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Msg # 101
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 21:25:28
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
Thank you for your interest in this subject. Though the Bible is very clear
that we are to love everyone and preach the Gospel "to every creature," I
believe it's also very clear on the subject of segregation and maintaining a
distinction of the races, and that it frowns on marrying outside one's race.
This is not racism; this is not bigotry. This is the word of God. The
principle of separation and segregation is THROUGHOUT the Bible. It is a
segregationist Book, beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation.
1. Adam was segregated from the rest of God's creation;
2. Eve was segregated from her husband;
3. After the fall, Adam and Eve were segregated from the Garden of
4. After murdering his brother, Cain was segregated from the rest of
5. Noah and his family were segregated from the rest of humanity
in the ark;
6. After the flood, Noah's three sons and their families were segregated
across the face of the earth FROM EACH OTHER--Shem to Asia, Ham to
Africa, and Japheth to EUROPE (this is where the RACES originated);
7. Mankind was scattered abroad and segregated over linguistic lines
after the tower of Babel;
8. Abram was segregated from the rest of his kindred;
9. Abram was segregated from Lot;
10. Abram's son Isaac was segregated from his other son Ishmael;
11. Isaac's son Jacob was segregated from his other son Esau;
12. Jacob's son Joseph was segregated from his father and brothers.
And THAT'S just from the Book of Genesis. Further we find:
13. Moses was segregated from his kindred to live in Pharaoh's court;
14. Moses was segregated by God as someone with whom He spoke face-
15. The children of Israel were segregated from Egypt;
16. The waters of the Red Sea were segregated to allow the Israelites
to pass across on dry land;
17. Moses was segregated from the children of Israel for 40 days to
receive the Ten Commandments;
18. The children of Israel were commanded to be segregated from the
nations around them;
19. The children of Israel were even segregated from other Shemite
nations to be a peculiar people to God;
20. The tribe of Levi was segregated from the other tribes of Israel
as the "priestly tribe" and the custodians of the word of God;
21. Nadab and Abihu, Aaron's sons, were segregated in the word of God
for offering "strange fire" before the Lord;
22. The Nazirite was segregated because of his special vows to the
23. Miriam was segregated from the camp by leprosy because of
speaking against Moses' authority;
24. Joshua and Caleb were segregated from the rest of the 12 spies
for their faithfulness;
25. Benjamin was segregated from the rest of the 12 tribes of Israel for
its UNfaithfulness which resulted in a bloody civil war;
26. Ruth was segregated from her kinspeople to follow Naomi and marry
27. Rahab the harlot was segregated from HER kinspeople to marry
Salmon, and become Boaz's mother and the great-grandmother of
David the king.
HOLD IT!!! Did you see Number 27 above? Rahab was a resident of
Jericho; she was a Canaanite. SHE WAS A HAMITE!! And she married a
Shemite!! Interracial marriage!! Proof POSITIVE that I'm a racist,
Problem is, she FORSOOK her race (the Hamitic Canaanites) and became
a JEW through marriage and proselytization--and a worshipper of the
LORD. She no longer identified with her race; she identified with
her HUSBAND'S race. She was SEGREGATED from her own race of people.
Not the same thing as interracial marriage between whites and blacks
today; there's no segregation about what goes on today; it's
clearly race-MIXING.
