The California Collection
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Dell (The Hazel) Foundation
c/o Carroll, Lane & Reed
P.O. Box 771
Norwalk Connecticut 06852
(203) 853-6565
Incorporated in DE.
Donor(s): Harry C. McClairty
Finacial Data: (yr ended 12/31/84) Assets, 1,994,301 (M);
Expenditures, $159,006,including $128,000 for 55 grants (high
$19,700; low $100.)
Purpose and Activities: Grants largely for hospitals,
education, aid to the handicapped, and Roman Catholic Church
Deadlines: None
Write: June M. Powers, Pres.
Officers: June M. Powers, Pres
Joy S. Dunlap, Scy
Thomas F. Ryan, Treas.
Directors: Gail A. Fallon, Diane Schroeder, William J.
Employer Identification #: 136161744
Grover (J.Erwin) Trust
c/o Barnett Bank Trust Co.
P.O. Box 40200
Jacksonville, Fl 32231
Established in 1984 in Florida
Financial Data: (yr ended 9/30/84) Assets, $733,520 (M);
Expenditures, $104,970, including $100,000 for three grants,
(high $35,000: low #30,000).
Purpose and Activites: First year of operation; initial
grants awarede to agencies for the handicapped.
Trustee: Barnet Banks Trust Company
Employer Identification Number: 596781660
Aigner (G.J.0 Foundation
5617 Dempster St.
Morton Grove, Il 60053
(312) 966-5782
Foundation incorporated in 1957 in Illinois
Donor(s): George J. Aigner, Henrietta Aigner, A.C. Aigner
Financial Data: (yr ended 4.30/86): Assets, $2,005,867 (M);
Gifts Received, $5000; Expenditures, 98,057, including
$42,246 for 13 grants(high: $7,000; low $100), $20,100 for 22
grants to individuals and $25,000 for one loan.
Purpose and Activities: Support for innovative programs to
equip disabled and metally retarded to be self-supporting;
therapy progrms for families with histoies of child abuse and
teenagers with conduct disorders; emergency food assistance;
and scholarships in business liberal arts, theology, and for
children of company employees.
Types of Support: Employee-related scholarships, seed money,
special projects, emergency funds.
Publications: Annual Report.
Application Information: Application forms available upon
request. Application Form Required.
Deadlines: April 15 for scholarships.
Write: Craig P. Colmar, Treas.
Officers and Directors: Ref. Fred Aigner, Pres, Craig P.
Colmar, Treas: Joyce Aigner Laurence
Employee Identification Number: 366055199
Doehla (Harry) Foundation, Inc.
c/o Singer and Lusardi
370 Main St.
Worcester, Mass 01608
Incorporated in 1950 in DE.
Donors: Harry Doehala.
Financial Data: (yr ended 3/31/85): Assets, $1,384,619,(M)
Gifts received, $230,461; Expenditures, $466,429, including
453,000 for 36 grants (high $50,000; low $1000).
Purpose and Activities: Support of higher education, aid to
the handicapped, including the blind and mental health.
Officers: Henry Lusardi, Press; Philip Straus, V.P.; Paul
Singer, Secy; Philip H. Steckler, Jr., Treas.
Employee Identification Number, 026014132
Sawyer Charitable Foundation
209 Columbus Ave., Fifth Fl.
Boston, Ma 92116
(617) 267-2414
Trust Established in 1957 in Ma.
Donors: Frank Sawyer, William Sawyer, The Brattle Co. Corp.,
St. Botolph Holding Co., First Frankln Parking Corp., and
Financial Data: (yr ended 12.31/85): Assets, 3,099,258 (M)
Gifts Received, $126,000; expenditures, $228,208, including
$157,560 for 67 grants (high $15,000: low $25; average $2300)
Purpose and Activities: Giving for Jewish and Roman Catholic
Welfare Funds, community funds, health agencies, hospitals
and aid to the handicapped.
Limitations: Primary giving in the Greater New England area,
no grants to individuals, or for operating budgets.
Application Information:
Initial Approach: Proposal
Deadline: October 1
Write: Carol S. Parks, Exec. Dir
Officers and Trustees: Carol S. Parks, Exec. Dir., Frank
Sawyer, Mildred F. Sawyer.
Employee Identification # 046088774
South Wester Bell Foundation
One Bell Center, Rm 38 K-08
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 235-7042
Established in 1984 in Mo.
Donors: Southwestern Bell Corp.
Financial Data: (yr ended 12/31/86): Assets $28,056,025
(M), gifts received $24,690,802; expenditures $11,397,624 for
2199 grants (high $950,000; low $100) and $531,000 for 3,000
employee matching gifts.
Purpose and Activities: Giving largly for higher education,
support also for minoriteis, child welfare, the handicapped
and the elderly.
