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- DEV:Gleanigns from 1 Kings (March 1989)
- 1 KINGS 5:11 Apparent contradiction with 2 Chronicles 2:10. (Lange
- misquotes this for 4:31.)
- 1 KINGS 5:9 The logs were BAPTISTS. They were immersed before they
- got into the Temple!
- 1 KINGS 5:12 But this alliance with the people of Tyre and Sidon is
- reaped later when Ahab comes to power and marries into the culture.
- 1 KINGS 5:16 The number is 36,000 in 2 Chronicles 2:2 (supposed
- contradiction).
- 1 KINGS 5:18 Hence "FREE MASONS." They were "tax exempt" for
- building cathedrals back in the Dark Ages (1200-1500 A.D.). Hiram is
- the great joker in the Masonic lodges. In the Bible he is about as
- important as Shaashgaz (Esther 2).
- 1 KINGS 6:1 This would be April-May. The verse is a classic
- "contradiction," as the total number of years from the Exodus is well
- over five hundred. If you add 111 years of captivity which are listed
- in the book of Judges, and then add the forty years wilderness
- wanderings, you get 654 years from the Exodus. If the Exodus was in
- 1491 B.C., this would make Solomon's temple initiated in 837 B.C.,
- 150-200 years off the date given. If the Exodus is placed at 1654 B.C.,
- the Temple was started in 1000 B.C. Bullinger, Anderson, Larkin,
- Rimmer, and Lange ALL disagree on the chronology.
- 1 KINGS 6:18 The word "KNOPS" means a "colocynth." The best meaning
- is "KNOBS." (Note the Germanic p converted to b and vice versa.)
- 1 KINGS 6:22 In order to do this the Illinois Society of Architects
- (back in 1920) figured a cost of $87 billion, or about $240 billion
- right now. The vessels of gold, according to Josephus, were an
- additional $1,876,000,000. If the number seems staggering, remember
- that it could not get America "out of hock" with the "Federal" Reserve
- Bank if all the cash was "on the valve head." AMERICA is $3 trillion
- 1 KINGS 6:30 Observe that they walked on GOLD: in the first
- Tabernacle they walked on DUST. It is the difference between the earth
- NOW and New Jerusalem LATER.
- 1 KINGS 6:32-35 Notice the VEIL is covering "the tree of life"--the
- olive tree.
- 1 KINGS 7:1-3 Solomon builds three houses: his own, the Lord's, and
- "THE HOUSE OF THE FOREST OF LEBANON." A comparison of the Temple with
- the Tabernacle shows lengths: 40 by 80 to replace 20 by 40; widths: 20
- by 40 to replace 10 by 20; heights: 15 by 30 to replace 10 by 20.
- 1 KINGS 8:10 No pillar of fire "by night," for the millennium is the
- "EIGHTH DAY" (2 Peter 3:8) and has no night to follow it; it is
- followed by ETERNAL DAY. This explains why the SEVENTH DAY has no
- "evening" (Gen. 2:1-3). The great truth is again carefully concealed
- from the staff and faculty of the twenty largest "fundamental" and
- "conservative" schools in America.
- 1 KINGS 8:12 See Exodus 19:16 and 20:21 (cf. Ps. 18:11 and 2 Sam.
- 22:12).
- 1 KINGS 8:22 He is STANDING when he begins, but he is KNEELING when
- he FINISHES: see 2 Chronicles 6:12 and then verse 54 in this context.
- 1 KINGS 8:22-54 Observe the peculiar camouflage of the famous
- "Lord's Prayer" of Matthew 6, which is actually the "Disciples' Prayer."
- Our Father (v. 23) which art in heaven (vv. 23,30), Hallowed be thy
- name (vv. 31, 33). Thy kingdom come (v. 33). Thy will be done (v. 34)
- in earth, as it is in heaven (vv. 34, 36, 37). Give us this day our
- daily bread (v. 37). And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
- debtors (v. 39)... For thine is the kingdom (v. 42), and the power (vv.
- 44, 45), and the glory (vv. 50, 51), for ever (v. 60)."
- 1 KINGS 7:16 Note an additional two pillars in 2 Chronicles 4:12
- which do not have the same number of pomegranates in the chain wreath
- (v. 20--200 in rows; 2 Chron. 4:12--100 in rows; 2 Chron. 4--400 in
- rows. BUT THERE IS A WHOLE PORCH OF PILLARS, see v. 6! This should be
- remembered when the dead orthodox apostates try to dig out the
- contradictions found in Jer. 52:21-22; 2 Chron. 4:12; and 2 Kings
- 25:17. The AV is right, as usual, and the scholars are wrong; par for
- the course.)