28. Achan was segregated from his nation, from his tribe, from his
family, and singled out as the one who committed sin in the
29. Saul was segregated from his nation and his tribe to be Israel's
first king;
30. Saul was segregated from God for disobedience;
31. David was segregated from Saul and his own family as God's choice
over the rejected Saul to be king of Israel;
32. David was segregated and alienated from his own son Absalom in a
bloody rebellion;
33. The nation was finally united in its greatest moments as a
kingdom under David's son Solomon, but later Judah was
SEGREGATED from his brethren when Solomon apostasized;
34. Daniel and his three friends (Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah--
betcha didn't even know their HEBREW names!) were segregated
from their nation and their families to live in a foreign land
and in a foreign court;
35. Esther was segregated from her people to become the queen of
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102
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Msg # 102
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 21:54:54
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
36. Bethlehem was segregated from big cities to become the birthplace
of the Saviour;
37. Mary was segregated from all other Hebrew women to give birth to
the Saviour;
38. John the Baptist was segregated from his family to prepare the way
for the Saviour;
39. The Lord Jesus--as He was growing up--was segregated from His
unbelieving brethren;
40. Peter, James, and John were segregated from the other disciples
to accompany the Lord on the mount of Transfiguration;
41. The 120 gathered in the Upper Room were segregated to wait for
the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost;
42. Peter was segregated from the rest of the disciples to preach
the Pentecost sermon;
43. Ananias and Sapphira were segregated from the congregation
through death because of their deception;
44. Six men were segregated from the rest of their brethren to be
deacons in the Jerusalem church;
45. Stephen was segregated from the rest to be martyred for
preaching the word of God;
46. Paul and Barnabas were segregated from the rest of the congrega-
tion at Antioch BY THE HOLY GHOST to be sent abroad to preach
the Gospel;
47. Peter was segregated to deliver the Gospel to the Gentiles
(but he didn't MARRY any of them!!);
48. Paul was segregated from his mother's womb and called to preach
by the grace of God;
49. Christians are supposed to be segregated from the world;
50. The wheat will forever be segregated from the chaff at the final
judgment, when the lost are cast into the lake of fire and the
just shall dwell forever in the presence of God.
I just listed 50 instances of SEGREGATION in the Bible, but you all
say the RACES should be MIXED. Yeah, right.
(By the way, I got the above just by reading my good ol' King James
Bible. Not a single "commentary" was consulted. You really don't
need commentaries if you obey II Timothy 2:15.)
There are others as well:
1. Segregation of animals (Gen. 6,7; Lev. 11).
2. Segregation of materials (Deut. 22:11).
3. Segregation of the Hebrew nation from others (Neh. 13:20-28).
4. Segregation of nations from each other (Gen. 11; Deut. 32:8).
5. Segregation of Israelites (Ex. 3:10).
6. Segregation of Christians (II Cor. 6:14-17).
7. Segregation of plants and vegetables (Deut. 22:9).
8. Segregation of workers (Deut. 22:11).
Other considerations:
An EXPLICIT PROHIBITION against intermarrying other races is found in Neh.
13:23-27. Here the context is a LINGUISTIC-CULTURAL difference (v. 24), not a
religious difference. Confusion and culture shock is the theme
here--something which STILL exists as a potential in any black-white race mix.
Reference is made to Solomon's tragic example in I Kings 11:1-8.
Esau's intermarriages to the Hittite women living nearby "were a grief of
mind" to his parents, Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 26:35). The Hittites were
Hamites (Genesis 10:15). This BEFORE the Law was given. To patch things up
with his parents, Esau polygamized with his uncle Ishmael's daughter (his
first cousin, Genesis 28:9).
Also, after Sarah's death, Abraham charged his servant to travel to his
father's homeland to select a bride for his son Isaac from among his
kinspeople--"...thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the
Canaanites, among whom I dwell" (Genesis 24:3). Once again, this was hundreds
of years BEFORE the Law was given.
An eschatological consideration: In the "last days," when "perilous times
shall come," "men shall be...without natural affection" (II Timothy 3:1-3).
Going outside one's own race to look for a spouse who has NOTHING in common
with your upbringing, customs, life-style, background, is a fulfillment of
this prophecy. Common sense will tell you that the "natural" thing to do is
marry someone from your own people. Why would you even CONSIDER someone of a
totally different race? To stay within the bounds of your race for a lifetime
companion is NOT "marital racism," as the moderator of this echo has foolishly
charged. It's Biblical common sense.
