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- TES:All my life I have been searching by Ben Wilkinson
- I have searched everywhere I know and have done a lot of things, but
- I have never found it. Yet I MUST have it. I must find something to
- bring me lasting peace, happiness and purpose in life. Someone has told
- me the answer to my longing is to become a Christian. I am frankly
- skeptical and doubtful. If I am to be honest, however, I must examine
- this way also to see if this is the answer. The big question is . . .
- I am going to be honest with myself and God. I believe in God. I
- know the Bible is His Word and is true. As I search it for the way to
- become a child of His, a Christian, it says that first, there must come
- the honest and sincere conviction that . . .
- The Bible says that sin is the failure to be what God wants me to be
- and to fail to do what He wants me to do. Then it points out that I was
- born a sinner.
- "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother
- conceived me." (Psalm 51:5 NKJ)
- I have a sinful heart and soul. I have chosen and practiced sin. I
- have rebelled against God and neglected what He wants me to do. (Isaiah
- 53:6, Jeremiah 17:9)
- "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans
- 3:23).
- I am lost away from God. One result of going on as a sinner lost
- away from God is misery as long as I live. I am not really happy,
- contented or peaceful. Instead I have a deepseated misery. I am afraid
- of dying, because I know that when I die, God will judge my sin.
- And the Bible tells me that if I continue in my sins, I will be
- condemned to Hell. (Matthew 5:22 & 27-30; 7:13-14; 10:28; 13:37-43 &
- 47-50; 18:3-11; 25:31-46. The number before the ":" is the chapter. The
- numbers after the ":" are verses.)
- I need to be saved FROM this misery, this fear of death, and this
- Hell. Further, I need to be saved FOR happiness and inner peace in this
- life, contentedness and comfort at death, and heaven in eternity.
- "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
- in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
- My immediate reaction is to say that it's not so! But when I closely
- examine my life and the Bible, I know it is. Then my reaction is that
- I'll start doing something about it. I'll start being good; I'll try to
- live by the Ten Commandments; I'll turn over a new leaf and try to do
- better. I'll be baptized and join the church. But the Bible says I must
- realize that . . .
- I find that striving to keep the Law (the Ten Commandments), trying
- to deserve God's mercy and good pleasure with good works, hoping to
- earn salvation or part of salvation through being a good person, a good
- neighbor, treating everybody right, being about as good as the next
- person, or going through the steps to membership in the church, all are
- useless as far as becoming a saved child of God.
- Good works, moral living, church affiliation, Christian service,
- etc., cannot save us; but they will come as an outgrowth of salvation.
- "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of
- yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should
- boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good
- works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
- (Ephesians 2:8-10. See also Proverbs 14:12, Romans 3:28, James 2:10,
- Isaiah 64:6, and Titus 3:5.)
- It seems that the ground is sinking beneath me. All I have counted
- important and necessary, everything I have depended on now does me no
- good. In this most crucial time, I'm alone, helpless, and without
- hope--until I see that . . .
- The Bible says that it is not hopeless. Even when I was a sinner
- deserving God's wrath, He loved me.
- "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were
- still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
- There are two truths here for me. (1) Sin's penalty had to be paid
- (look back at Rom. 6:23). (2) I am a sinner, but God loves me, so God
- provided a way, the only way, for me to be saved (see John 14:6, Acts
- 4:12). In order to pay the penalty for my sin and make me a saved child
- of God, Jesus came into the world, born without sin, born of the Holy
- Spirit, and born of a virgin. In living, He was tempted like I am
- tempted, yet He never sinned. Finally, the main reason for which He
- came, He was crucified on the cross.
- As He went through the suffering of the cross, death, and descending
- He got what I deserved. If I will receive Him, it was to pay for my sin
- that He suffered all this (I Peter 2:24). And, then He arose from the
- dead the third day proving He was who He said--the Son of God--and that
- He had done what He said--defeat Satan and sin, his power and its
- penalty.
- This He did for me! (John 3:16-18; I Peter 3:19)
- Today He is in Heaven talking to the Father in my behalf. One day
- soon He will return for me. (John 14:1-3)
- Oh, what love to me! Oh, what power for me! All this for me! But no,
- not yet. I find that honestly and sincerely
- "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your
- heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For
- with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth
- confession is made to salvation." (Romans 10:9-10; see also Acts
- 16:30-31.)
- The Bible says it is not enough to "believe in God, " because the
- devils also believe and tremble (James 2:19). As I look further, I find
- then that my mental assent--accepting that the facts are true--is not
- enough. The Bible uses believing or having faith in or trusting Christ
- as the same act. This is a decision of my will enabled by the Holy
- Spirit. For me to believe in Him (have faith in, trust), first there
- must be a true . . .
- "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
- out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the
- Lord" (Acts 3:19).
