The California Collection
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From the Wall Street Journal (Friday, Sept. 1, 1989) we get a perfect
picture of the pressure that is now being put on Congressmen to pass
laws giving homosexuals access to your children, church, business, and
family. These are so typical of how sex perverts think as to be
little more than "euphemisms," but we print them. Here are the
lesbians and fairies explaining their "persecuted" position, where
they want APARTHEID (their minority running your majority) and will
say anything to attain that end.
First queer (Tammy Baldwin of Dade County, Wisconsin): "We are
constantly battling a hostile environment that doesn't support our
Really? Well, that was true of every Christian in the New Testament
(1 John 2), as well as Jesus Christ Himself (John 17), and the
greatest follower of Christ who ever lived said his environment was
EVIL (Gal. 1). He was referring to his contemporary civilization.
"All of society {Ah! There is the culprit: "SOCIETY"!}, even our own
parents, is constantly trying to disestablish our relationships.
Boy, can't they "word" it? You gotta take your hat off to them--when
it comes to real perversion, their SPEECH outdoes their works.
"Disestablish our relationships."
Do you know what that double-breasted fink (my generation were much
clearer and plainer speakers than YOUR generation) said? She said her
parents are "trying to get us to stop fornicating with members of our
own sex." She just got a little "tonque-tied" when she tried to word
Second queer (Robert Bray, Human Rights Campaign Fund; i.e., you give
him money to promote homosexuality): "Our problem is, we don't have
Well, Baptists in Mexico don't, nor do Protestants in south Ireland.
White people in New York and Miami don't have the rights to rob and
assault that black people do. No Bible believer in Russia or China
has equal rights, snd they don't even corrupt boys snd girls with sex
Quit complaining, you little thin-skinned sissy.
"We are expected to conform to a STRICT CODE {Oh, come on, now! Cut
it out! Where did you ever find a STRICT sex code anywhere in any
city or town in the USA? Cut it out, sissy; quit whining} . . .
strict code of behavior set by heterosexuals, and we receive ACUTE
SCREENING because our SEXUAL ORIENTATION continues to be
Interpretation: "In America, where everyone goes to bed with nearly
anyone (that is the "strict code" he is talking about), the rules are
set by normal fornicators and adulterers, who operate naturally,
according to the flesh. We are NOTICED (not "acutely screened")
because our speech shows that we are queers--our diction and
inflections show that we are about half-normal. We are noticed
because our sex perversion continues to endanger the populace with
venereal disease (AIDS, formerly called GRID)."
As I said, my generation (1920-1940) was noted for "telling it like it
was" instead of the way the news media reported it.