In fact, I know MANY black men. Of those who have discussed this matter with
me, ALL of them acknowledge a SEXUAL ATTRACTION for white women. And it goes
both ways. There is NOTHING AT ALL spiritual or natural about a white person
wanting to marry a black person. It is SEXUAL. When trying to justify
interracial marriages, one of the participants of this echo--who said he is
black--proceeded to BRAG about his many GIRLFRIENDS of all races. What's so
Biblical or spiritual about that? You see, it's a SEXUAL thing. It's
"without natural affection." And, as such, it's a sign of the "last days."
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102
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Msg # 103
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 22:21:54
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
Another eschatological consideration: Race-mixing contributes to the
one-world government over which the Antichrist will rule in the Tribulation.
In one silly post, the moderator of this echo said that racism is what's wrong
with this world. He was wrong. SIN is what's wrong with this world. And we
are not called to make the world a better place. The Bible says, "Love not
the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the
world, the love of the Father is not in him" (I John 2:15).
The Lord Jesus Christ, when discussing His second coming, described the world
He would return to as one "as it was in the days of Lot" (Luke 17:28). How
WAS it in the days of Lot? Well, Lot is first mentioned in Genesis 11:27, the
same chapter "from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of
all the earth" (Gen. 11:9). It is GOD who segregated the races--so that, in
Acts 17:26, we see Him establishing THE BOUNDS OF THEIR HABITATION. (I'll get
back to Acts 17:26 later.)
It is GOD who complained in Gen. 11:6, "Behold, the people is one, and they
have all one language." God did NOT condone "integration." In fact, He is
quite SEGREGATIONIST in Genesis 11. So, I make this blanket statement to you:
If you're NOT a segregationist, you're NOT a godly person. If you are an
INTEGRATIONIST, when the Bible is very SEGREGATIONIST, then you're not a
During the Tribulation, the Antichrist will rule over a one-world government
consisting of a one-world monetary system (Rev. 18), a one-world religion
(Rev. 17), and populated by a "one-world people" ("Behold, the people is
ONE"), ALL of whom must receive the MARK OF THE BEAST on their bodies (Rev.
PLEASE NOTE Rev. 13:16, where people are "free and bond"--SLAVERY will be
reinstated as an INSTITUTION in the Tribulation. It's coming! So, if you're
black, and you've rejected the word of God, then enjoy your "civil rights"
while they last. Things aren't going to get better for you--they're going to
get worse--a LOT worse. The only way you can escape the slavery that's coming
is to receive the Lord Jesus Christ...NOW!!
(II Cor. 6:2).
And, by the way, what about that "mark of the beast"? What does it LOOK like?
Rev. 13:2: "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard...." A leopard
has marks on its skin, doesn't it? What color are they? BLACK!
Back to the "one-world-ism" of Genesis 11. God hated it THEN, and He hates it
NOW. It was NOT done away with by the Law, or by the first coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Neither were these things:
(a) Men sweat for a living NOW (Gen. 3). This teaching was not
abrogated at the first coming of Christ and common sense and
general observance would confirm the teaching regardless of a
man's theological position.
(b) Men go back to dust at death NOW (Gen. 3). This was not "ful-
filled" or "done away with" at Christ's first coming in any
sense for anyone.
(c) Women bear children in pain NOW (Gen. 3).
(d) Capital punishment is in effect NOW (Gen. 9), and the greatest
Christian who ever lived gave his hearty and unqualified
approval to the decree (Acts 25:11).
(e) Beasts, in general, still fear man today (Gen. 9).
(f) Shemites, through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are promised
spiritual and physical blessings. Spiritual blessings are
promised in Genesis 9, but these continue to the present age
(starting more than 90 years after the birth of Christ, at the
completion of the New Testament canon), for EVERY WRITER IN
(g) Over 50% of the prophecies in the Old Testament still await a
future fulfillment (Amos 9; Mal. 4; Isa. 11,63,65,66; Joel 2;
(h) And so, the racial prophecies of Gen. 9 are still in effect today.
Now, I'd like to deal with two verses that are the most often MISQUOTED by
those who try to justify integration and interracial marriage from the Bible.
