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// STRPPREP.CPP contains String::replace()
// routine to replace all occurences of char *original with char *replace.
// lengths of two strings do not have to be equal.
// detection of char *ori obeys String::caseSens
// METHOD: This is a table driven routine.
// The table is a list of all positions in *this where ori occurs.
// The table is allocated dynamically,
// large enough to hold the maximum number of occurences = this->n
// The table is filled in by repeated calls to String::findstr()
// which looks for successive occurences of ori.
// Computing size following replacements
// A new string is allocated
// The first bytes of *this are moved in up to the first occurence.
// LOOP for each occurence:
// move in the replacement string.
// move in bytes from the *this string after current occurence
// and before next occurence.
// swap strings. free workareas.
// D Blum 8/90
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "wtwg.h"
#include "dblib.h"
static char NULLstring =0;
String& String::replace (char *ori, char *rep)
int sn = n;
char *ss = s;
if ( ori == NULL ) ori = &NULLstring;
int lo = strlen (ori);
if ( rep==NULL ) rep = &NULLstring;
int lr = strlen (rep);
int lresult; // number of bytes in result string.
int k=0; // count occurences of ori in *this.
char *stmp; // the new string to build up
char *stmp_p, *ss_p; // position ptr in string stmp and ss;
int this_pos, next_pos, interval;
// make sure that original string and *this string are not NULL
// (see end of routine)
if ( lo == 0 || sn == 0 ) return *this;
// position array - one int for each occurence of ori in *this.
// maximum possible number of occurences is #bytes in *this.
int *pos;
pos = (int*) wmalloc ( sizeof(int)*sn, "String::replace" );
// fill in array with all occurences.
this_pos =-1;
do {
// NOTE somewhat complicated indexing
// guarantees stepping past last occurence detected.
// this_pos starts at -1 so that this_pos+1 starts at 0.
interval = findstr(ss+this_pos+1, sn-this_pos-1, ori);
if ( interval >= 0 )
this_pos += 1+interval; // compensate for the +1 in findstr()
pos[k++] = this_pos;
else break;
while ( k< sn );
if ( k== 0 ) return *this; // none found.
// allocate a new string large enough to hold result of replacements.
lresult = sn + k*(lr-lo); // old len + #bytes change.
stmp = (char*)wmalloc ( lresult+1, "String::replace" );
// copy all of *this that precedes first occurrence of *ori.
// NOTE use next_pos here
// so that loop that follows can move next_pos into this_pos
next_pos = pos[0];
if ( next_pos > 0 )
memcpy ( stmp, ss, next_pos );
stmp_p = stmp + next_pos; // move ptrs in result string
ss_p = ss + next_pos; // and source string by amount just moved.
int i=0;
do {
this_pos = next_pos;
// move in rep string, incr two ptrs at different rates.
memcpy ( stmp_p, rep, lr );
ss_p += lo; // source ptr moves by size of original (bypassed)
stmp_p += lr; // result ptr moves by size of replacement.
if ( i<k ) // there's another occurence coming up
next_pos = pos[i];
// test for intervening bytes in source between the two occurences
interval = next_pos - this_pos - lo;
if ( interval > 0 )
memcpy ( stmp_p, ss_p, interval);
ss_p += interval;
stmp_p += interval;
// all occurences have been moved.
// move any possible remainder of the source string
// that follows the last occurence.
interval = sn -this_pos -lo;
if ( interval > 0 )
memcpy ( stmp_p, ss_p, interval );
// dont need to move ptrs - at end of loop
while ( 1 ); // NOTE break statement above.
stmp [ lresult ] = 0;
free (s); // NOTE we already know s is not NULL.
free ( pos );
s = stmp; // setup 'this' to point to result.
n = lresult;
return *this;
} // end of String::replace()