C/C++ Interactive Guide
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/* Copyright (c) James L. Pinson 1990,1991 */
/********************** L_GETFLD.C ***************************/
#include "mydef.h"
#include "stdio.h"
Usage: char getfield( char *string, int inlength, int start,
char attribute);
char *string= string to edit (if empty "" then accepts new text.
int inlength= maximum string length allowed.
int start= position within string to start editing.
char attribute= text attribute to use to highlight field.
Allows input of text. If *string contains text, then *string
may be edited.
Editing keys (home,end etc) allowed.
char getfield(char *string,int inlength,int start, char attribute)
extern struct screen_structure scr;
extern struct window_structure w[];
int width;
char left[255], right[255], chip[255];
char ch=' ',ext2=' ';
int i,x,y,orig_x,orig_y,temp_x,temp_y;
int insert=FALSE;
int letter=0,len_left=0, len_right=0;
int return_code;
int old_attribute=scr.current;
scr.current=attribute; /* use specified attribute */
wherexy(&orig_x,&orig_y); /* save original cursor position */
x=orig_x;y=orig_y; /* set x,y to current cursor location */
hilight_field(x,y,inlength,attribute); /* highlight input area */
width=scr.right-scr.left +1; /* get the width of the window */
chip[0]= '\0'; left[0]= '\0';right[0]= '\0';
if(start>i) /* break up string into left and right
components, depending on the requested
start position */
print(x,y,left); /* print left string */
wherexy(&x,&y); /* store cursor edit position */
print_here(right); /* print right string */
gotoxy(x,y); /* move cursor back to edit location */
for (;;){ /* begin input cycle */
ext2= 0; ch= 0;letter=0;
len_left=strlen(left); /* get string lengths */
len_right = strlen(right);
if (ch >=32) letter =TRUE;
if (ext2 == INSERT){ /* toggle inset/overtype mode */
insert = !insert;
if(insert) cursor(2); /* make big cursor to show insert */
else cursor(1);
if(len_right>0) trim_right(right); /* Trim trailing blanks
so we avoid problems
with the insert
feature. */
len_left=strlen(left); len_right = strlen(right);
if (!letter){ /* not regular letter */
if (ext2 == LEFT && len_left >0){ /* if it is a left arrow */
chip_right(chip,left,1); /* remove end of left and */
strcat(chip,right); /* add to right */
x--; len_left--;
if (ext2 == HOME && len_left >0){ /* home */
strcat(left,right); /* concat stings */
strcpy(right,left); /* copy combined strings to right */
len_left = 0; /* set left length variable to zero */
len_right = len_left+len_right; /* set new right length */
left[0] ='\0'; /* set left string to "" */
x=orig_x; y=orig_y; /* move cursor to beginning of field */
if (ext2 == END){ /* end */
print (x,y,right); /* print right part of string */
wherexy(&x,&y); /* get cursor location */
strcat(left,right); /* combine left and right in left */
len_right = 0; /* new length to be zero */
len_left = len_left+len_right; /* new right length */
right[0] ='\0'; /* right ="" */
if (ext2 == RIGHT && len_right> 0){ /* if it is right arrow */
chip_left(chip,right,1); /* chip left end off right sting */
strcat (left,chip); /* add it to left string */
x++; /* update cursor location */
len_right++; /* adjust length */
gotoxy(x,y); /* move cursor */
if (ext2 == DELETE && len_right >0){ /* delete */
chip_left(chip,right,1); /* chip left end of right string */
len_right--; /* update length */
} /* end if not letter */
if (ch == BACKSPACE && len_left >0) { /* if it is backspace */
chip_right(chip,left,1); /* chip right end of left string */
x--; /* up-date cursor */
len_left--; /* up-date length */
/* enter here if it is letter */
if (letter){
/* insert mode on and no room for char */
if ((insert && (len_left +len_right >= inlength))){
putchar(BELL); letter = 0; /* no room for char */
if(insert){ /* insert mode on */
x++; /* update cursor location */
/* add char to string */
left[len_left++] = ch; left[len_left]= '\0';
if(!insert){ /* in overtype mode */
if( len_left ==inlength){ /* no room for character */
putchar(BELL); /* "beep" the user */
letter =0;
/* add new character, overtype old character */
chip_left(chip,right,1); /* chip off left end of
right string */
left[len_left++] = ch ;/* add new character */
left[len_left]= '\0';
len_right--; /* record new right length */
} /* not insert */
} /* end if (letter) */
/* check for boundry conditions */
if (x<1 && y == orig_y) x=1; else
if (x<1){ y--; x=width;}
if (x>width){ /* have we reached the end of the window ? */
if (ext2 == LEFT || ext2 == RIGHT|| ext2 == HOME) gotoxy(x,y);
/* if backspace or delete then redraw the line */
if( ch == BACKSPACE || ext2 == DELETE){
temp_x=x; temp_y=y;
/* print right string (don't move cursor) */
/* print blanks to cover old trailing text */
dma_print(&temp_x,&temp_y," ");
if (letter ){
chip[0]=ch;chip[1]='\0'; /* turn character into string */
print_here(chip); /* print string at current location */
wherexy(&x,&y); /* get new location */
if (insert){
temp_x=x; temp_y=y;
if (ch==ESCAPE || ext2 == UP || ext2 == DOWN) break;
if (ext2 == PGUP || ext2 == PGDN) break;
if (ch==RETURN /*|| ext2 == UP || ext2 == DOWN*/) break;
} /* end of for loop */
case UP :return_code=UP;break;
case DOWN:return_code=DOWN;break;
case PGUP:return_code=PGUP;break;
case PGDN:return_code=PGDN;break;
if (ch==RETURN) return_code = RETURN;
if (ch==ESCAPE) return_code = ESCAPE;
cursor(NORMAL_CURSOR); /* set normal cursor */
Usage: static hilight_field (int x, int y, int length,
char attribute);
int x,y = column,row to place highlighted field.
int length= length of highlighted area.
char *attribute= text attribute to use for highlighted area.
Creates a highlighted area on the screen.
void hilight_field (int x, int y, int length, char attribute)
extern struct screen_structure scr;
extern struct window_structure w[];
char hilight[MAX_STRING];
int i;
char old_attribute=scr.current; /* save current attribute */
scr.current=attribute; /* set current attribute */