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C/C++ Source or Header
231 lines
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* File : DIOTST01.C
* Creator : Blake Miller
* Version : 01.01.00 February 1991
* Language : Microsoft C Version 5.1
* Purpose : Intel 8255 Compatible Digital IO Functions
* : Test Program #1
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Link : DIOLIB?.LIB
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Revision History:
* 022891 BVM : Change int to short.
* 091190 BVM : Creation
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define P_NAME "DIOTST01"
#define P_TITL "DIOLIB Digital IO Function Demonstration"
#define P_AUTH "Blake Miller"
#define P_VERS "01.01.00"
#define P_DATE "February 28, 1991"
#define P_PURP "Toggle bits at the 8255"
/* Include Files ----------------------------*/
#define DIOTST01_C_DEFINED 1
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "DIOLIB.H"
/* Function Prototype -----------------------*/
void kb_dump (void); /* keyboard flush function */
void kb_wait (void); /* keypress wait / message */
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function Definition
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void main (void)
short i; /* counter */
short bitnum; /* bit number */
short bstate; /* bit state */
char s[32]; /* gets buffer */
unsigned char prtbyt; /* port byte */
DIODAT dioprt; /* port data */
/* Print Program Header
printf ("\n" );
printf ("Program : %s - %s.\n", P_NAME, P_TITL );
printf ("Author : %s\n", P_AUTH );
printf ("Version : %s %s\n", P_VERS, P_DATE );
printf ("Purpose : %s.\n", P_PURP );
printf ("\n" );
printf ("This program will fiddle with the bits of the 8255.\n");
printf ("\n");
/* Prompt user for address of the 8255.
* Exit if an empty string is entered.
printf ("NOTE: 300 Hex is 768 in decimal.\n");
printf ("Enter the base address of the 8255 in decimal : ");
gets (s);
if ( *s == 0 ){
printf ("Empty string detected. Exiting...\n");
exit (0);
i = atoi(s); /* get address of board */
dio_init (&dioprt, i); /* initialize port data */
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* Digital Output Demonstration
* --------------------------------------------------------
printf ("\n" );
printf ("Digital Output Demonstration.\n");
printf ("Set up output detection circuitry on ANY of the 8255\n");
printf ("output lines. They will be toggled, flashed, etc.\n");
printf ("ALL lines will be set for output so remove any driving\n");
printf ("(INPUT) circuitry at this time, please.\n");
dio_config (&dioprt, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* all ports output */
printf ("Clear all bits in digital IO...\n");
dio_dump_bytes (&dioprt); /* all bits clear */
printf ("Toggle bits in digital IO...\n");
bitnum = 0;
while ( 1 ){
if ( kbhit() ) break;
dio_bitput (&dioprt, bitnum, 0); /* clear bit (OFF) */
bitnum = (bitnum % 24); /* bits from 0 to 23 */
dio_bitput (&dioprt, bitnum, 1); /* set bit (ON ) */
for ( i = 0; i < 200; i++ ){
printf ("......\r");
printf ("Set all bits in digital IO...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTA, 0xFF);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTB, 0xFF);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0xFF);
printf ("Clear all bits in digital IO...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTA, 0);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTB, 0);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0);
printf ("Set all bits in digital IO Port A...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTA, 0xFF);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTA, 0);
printf ("Set all bits in digital IO Port B...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTB, 0xFF);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTB, 0);
printf ("Set all bits in digital IO Port C Low...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0x0F);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0);
printf ("Set all bits in digital IO Port C High...\n");
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0xF0);
dio_put_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, 0x00);
/* --------------------------------------------------------
* Digital Input Demonstration
* --------------------------------------------------------
printf ("\n" );
printf ("Digital Input Demonstration.\n");
printf ("Set up some input circuitry on ANY of the 8255\n");
printf ("digital I/O lines. They will be sensed.\n");
printf ("ALL lines will be set for input so remove any detection\n");
printf ("(OUTPUT) circuitry at this time, please.\n");
dio_config (&dioprt, 1, 1, 1, 1); /* all ports input */
dio_load_bytes (&dioprt); /* all bits read */
printf ("Read ALL bits in digital IO...\n");
for ( bitnum = 0; bitnum <= 23; bitnum++ ){
dio_bitget (&dioprt, bitnum, &bstate);
printf ("Bit %2d is ", bitnum);
if ( bstate ) printf ("SET \n");
else printf ("CLEAR\n");
printf ("Set any new input configuration before all ports\n");
printf ("will be sensed and the settings printed out.\n");
dio_get_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTA, &prtbyt);
printf ("Data for Port A is %02X\n", (unsigned int) prtbyt);
dio_get_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTB, &prtbyt);
printf ("Data for Port B is %02X\n", (unsigned int) prtbyt);
dio_get_byte (&dioprt, DIO_PORTC, &prtbyt);
printf ("Data for Port C is %02X\n", (unsigned int) prtbyt);
printf ("That is the end of this demonstration program.\n");
exit ( 0 );
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Support Function Definitions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/*- Flush Keyboard ----------------------------**
* Check for keypress, and read them out of
* the buffer until there are no more.
void kb_dump (void)
while ( kbhit() ){ /* key was pressed */
if ( (getch() == 0x00) || /* read out keypress */
(getch() == 0xE0) )
getch(); /* no function key codes */
/*- Keyboard Wait ----------------------------**
* Flush keyboard.
* Print blank line, then print a message to press
* spacebar to continue, then wait for keypress, then
* erase message and return.
void kb_wait (void)
kb_dump ();
printf ("\r\n");
printf ("[ PRESS <SPACE-BAR> TO CONTINUE ]\r");
if ( getch() == 0 ) getch();
printf (" \r");
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* END DIOTST01.C Source File
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------