- 1 KINGS 7:23 A supposed contradiction with 2 Chronicles 4:3. Note
- that it is details like this that cause the faculties at Bob Jones,
- Tennessee Temple, Springfield, Dallas, Denver, etc., to say that the AV
- 1 KINGS 7:26 Contradiction with 2 Chronicles 4:5. The dummies cannot
- see the difference between what it CONTAINED and what it was able to
- HOLD. (Typical; quite typical.)
- 1 KINGS 7:27 Observe the multiples of TEN: ten lavers instead of
- one, ten candlesticks instead of one (v. 49), and ten tables (2 Chron.
- 4:8). TEN IS THE GENTILE NUMBER (absolutely, in spite of any other
- scholar's opinion about it one way or another), and the Millennium is
- Christ reigning over the GENTILES (Rev. 11:15; Acts 15:16-17; Isaiah
- 2:1-5).
- It took three years to make the pillars (1 Kings 7:13). Talmadge
- says of the Temple that it was "a diamond necklace for the earth; a
- vision from heaven had alighted on the mountains."
- 1 KINGS 8:2 This is the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, which gives three
- absolute, confirmed dates:
- 1. The exact date of the BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST.
- 2. The exact date of the SECOND ADVENT OF CHRIST.
- 3. The exact date of the CREATION OF THE SUN IN THE "SOLAR SYSTEM."
- (Study the following references carefully: Matt. 17:1-6; 2 Peter
- 1:13-18; Neh. 8; Acts 15:16; Rev. 21:5; Lev. 23:34-43; Luke 3:23; Hos.
- 9:5; 12:9; Exod. 25:8-9; Gen. 1:18-19; Matt. 17:1,4.)
- The information is carefully hidden from every Greek and Hebrew
- scholar and every faculty member of every "militant Fundamentalist"
- school in the world, and at the same time carefully preserved in EVERY
- EDITION OF THE AV PRINTED SINCE 1611. It is one of two dozen ADVANCED
- REVELATIONS carefully concealed from people who worship "the verbally
- inspired, original autographs."
- 1 KINGS 8:8 The new generation of hippies (street people: 1960-
- 1980) want to straighten the world up, and they never learned how to
- straighten up their own rooms.
- 1 KINGS 8:8 Contradicts Exodus 25:15, according to the best
- Fundamentalist brains in the Laodicean church. They are "Fried
- Freddies" (a street expression for dope addicts). THE ARK HAS FOUND A
- 1 KINGS 8:9 Note the millennial situations: there is no MANNA,
- because the Word is present! There is no "Aaron's rod that budded," for
- the Resurrected Priest is present!
- 1 KINGS 8:62 See 2 Chronicles 7:1 (27,000 and 120,000) v. 63, which
- would be about 144 killed every hour on four altars; thirty-six an hour
- on one. With sixteen altars, this would be one every eight minutes.
- 1 KINGS 8:66 This is where ISAIAH 66 ends with a "new heavens and a
- new earth." Observe the other remarkable "undesigned coincidence"--IT
- IS THE EIGHTH DAY. This is the eternal day that follows the seventh day
- Millennial "Sabbath" (see 2 Peter 3).
- 1 KINGS 9:1 There was only a ONE verse warning in chapter 3, but
- here the warning goes into FOUR LONG VERSES (vv. 6-9). After the
- mountaintop comes the valley: after the pinnacle of spiritual victory
- comes the Satanic attack (see David's case in 2 Sam. 10:18 with 11:1-4).
- 1 KINGS 9:2 Shows that SIGHT does not always help the spiritual
- life; God only APPEARED to David in JUDGMENT: otherwise He just talked
- with him. Note that Solomon takes care of the LORD'S HOUSE before he
- takes care of his own house: see Haggai 1:2,9 and Proverbs 24:24.
- 1 KINGS 9:14 Payment was extremely small. Notice 10:10,14. One year
- was SIX TIMES that much.
- 1 KINGS 9:19 See 10:29.
- 1 KINGS 9:22 (See 2 Chron. 8:10). The VEDAS and the Zoroasterian
- literature is written about this time; too late to give Moses any
- competition, or Samuel, or the writer of Judges and Joshua.
- 1 KINGS 10:16 The word "six" occurs twelve times in the chapter.