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// VECTOR.H - a library of C++ routines for manipulating VECTORS
// which are ordered arrays of real or complex numbers.
#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#include <math.h>
#include <values.h> // MINFLOAT, MAXFLOAT
#include <complex.h>
#ifndef SMALL_VAL
#define SMALL_VAL (1e-30)
#define LARGE_VAL (1e+30)
#ifndef PI
#define PI M_PI
class CVector; // forward reference to confer friend status.
class Matrix;
class CMatrix;
class Vector
int n; float *v;
friend CVector;
friend Matrix;
friend CMatrix;
Vector(int=0); // initialize n elements to zero
Vector(int i, float minval, float maxval)
{Vector *vptr=new Vector (i); n=i; v=vptr->v; base(minval, maxval); };
Vector( Vector& ); // copy Constructor
void realloc ( int=0 ); // change size of vector
// ways to address components
float operator[](int i) { return v[i]; }; // value lookup
operator float*() { return v; }; // cast to float
float * data() {return v; };
int dim() { return n; }; // dimension
float set(int i, float f=0) { v[i]=f; return f; } // assign into.
float get(int i) { return v[i]; }
Vector& operator=(Vector&); // assign Vector to Vector
Vector& operator=(float); // assign float to Vector
Vector& operator+=(float); // add to Vector... a float
Vector& operator+=(Vector&); // ... a Vector
Vector& operator*=(float); // multiply Vector by scalar.
Vector& operator*=(Vector&); // form inner product of 2 V's.
Vector& operator-=(float);
Vector& operator-=(Vector&);
Vector& operator/=(float); // checks for zero divide.
friend float sum (Vector&, int=0, int=-1 );
// sum between point1 and point2
// if point2 == -1, sums to end of V.
friend float norm (Vector&, int=0, int=-1 );
// norm between point1 and point2
// if point2 == -1, sums to end of V.
Vector& rotate ( int phase ); // rotate phase# of pts to the left, wraps.
Vector& reverse ( void ); // reverse vector in place. VECRVRS.CPP
void base ( float minval, float maxval ); // fill in linear interp.
void show (char *title); // VECSHOW.CPP
// cross correlation between 2 vectors. results placed in r & t.
// found in VECCORLT.CPP
friend void correlate ( Vector&, Vector&, float *r, float *t );
}; // end definition of class Vector.
// graphVector () - popup window with graph of vector
// Xbase is used to label the X axis. default is V.n
// Window is auto-centering.
void graphVector( Vector&, char *title=NULL, float Xbase= -1, int seg_win=10 );
class CVector // Complex Vectors.
int ispolar;
Vector x;
Vector y;
void rectify(void); // make sure all mags are + if polar
// ie: if CVector is polar,
// flip angles to make mags>0
// source: VECZRECT.CPP
// source for assignment, addition, multiplication: VECZ.CPP
CVector(int i=0) // initialize n elements to zero
: x(i), y(i) { ispolar=0; };
CVector( Vector& xv ) // initialize from a real Vector
: x(xv), y(xv.n) { ispolar =0; };
CVector( CVector& zv )
: x(zv.x), y(zv.y) {ispolar = zv.ispolar;}; // copy constructor.
// construct CVectors with linear interpolation of values.
CVector ( int i, float minval, float maxval )
: x(i,minval,maxval), y(i) {ispolar=0;};
CVector ( int i, complex minval, complex maxval )
: x(i,real(minval),real(maxval)), y(i,imag(minval),imag(maxval))
// no destructor needed.
// taken care of by Vector class.
void realloc (int i =0) // change size of Cvector
{ x.realloc(i), y.realloc(i);};
// ways to address components
complex operator[](int i) { return complex(x[i],y[i]); };
int dim() { return x.dim(); }; // dimension
friend Vector& real ( CVector& vec ) {return vec.x; };
friend Vector& imag ( CVector& vec ) {return vec.y; };
complex set(int i, complex z)
x.set(i, real(z));
y.set(i, imag(z));
return z;
complex set(int i, float rl, float im=0)
x.set(i, rl);
y.set(i, im);
return complex (rl,im);
complex get(int i) { return complex(x[i], y[i] ); } // like []
CVector& operator=(CVector&); // assign CVector to CVector
CVector& operator=(Vector&); // assign real Vector to CVector
CVector& operator=(float); // assign float to CVector
CVector& operator=(complex); // assign complex to CVector
CVector& operator+=(float); // add to CVector... a float
CVector& operator+=(complex); // add to CVector... a complex
CVector& operator+=(Vector&); // ... a Vector
CVector& operator+=(CVector&); // ... a CVector
CVector& operator*=(float); // multiply CVector by scalar.
CVector& operator*=(complex); // multiply CVector by complex scalar.
CVector& operator*=(CVector&); // form inner product of 2 CV's.
CVector& operator-=(float); // source: VECZSUB.CPP
CVector& operator-=(complex);
CVector& operator-=(Vector&); // subtract real part from CVector.
CVector& operator-=(CVector&);
CVector& operator/=(float); // source: VECZDIV.CPP
CVector& operator/=(complex); // checks for zero divide.
friend complex sum (CVector&, int=0, int=-1 );
// sum between point1 and point2
// if point2 == -1, sums to end of V.
// source: VECZSUM.CPP
friend float norm (CVector&, int=0, int=-1 );
// norm between point1 and point2
// if point2 == -1, sums to end of V.
// source: VECZNORM.CPP
CVector& rotate (int phase) {x.rotate(phase);y.rotate(phase);return *this;};
CVector& reverse (void) { x.reverse(); y.reverse(); return *this; };
// polar 2 rectangular conversions and vice versa.
void ToPolar ( void ); // angle ranges -PI to PI
void ToRect ( void );
void PhaseCenter ( float new_min_phase = -PI ); // adjust all phases
}; // end of definition of CVector.
// conversions for single complex numbers. performed in place
void ToPolar ( complex& );
void ToRect ( complex& );
void PhaseCenter ( complex& , float new_min_phase = -PI);
// extraction of eeg buffered, interleaved data to single channel Vector form.
// v = this Vector of pre-set size will be filled with eeg data
// scan and chan indicated start scan in buffer and channel number to use
// skip defines number of points to average together
// from eeg buffer for each newly created vector point.
// vector is shorter than eeg by factor of skip.
// source: EEG2VEC.CPP
void eeg2Vector ( Vector& v, int scan, int chan, int skip =1 );
#endif // end of VECTOR_H