Seems like every man who takes the side of race-mixing as a Christian duty
cites Acts 17:26 as a "proof text" for his "Christian" conviction. Acts 17:26
is quoted again and again to show that SEGREGATION is "un-Christian." The
text reads as follows:
"And hath made of ONE BLOOD all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of
the EARTH, and hath determined the times before appointed, and THE BOUNDS OF
Every man who relies on that verse to justify integration STOPS at the word
"EARTH," dissecting the verse shamefully and rejecting Alford's correct Greek
reading, found in the King James AV1611, where it says "BLOOD."
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102
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Msg # 104
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 22:44:43
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
In order that the gullible masses might believe the Bible condoned making all
NATIONS "ONE," the word "blood" was carefully knocked out of the Greek text in
the RSV, ASV, NIV, and the New English Bible. (The AV is much more accurate
from the standpoint of science, as the only similarity between the races is
the "blood." Their physical characteristics, WHICH DIFFER, originate in the
genes and chromosomes.) The most SHOCKING thing about all this was that the
context of Acts 17:26 goes on to say that God's purpose in "setting
boundaries" was so men could SEEK THE LORD! (Acts 17:27).
Those who "remove the bounds" are HINDERING GOD'S WORK, NOT AIDING IT (Hosea
5:10). The passage, then, cited by these race-mixers, is the very passage
which condemns and rebukes them for violating the laws of nature and of God.
Next, consider THIS verse: "There is no respect of persons with God" (Acts
10:34; Rom. 2:11; Job 37:24; Eph. 6:9). This Christian maxim, drawn (and
quartered) from the Scripture, is a statement so simple that no high school
student could possibly (with normal intelligence) read, "There is no respect
of RACES with God!" Irrespective of doctrinal, theological, political, and
denominational differences among Christian people, no intelligent person (not
even an Atheist) would read, "THERE IS NO RESPECT OF RACES WITH GOD," unless,
of course, he were either handicapped without his bifocals, or was trying to
(a) In ALL the contexts where this verse appears, the issue has nothing
to do with race-mixing. There is not a Bible in print (eitherin
Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, Ethiopic, Latin, Arabic, or Greek)
that would lead anyone to suppose the passage is justifying race
mixing. SOCIAL EQUALITY is not found anywhere, even remotely
connected with the expression, in a single instance where the
verse is found in the New Testament.
(b) In the majority of cases, God is talking about equality in the
He is dealing with spiritual issues; hence, an unregenerate man
cannot understand the text, and the men who use this text to
prove that integration is "scriptural" are dangerously close to
classifying themselves as unregenerate men (I Cor. 2). Simon
Peter's much mis-read statement in Acts 10:34 has to do with
God's willingness to give the message of salvation to any
individual IN any nation (Jew or not), who seeks God in truth.
In the text of Romans 2:11 the same idea is set forth: divine
treatment of individuals within a race, ON A MORAL ISSUE. There
where the verse appears. Peter, after his social lessons from
God (Acts 10:1-20), did not go to Cornelius and marry his
daughter or his sister. HE WENT TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO HIM.
(c) The point to be observed is whether or not a person is
entitled to read RACES in a passage that is dealing with
INDIVIDUALS. There are passages in the Bible which deal with
races (Gen. 10, Deut. 32, Gen. 15), but God is careful never to
make a statement such as, "There is no respect of RACES with God."
This reading is the fictitious fabrication of men who are unable
to read high school English. For the gullible public to accept
these men as "authorities" on the subject is ridiculous. Such
a "proof text" does not occur in a single version of the Bible
ever printed; not even the versions printed by the
Consider just a few more:
"LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF." That does NOT include buying a new car for
your "neighbor" every time you buy one for your family! His "race" has
nothing to do with it; you are NOT TO GIVE HIM EVERY PRIVILEGE you give your
own family, and to abort the passage to teach this, when a racial issue is
being discussed, is the height of absurdity.
