak extension and the copy renamed to
the original name.
When using a fixed disc system it is usually preferable to exit after saving the
text file. With floppies the process of reloading the program can be tedious
enough that an easy way of saving or abandoning a file and staying resident is
better. The commands are optimized for a fixed disc system, but it is possible
to stay resident. If a file is to be abandoned, type in a garbage character
before entering F9 or ^KQ. The ensuing prompted inputs will allow you to
discard the text in memory and stay resident. Similarly, also enter F9 or ^KQ,
which are normally used to abandon a file, when you really want to save it and
stay resident. The program will not exit on one keystroke if changes have been
made to the file. It will otherwise.
The program line limit in large systems is 16384 lines. In smaller systems the
maximum number of lines is roughly the number of bytes of allocatable memory
divided by 4. The lines of text are kept in a temporary disc file when they
can't be stored in RAM, but each line on disc still requires 4 bytes in RAM. Up
to 500 kb of RAM will be used for text storage if available, with a 5-10 percent
overhead for line pointers.
A second limit is the virtual memory size limitation of 1500 2048-byte pages, or
3 megabytes. The pages are kept preferentially in RAM, with the most recently
accessed pages being there to minimize acc