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- Father Stravinskas Gives The Catholic Answer
- On page 9 of the Catholic Chronicles (Jan.-Feb. issue, 1988) a Roman
- Catholic asks, "can a Catholic believe in evolution?" Father Peter
- M.J. Stravinskas answers, and the ad for his column says, "Ouestions
- to Father Peter Stravinskas can concern anything about the church and
- church teachings." He is from the Lithuanian Catholic Center in
- Brooklyn, New York. The "Father" answers:
- "Catholic theology provides believers with a way to safeguard the
- Biblical doctrine of creation and to accept the theory of evolution at
- the same time....We are here dealing in Genesis 1 with Hebrew poetry
- which is not intended to be taken literally....God began the
- evolutionary process and then personally intervened when a creature
- had reached that perfection which was fit to receive an immortal
- soul...Of course, faith and science can never contradict each other,
- because when engaged in properly, both seek to lead people to truth
- and, ultimately, the Truth...."
- Father Stravinskas is a liar. The creation of man has nothing to do
- with the theory of evolution in Genesis 1 and 2 in the sense of
- "believing" an evolutionary account. All evolutionists teach that
- there was rain on this earth a good one million years before man ever
- showed up. In the Bible, there was no rain coming down on this earth
- till more than a thousand yesrs after man shows up.
- This poor nut thinks that if you insert the theory that God allowed
- things to go like Darwin said until some monkey got to the place where
- it was "fit to receive an immortal soul," that God slipped it in. He
- is a real monkey himself.
- There is not an evolutionist on the face of this earth who believes
- that the earth was created before the sun. In the account in Genesis
- 1, the earth is created before the sun is created. God wrote His Book
- so you have to take a choice, and there is nothing figurative about
- God making a lesser light to rule the night and making a greater light
- to rule the day. The only way you can call them figurstive is if you
- are a monkey man trying to justify your ancestry.