Types of Support: Annual Campaigns, conferences and
seminars, continuing support, emergency funds, employee
matching gifts, endowment funds, lectureships, matching
funds, operating budgets, professorships, renovation
projects, research, seed money, special projects, technical
Limitations: No grants to individuals
Publications: Annual report including application guidlines,
informational brochure, including application guidlines.
Application Information: Application form required.
Initial Approach: Letter
Deadlines: None
Write: Charles DeRiemer, Exec. Dir.
Officers and Directors: Gerald Blatherwick, Pres.; Edward
Whitacare, V.P. and Treas., Edgar Mayfield, V.P. and Secy;
Charles DeRiemer, Exec. Dir.
Number of Staff: 2 full-time professional; 1 full-time
Employee Identification #: 431353948
Gilder Foundation, Inc.
915 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10021
Established in 1965 in NY.
Financial Data: (Yr ended 12.31/84): Assets, $186,323 (M),
Gifts received $271,600: Expeditures, $164,911, including
162,250 for 49 grants (high $25,000, low $250)
Purpose and Activities: emphasis on education, recreation
and the handicapped; some support also for cultural
Manager: Richard Gilder, Jr.
Employee Identification #: 136176041
The House of St. Giles the Cripple
One Hanson Place
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Donors: Louis W. Arnold, Marvin Leavens, Jesse Ridley and
Financial Data: (yr ended 3/31/85): Assets, $8,377,088 (M),
gifts received $32,738; Expenditures, $438,373, including
$316,000 for eight grants (high 67,500; low $7500)
Purpose and Activities: Grants for hospitals and
organizations to help the hadicapped.
Types of Support: Equipment, research, general purposes.
Officers: Richard T. Arkwright, Pres.; John H. Livingston,
V.P., John J. Bennett, Jr., Secy.; Samuel H. Owens, Treas.,
Gladys D. Courtney, Gen. Mgr.
Employee Identification Number: 111630806
J.M. Foundation, The
60 East 43nd St., Rm 1651
New York, NY 10165
(212 687-7735
Incorporated in 1924 in NY.
Donors: Jeremiah Milbank, Katherine S. Milbank.
Financial Data: &yr ended 12/31/86): Assets $24,250,193
(M), expenditures $4078,588, including $3,328,009 for 115
grants(high #232,400, low $1,000) and $26850 for employee
matching gifts.
Purpose and Activities: Giving primarily for rehabilitation
of the physically handicapped: Prevention and wellness, with
an emphasis on individual responsibility for health;
education, prevention and early intervention in alcohol and
other drug dependencies; expansion of effective extramural
care; health-related public policy research and medical
education. The foundation also has a strong interest in
educational activities which strengthen America's pluralistic
system of free enterprise. It also supports organizations
that enhance the quality of family life, and provide today's
youth with meaningful life experiences, productive employment
opportunities, healthy lifestyles, and positive character
Types of Support: Research, special projects, publications,
internships, scholarship funds, matching funds, conferences
and seminars, technical assistance, seed money.
Limitations: No support for the arts. No grants to
individuals, or for operating expenses, international
activities, annual fund-raising, capital campaigns, or
endowment funds. No loans.
Publications: Annual Report(including application
guidelines), Informational Brochure (including application
Application Information:
Initial approach: summary letter accompanied by
Copies of Proposal: 1
Deadlines: Submit proposal preferably in Mar., July, or
October. deadlines 45 days prior to meetings.
Board Meeting Dates: Jan, May, Sept. and Dec.
Final Notification: Preliminary response within 15 days.
Write: Jack Brauntuch, Exec. Dir.
Officers: Jeremiah Milbank, Jr., Pres.; Mrs. H. Lawrence
Bogert, V.P.; Daniel G. Tenney, Jr., Secy; William Lee
Hanley, Jr., Treas.: Jack Brauntuch, Exec. Director.
Directors: William H. Bradly Jr., Mary E. Caslin, Allan
Number of Staff: 3 full-time professional; 3 full-time
support, 1 part-time support.
Employee Identification Number: 136068340
Weezie Foundation, The
c/o Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., of New York
Nine West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019-8412
(212) 826-7607
Trust Established in 1961 in NY
Donors: Adeaide T. Corbett.
Financial Data: (yr ended 12-31-85): Assets, $10,998,309
(M), expeditures: $692,127, including $591,750 for 24 grants
(high $75,000; low $5,000)
Purpose and Activities: Support for education, hospitals,
the hadicapped and youth agencies.
Application Information:
Initial Approach: Letter
Deadline: None
Write: Robert Schwecherl, Secy.
Offiers and Trustees: Robert Schwecherl, Secy. and treas.;
Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York.
Advisory committee: d. Nelson Adams, Aderlrick Benziger,
Jr., James F. Dolan, Mrs. George F. Fisk, Jr., Mrs. William
H. Hayes III, Charles H. Thieriot.
Employee Identificaiton Number: 1306090903