The California Collection
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Actually, there is no evidence at all that evolution ever took place
in the [past either. In all recorded history, extending back nearly
five thousand years, no one has ever recorded the natural evolution of
any kind of creature (living or non-living) into a more complex kind.
Furthermore, all known verticle changes seem to go in the WRONG
direction. An average of at least one species has become extinct everyday
since records have been kept, but no new species have evolved into
higher complexity.
But how about prehistoric changes? The only real records we have of
this period are presumably to be found in the sedimentary rocks of
the earth's crust, where billions of fossil remains of former living
creatures have been preserved for our observation. Again, however, the
story is one of extinction, not evolution.
Numerous kinds of extinct
animals are found (e.g. dinosaurs), but never, in all of these billions
of fossils, is a truly incipient or transitional form found. No fossil
has ever been found with halfscales/half feathers, half legs/half/wings,
half-developed heart, half-developed eye, or any other such thing.
If evolution were true, there should be millions of transitional types
among these multiplied billions of fossils--infact, everything should
show transitional features. But they do not! If one were to rely
strickly on the observed evidence, he would have to agree that past
evolution has also been falsified.
If evolution dod not occur in the past, and does not occur at present,
then it is entirely imaginary--not part of the real world at all. This
leaves creation as the necessary explanation of origins.
This fact is also confirmed by the best-proved laws of science--the
law of conservation in quantity and the law of decay in complexity,
or the famous First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
The First Law notes that, in all real processes, the total quantity of
matter and/or energy stays constant, even though it frequently changes
form. A parallel principle in biology notes that "like begets like"--
dogs are always dogs, for example, though they occur in many varieties.
The Second Law notes that the quality of any system--it's usefulness,
it's complexity, its information value--always tends to decrease. In
living organisms, true verticle changes go down , not up--mutations
cause deterioration, in dividuals die, species become extinct. In
fact, everything in the universe seems to be headed downhill toward ultimate
cosmic death.
The First Law notes that NOTHING is being either "created" or "evolved"
by present processes. The Second Law notes that there is, instead,