The California Collection
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43 lines
If you read the book of Ruth, you know that Boaz told his workers to
let a few "handfuls of purpose" fall to Ruth's lot in the field. The
Lord compensated her and paid her back for her loyalty to her mother-
in-law by giving her a few blessings on purpose. This has been our
lot in life almost the entire time in the ministry. Every time we get
some rabid ranter like Chris McHugh getting upset about the plain
truth in the English Bible, or some amateur scholar like Gary Hudson
trying to get attention, or some professional educator like Bob Jones
III trying to get you to think that somebody has "slandered" his
"godly institution," we get this kind of thing from the rank and file
of Christians:
"Dear Brother Ruckman, thank you for living by God's grace and being
an example for us. I want to personally thank you again for the BBB's
article you wrote on street preaching about four months ago. Since
that time of exhortation our families enjoyed the blessings of street
preaching and have seen people in bewilderment as they hear the gospel
preached. This past month we surrendered to the Lord's call to the
full time ministry as a pastor. My wife believes I was called many
months ago. Now I cannot hold back from such an awesome and
privileged work and office. Who am I to deserve this? I do not, but
after seeing religious con artist after con artist mislead people, I
am saying, Lord send me."
Ample compensation for the rabid ranters. And if that were not enough
for one week, we get this from Akron, Ohio:
"Dear BBB, I just love your Bulletin and am thankful for Dr.
Ruckman's ministry and the KJV stand. I went to Wheaton College and
was almost duped by their warped theology, but through my husband's
patience, and some books and tapes by Dr. Ruckman and other KJV-only
men, the Holy Spirit convicted me. We now go to a Bible believing
church. How much you can grow just by getting that issue straight."
Compensation with interest.