"ALL YE ARE BRETHREN" (Matt. 23:8). Christ is most certainly NOT a
"master" of all men, by their own confessional standards. There were no
Indians, Mexicans, Irishmen, Italians, Englishmen, Americans, Germans, or
Japanese present when the statement was made. This ransacking of the Bible to
prove FALSE DOCTRINE has to stop somewhere. The audience addressed is OLD
"CHRISTIANS" PRESENT, for the word "Christian" does not even occur till
several years after the ascension of Christ (Acts 11). If you object that the
statement is NOT limited to time and locality in its doctrinal application,
then what is the doctrinal importance of the statement, "Call no man on earth
FATHER," in the same passage?
(a) In the chapter Paul is discussing INDIVIDUAL gifts to the INDIV-
IDUAL Christian (vs. 1-3). Race-mixing is not a divine
manifestation of divine love, given to a Christian as a "gift." It
(b) Verse 6, "Love rejoices in truth"--NOT political expediency, or
wresting the Scriptures, or mis-reading the Scriptures, or mis-
quoting the Scriptures, or misapplying the Scriptures. LOVE
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102
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Msg # 105
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 23:08:53
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
Jesus said, "Thy word is truth." Again, He said, "He that is of
God heareth God's words. Ye hear them not because ye ARE NOT OF
GOD" (see John 17:7; 8). If a man has the Bible love of I Cor. 13,
(c) "LOVE" doesn't seek to "advance itself" (I Cor. 13:5). (NAACP--
the National Association for the ADVANCEMENT of Colored People???)
(d) "LOVE" doesn't get offended over such threats as "being discrim-
inated against" (I Cor. 13:7).
(e) "LOVE," as such in this chapter, describes a quality wholly
lacking in the attitude of integrationists toward the Bible itself.
Now let's talk about the matter of DISCRIMINATION, another "favorite" word of
the race-mixers and integrationists--like "racist," "prejudiced," and "bigot."
Oh, yes! It is a common practice of the Almighty in both Testaments. Examine
the Biblical evidence:
(a) God discriminates against individuals by choosing certain ones
BEFORE birth (Rom. 9:13).
(b) God discriminates against individuals by choosing certain ones
AFTER birth (Gen. 17:17-21).
(c) God discriminates in not making men equal PHYSICALLY (John 9:1-5),
SPIRITUALLY (II Peter 2:12), or FINANCIALLY (Prov. 22:2).
(d) God discriminates in choosing special people (Job 1:6-12).
(e) God discriminates in choosing traits of character (Prov. 6:16-19).
(f) God discriminates in favoring one nation before another (Jer. 30:11).
In the dictionary sense, the word "discrimination" describes a processof value
judgment which is not only necessary, but HIGHLY DESIRABLE in a well-balanced
person. "Discrimination" is not only Scriptural, it is reasonable. For
example, I am not "discriminating" against chocolate milk by ordering white
milk. The color has nothing to do with it. Shall we try that again? I SAID,
"THE COLOR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT." I just like white milk.
Look at an example of extreme discrimination in the case of Shem's privileges
as opposed to Japheth and Ham, a nd learn immediately how the Hebrew, coming
from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (all Shemites), has special privileges NO OTHER
1. The Shemites have CIVIL RIGHTS promised to no other nation or race
(Deut. 14:25,26; 19:2-9; 30:9,10).
2. The Shemites have RELIGIOUS PRIVILEGES promised to no other nation
or race (Rom. 9:1-5; I Chr. 28:12-19; Deut. 23:1-10).
3. The Shemites have NATIONAL PRIVILEGES promised to no other nation
or race (Deut. 28:1-14; Mal. 3:11,12; Isa. 11:9-12; 2:1-4).
4. The Shemites have MATERIAL PROMISES never given to any other nation
or race (Amos 9:13-15; Zech. 14; Isa. 11:9-12; 2:1-4).