- Realizing that as I live without Christ I am disobedient, miserable,
- afraid and condemned, I repent--or turn away from--my present way, by
- faith, to Christ. I hate my sin and what it has done to Christ, to
- others, and to me. I am grieved over the fact that I have sinned
- against God and other people. I turn away to follow sin and Satan no
- more. As I turn away from my sins by faith, I . . .
- "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as
- received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even
- to those who believe in His name, who were born...of God." (John
- 1:11-13)
- By faith in Him and His promises, I ask Him to come into my life. I
- ask Him to pardon and forgive me of my sins, to cleanse me of sin. I
- ask Him to take over my life and transform it by His power into what He
- would have it to be.
- As I sincerely ask Him, I know that the Bible says He will answer.
- Having received Him, I want Him to be my Lord as well as Savior, so in
- faith I willingly . . .
- "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you
- present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which
- is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but
- be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is
- that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1-2)
- The Bible says that for my life with Christ to be complete, I must
- take hands off of it and give Him complete control. I must be willing
- for Him to do to me, for me, and with me, anything He desires. His
- glorious and wonderful will must be my will. My mind, heart, soul,
- body, possessions, influence, energy and goals I must consciously
- submit by faith to Him. As I sincerely surrender myself to Him, I know
- that the Bible promises me that He will receive me as His child.
- What now? I believe each of these things are true and that Christ is
- the answer to my greatest need. Now I must decide. Will I sincerely
- repent of my sin, ask Christ to come into my life and receive Him, and
- surrender myself completely to Him? It will do no good for me to delay.
- Delay only increases my misery and danger of eternal lostness. I NEED
- TO DECIDE RIGHT NOW. The Bible says that today, now, at this moment, I
- should decide.
- "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of
- salvation." (II Corinthians 6:2. See Genesis 6:3; Joshua 24:15; Psalm
- 95:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Isaiah 1:18, 55:6.)
- Yes, I will decide right now! Though I don't understand everything
- about it, I am going to take Him at His word. I will in faith repent of
- my sin. I will in faith ask Jesus Christ to come into my life and
- receive Him. Right now I am going to bow my head and talk to Jesus
- Christ to tell Him of the decision and ask Him to come in and do His
- work in my life.
- When this has been done, I know that I have been born of His Spirit
- and I am a saved child of God. The Bible says I am a 'babe in Christ'.
- Now I want to grow and serve. "What can I do to make sure I will move
- forward and not flounder?"
- The Bible points out Five Guides to help new Christians grow: Bible
- study, prayer, witnessing for Christ, dependance on the Holy Spirit for
- power, and zealous support of the work of the Lord through my church.
- These I will begin to do that I may grow!
- My coming to Jesus Christ is the greatest thing that ever happened
- in my life. I want Him not only to be my Savior from sin and its
- consequences, but also Lord of every part of my life and possessions.
- For this to be, I must grow in Christ. The Bible tells me now I am like
- a baby in Christ and my goal is to grow into spiritual adulthood. It
- points me to certain guides to help me grow.
- The foundation guides are . . .
- BIBLE STUDY I Peter 2:2 II Timothy 2:15 II Timothy 3:15-17 Psalm 119
- PRAYER Matthew 7:7-11 I Thessalonians 5:17 Hebrews 4:15-16 James
- 5:16b
- Bible study and prayer, along with meditation on the things of the
- Lord, make up what is called THE QUIET TIME with God. Every Christian
- who really wants to grow must understand that this is the food and
- drink of the spiritual life.
- I want a QUIET TIME every day. I'll get alone with God for about
- thirty minutes a day. I will obtain a Bible, notebook and pencil. I
- will begin to study the Bible in the book of John. I will meditate on
- it, make note of its truths, underline special verses, ask the Holy
- Spirit to help me understand and to help me put what I understand into
- practice. After John, I can move back to Matthew and straight through
- the New Testament, and later the entire Bible.
- After a time of Bible study, I will have a time of prayer. Prayer is
- just talking with God who does live and will hear and will answer, and
- then listening so He can speak to me in the quiet of my mind and heart.
- I will bring, my thanksgiving, my praise, and my petitions to Him.
- In my notebook I will begin a Prayer List. This will help me to keep
- up with the people and things I am praying about, and to see how God is
- answering my prayers. When my list grows too long for one day, I can
- divide it into two or more days.
- Everybody tells me the same thing that the Bible indicates, that the
- QUIET TIME is the basic step in my spiritual growth.
- For my third guide to growth I will begin . . .
- Matthew 28:18-20 Mark 16:15-16 Luke 24:45-48 John 20:21 Acts 1:8 II
- Timothy 2:2
- Witnessing is telling others of what Christ means to me and urging
- them to receive Him, too. I witness in three ways: (1) By my Christian
- life that glorifies Him before others. (2) By the words I speak to
- guide others to Him. To do this effectively I need to learn the Plan of
- Salvation. (3) By ardent, travailing prayer on behalf of those I seek
- to win to the Lord. I discover that witnessing is the prime reason I am
- left on earth as a Christian. Since it is that important, I want to get
- involved in doing it immediately.
