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Threaded-Height-Balanced Trees Library
TAVL-trees for short
Copyright (c) 1991 Bert C. Hughes
The source files on this disk are an implementation of a hybrid data
structure, the "threaded height-balanced" tree, or tavl-tree. The AVL
in "tavl" stands for Adelson-Velskii-Landis, inventors of the height-balanced
tree in 1962. A.J.Perlis and C.Thornton developed the idea of threaded
binary trees as early as 1960. I simply combined these two well-known
concepts to develop the TAVLtree library.
The height-balanced tree, or AVL-tree, is an improvement on the traditional
binary tree (not to be confused with B-trees). As items are inserted into
the traditional binary tree, the structure of the tree may degrade into some-
thing resembling a linked list, so that retrieval performance suffers. AVL
trees right this wrong by rebalancing the tree as necessary whenever items are
inserted or deleted.
With traditional binary trees and AVL trees it is not efficient to move from
any given node to its successor or predecessor. To find the successor of a
given node in a binary or AVL tree, you must walk through the entire tree
"in-order" until you arrive at the node whose successor you wish to find,
then the next "in-order" node is the desired successor. Finding the
predecessor is done similarly. Threaded binary trees solve this problem
by replacing the nil links in leaf & half-leaf nodes with links to the
node's "inorder" successor (or predecessor or both). "Threads" are
distinguished from links with an additional 2 bit field in each node; one
bit for each child link. With this additional information, the procedure
for moving to a successor node becomes simple, and does not require a stack
or recursion:
function node_succ(P: node_ptr): node_ptr;
variable Q: node_ptr;
1: Q := RightChild(P); /* if P's right ptr is a thread all done */
2: if (Is_A_Link(RightChild(P)))
3: while (Is_A_Link(LeftChild(Q))) /* get leftmost most of */
4: Q := LeftChild(Q); /* P's right subtree - */
5: node_succ := Q; /* that is P's successor */
A rough order analysis is as follows:
First, assume the tree is perfectly balanced, so that 1/2 of all
nodes are "leaf" nodes, 1/4 are at the next level up, 1/8 in the
next level, etc. This is approximately true with height balanced
trees. Statement (2) is always executed, and 1/2 the time state-
ment (2) is false so we are finished. If not, the "while" loop
is entered, and 1/4 the time it is tested once before success,
1/8 the time twice, etc. So the order (big O) is:
Sum = (1 * (1/2)) + (2 * (1/4)) + (3 * (1/8)) + ... + (n * (1/2)power(n))
or Sum = 2, for O(1), which is same order as an ordinary linked list.
TAVLTREE.DOC Reference for TAVL library functions
READ.ME This file! General info
HISTORY.TXT History of revisions.
TAVL_TCC.MAK Sample "make" file for compiling libraries with Turbo C
TAVL_BCC.MAK Sample "make" file for compiling libraries with Borland C++
sample programs
SORTX.C A working replacement for MS-DOS "Sort". Much faster,
and it won't bomb on large input files.
data files for the examples:
WORDLIST | word list data file for example1, example2
SHORTLST | word list data file for example3
EMPLDATA | employee data file for example4, example5
TAVL library: all library files are named TAVL*.C or TAVL*.H
TAVLTREE.H Include this header file in all your applications;
contains prototypes for all TAVL library functions.
TAVLINIT.C "tavl_init"
TAVL_INS.C "tavl_insert"
TAVL_DEL.C "tavl_delete"
TAVLFIND.C "tavl_find"
TAVL_RST.C "tavl_reset"
TAVLSUCC.C "tavl_succ"
TAVLPRED.C "tavl_pred"
TAVLFREE.C "tavl_destroy"
TAVLDALL.C "tavl_delete_all"
TAVL_SDT.C "tavl_setdata"
TAVL_GDT.C "tavl_getdata"
TAVLPRIV.H Private header for compiling the library; do NOT
include this in your application.
TAVLREBL.C "rebalance_tavl" - private routine used by
"tavl_insert" and "tavl_delete"
No registration is required for any use whatsoever of the
TAVLTREE library. I, Bert C. Hughes, have donated this
package to the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
However, I invite and welcome comments and critisms. Send same to:
Bert Hughes
J&B Consulting Services
200 N. Saratoga
St. Paul, MN 55104
I may also be contacted via Compuserve Mail. My ID is 71211,577.
References & Bibliography
Holub, Allen "An AVL Tree Database Package",
C Chest Column
Aug. 86, Dr.Dobbs Journal
Horowitz & Sahni Fundamentals of Data Structures, see Chap. 5, Sec. 6:
Computer Science Press Threaded Binary Trees
and Chap. 9, Sec. 2:
Dynamic Tree Tables
Jarvis, Bob "Balanced Binary Trees in C++",
Jan. 91, C User's Journal
Mathews, James "Threaded Binary Trees"
Mar. 88, Dr.Dobbs Journal