IS GOD A RESPECTER OF RACES? Oh, yes, He most certainly IS a respecter of
RACES, and as the Creator of the races and the ONE responsible and cognizant
of their origin, destiny, and history, God has spoken, plainly, flatly,
authoritatively, and finally on the matter of segregation and integration. A
man who refuses to recognize this may be a PROFESSING CHRISTIAN, he may be a
nominal CHURCH-GOER, or a strict observer of RITUAL OR SACRAMENTALISM, but a
born-again, Bible-believer, HE MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT!! Let him stick to his
Harvard five-foot shelf and keep his unbelieving hands off the Holy Bible.
Finally, what about this idea of the descendants of Ham being "servants of
servants" (Gen. 9:25)? If the descendants of Ham are said to be "servants of
servants," then certainly we should find something in the New Testament about
them. We have a whole chapter (Rom. 11) dealing with Japhethites and
Shemites. We have whole portions of chapters dealing with Japhethites and
Shemites in Revelation 13, I Corinthians 1 and 2, Romans 1--4, and James.
Would the God of the Bible be so forgetful as to write a revelation without
instructions to the "servant of servants"? Hardly.
(a) The Shemites have CIVIL RIGHTS promised to no other nation or race
(Deut. 24:7).
(b) The mistreatment of servants is forbidden (I Peter 2:18,19; Deut.
24:14-18; I Tim. 6:1-3).
(c) The misconduct of the servant is forbidden (I Peter 2:18,19;
(d) The saved man is a slave to Christ, even though free (I Cor.
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102
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Msg # 106
Date Posted : 29 Aug 89 23:28:59
From : Bob Harris
To : All
Subj : Integration And Intermarriage
(e) The slave is free from sin though in chains, if he is saved
(I Cor. 7:20-23; Gal. 3:27,28).
(f) The slave's imposition is nowhere done away with in either
Testament (I Cor. 7:20-24; Rev. 6:15; I Tim. 6:1-5).
(g) The runaway slave is to be returned (Philemon).
(h) "Foreigners" are not to be mistreated (Deut. 24:14-18;
(i) Marriage is forbidden with other races (Deut. 20:16-18;
Neh. 13:26).
--Abraham's Hamitic relationship ends with a loss of 13
years of fellowship (Gen. 16:1-4,15,16, 17:1-8;
Gal. 4:22-30).
--Lot's Hamitic relationship ends in tragedy (Gen. 12:5-10;
13:10; 19:26).
--As Moses' did (Num. 12:1; 20:1-5).
--As David's did (II Sam. 11:3, HITTITE!).
--And Timothy winds up with a confused testimony that makes it
necessary for him to be circumcised by the very man who spent
three chapters "downing" circumcision (Acts 16:1-4).
And if that weren't enough, common sense would tell any man of any race that
he would be happier with his own people in any activity (Prov. 21:16; 27:8).
Thank God, some day we children of the King will be in Heaven, where we'll
have a unity in Christ that is sinlessly perfect and acceptable with God (Rev.
21:1-4), and not some race-mixing "integration," put out by hireling prophets
and pseudo-legislators and Bible-denying smart-alecks. We'll have oneness
with God, some day, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, as of a Lamb,
"Without blemish and without spot" (I Pet. 1:19).
Until then, "Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord" (Jer. 38:20). Leave
the boundaries where God has put them (Acts 17:26-29), and trust in the God of
the Bible, who is the God of revelation and history, who will in His own good
time pay back where payment is due. This is something a Bible-denying
"Christian" can never submit to, but to those of us who love Him who first
loved us, and love His word as the absolute truth that it is, it is a "light
yoke," for He hath said, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb.
13:3-6; Eph. 6:24).
In Christ,
Bob Harris
P.S. I have also posted on this echo, for your enjoyment and blessing, a
12-part series of comments on Genesis 9, titled "Races." May God bless you as
you study His word to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
--- Lynx II
* Origin: The Master's BBS (LYNX 3.0) Garden Grove, CA FidoNet 1:103/102