- Another guide I find is to learn to . . . DEPEND, AS A CHRISTIAN, ON
- THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO LIVES IN ME A. For power over temptation. (I
- Corinthians 10:13) Oh, that promise is wonderful! I could never handle
- those temptations by myself. But He is able, and I will depend on Him
- for the strength. B. For power in Christian service. (Zechariah 4:6, II
- Timothy 1:7) When I discovered that I was expected to tell others about
- Him and serve Him, I was afraid. But now I see it's not that I'm doing
- the work; but rather it's that He is working through me, and sometimes
- in spite of me. C. For guidance in decisions. (Romans 8:14) Every
- little decision as well as major decisions I will bring to the Lord,
- and depend on Him to give me the right answer. I do not have to be
- nervous or worry. D. For understanding the Bible as I study it. (John
- 16:13; II Peter 1:20-21) In the past I never liked to read the Bible.
- But with the enlightenment of the One who inspired it, new
- understanding will come, if I ask Him and depend on Him.
- Just think! The Holy Spirit is God, and HE LIVES IN ME. That means
- all the power of God at my finger tips of faith. And more, if I depend
- on Him, He is able to accomplish anything He desires in me and through
- me.
- My fifth guide of growth instructs me to . . .
- 2:41-47 Ephesians 4:1-16 Ephesians 5:17-27 Hebrews 10:19-25
- I need to become active in a Bible-believing local church
- immediately. It is through the Church that I can get certain things
- that are essential for my Christian growth such as opportuniries for
- worship, Christian fellowship, instruction, and service. I will not
- only receive, but I will become involved in the Mission of the Church
- to evangelize the world (Acts 1:8). My work will be more lasting and
- can count for greater results when I work with other Christians. I want
- to be a part of this great mission.
- In supporting the work of the Lord through the Church I will . . .
- A. Become a baptized and communing member. I will ask the pastor or
- one of the officers what steps must be taken. Then it will OUR church,
- not THEIR church. B. Attend ALL the services at my church unless
- providentially hindered (Hebrews 10:25). I want the full diet and not
- just one meal. C. Give my talent and time (Matthew 25:14-30, Ephesians
- 4:11-12). I may be able to visit, or teach, or sing, or clean up, or
- provide transportation, or cook, or hand out tracts, or phone, or type.
- I'm eager to do something for Him who did everything for me. D. Give my
- tithes that already belong to God and offerings of love beyond tithing
- (Malachi 3:8-10, Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42, I Corinthians 16:2). Since
- I am giving Him my life, that includes my possessions, and now I will
- manage them as His servant. No business can move forward without money,
- and the Lord's business is the greatest in the world. E. Pray for the
- other people in the Church (James 5:16a). I will pray a lot for my
- fellow Christians and not gossip about them. I know this will do far
- more good. I want them to do the same for me. F. Urge other people to
- come to my church (John 1:43-46). Since I found something here, I have
- friends, family, and some people I have not yet met, who need to come
- and find Christ. I'll try to bring them in.
- I feel so good, I wonder if I will ever sin again. I certainly don't
- want to! But I cannot govern my life by feeling, only by the Word and
- the Spirit. I see in the Bible that even while growing in
- Christlikeness, I will sin sometimes. The longer I stay in sins, the
- worse they will get, and the more acutely miserable and guilty I will
- feel and be. Even while still a child of God, joy, peace, being used by
- God, and even assurance of salvation may slip away. Even though I have
- disobeyed Him and defamed His name, He still loves me, and wants me.
- How could I do this to the One who loves me so! (Romans 7:14-24, I
- Corinthians 3:1-3).
- The Bible says there is an answer at these times. I will have to
- admit my sins to myself, and that will be hard. I must confess them to
- God with sincere sorrow. The Holy Spirit will enable me to turn away
- from them with hatred and grief toward them. As I do this, every area
- of my life must be submitted to obey Jesus as Lord. Then I will find
- renewed forgiveness and cleansing. (Psalm 51, Proverbs 28:13, Luke
- 15:11-32, I John 1:7-2:2) It's better to do this as soon as I sin than
- to let it ruin more of my life. He says He will give me victory over
- these sins as the Holy Spirit fills me more completely with Himself. I
- wish I would never sin! But it is comforting to know that He makes
- provision for forgiveness for me. I am more determined than ever to
- follow these guides and grow. Better to resist than regret.
- This is the most exciting thing I have ever done! I'm going to
- rearrange my schedule and my life, and put Him first! I will not hold
- anything back. Christ has done so much for me that I will never be able
- to do too much for Him. I know it is not going to be easy. But when I
- need help, I can call on the pastor or one of the leaders, and I know
- they will help me. I am eager to get on with this. I know that the most
- wonderful part of my life is now out in front. Thank You for saving me,
- Lord Jesus! Thank You, Father, for making me your child!
- Rev. Ben Wilkinson