The California Collection
Text File
366 lines
Rev. Bill Dorman
Compiled by Scottie Allen, Pastor
Grace Community Church, Virginia Beach, Va.
I. Background: This message was delivered by Rev. Bill Dorman at the Pastors
Conference, Tulsa Oklahoma on October 11th 1978. It was, in my judgment one
of the most needed messages that the Doctrinal Community could hear, and
still is for those who do not fully understand the privacy of the
Priesthood. There needs to be a balance between faith and works in God's
plan. This message puts the two in harmony so that the Believer can, not
only be a hearer of the word, but a doer of the word. The church seems to
have always had more hears than doers. It is my prayer that God will
continue to use this message to His glory in these last days.
II. Objective: To see and understand the relationship between Faith and
Works in the plan of God.
III. Introduction:
A. Man is an incurable doer; work, do, moonlight, hobby, an enthusiast of
all kinds. This nature is both a handicap and blessing when it comes to
spiritual things.
B. Faith must be defined. Faith (Pistis) = "I believe". It must have an
object; i.e. in P-1 Salvation the object is the LJC. In P-2 CWL the object
is the Word of God (WOG).
C. Work (Ergon) = Work accomplished, a deed that is produced, achieved.
IV. Overview of Faith and Works in all three Phases:
A. The unbeliever: Born in Adam. "In Adam all die", I Cor. 15:22; "Dead
in trespasses and sins", Eph. 2:1,2. This is Spiritual Death. The works of
the unbeliever bear the stench of sin and death.
B. The place of Faith & Works in the POG:
1. P-1; PR: Faith is necessary, works are excluded.
2. The object of faith in salvation is the LJC, Ac. 16:31, Jn
3:16. The -work- of the LJC is a fragrant aroma. Eph 5:2 says,
"Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us and
offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Savour."
3. The work of applying the work of Christ to the believer is the
work of God. "He that has begun a good work in you will
perform it until the day of Jesus Christ", Phil. 1:6.
Salvation is the work of God.
4. Faith excludes works, "and if by grace, then it is no more of
works; otherwise grace is no more grace", Rom. 11:6.
5. Salvation is not by works, II Tim. 1:9, Rom. 3:20,28; 4:2,6;
Gal 2:16.
C. What is the relationship of the believer and works?
1. Principle: The faith of the believer properly exercised toward
the WOG produces works. Faith produces good works. The normal
standard outcome of faith produces acceptable works (AW).
2. The object of faith is the WOG. It reveals the character of
God. -It is a means to an end.- This is essential doctrine for
the believer.
3. Maintaining a standard of good works for the believer is not
-"We are created in Christ Jesus unto good works", Eph. 2:10.
-"Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all
iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous
of good works", Titus 2:14.
-"These things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they
which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good
works. These things are good and profitable unto men", Titus
This is what James tells us in 1:22-25. If you are a hearer of the word and
not a doer, you are deceiving yourself. Ephesians 2:10 again, the objective
is that we are created in Christ Jesus unto good works; designed to produce
acceptable works. Why does a farmer plant corn? To get grain! God made us
in order to produce fruit, more fruit, much fruit, John 15:1-5.
Eph. 2:10, "Which God has prepared before" = Made ready ahead of time; He
planned ahead; He made provision.
"That we should walk in them" = Good works. This is not optional, we do not
have a choice.
D. The acceptable works of the believer is a fragrance to God. He
smells His character reflected from the believer.
E. What is the relationship of works in P-3?
1. Pr: All men's works or deeds are to be judged. This is a basic
of history. Every man's works are going to be recompensed.
Violation is the basis for responsibility. God is going to
judge the human race. There is a sense of right and wrong. You
are going to give an account of your life to God.
2. We must distinguished between sins and works or deeds:
#Sins; All sin is absolutely sinful, Rom. 3:23. There is no such thing as
good sin. It is absolute sin!
#Works; Works are either acceptable or unacceptable, II Cor. 4:10. It is
either good or bad. Agathos (good) puts the emphasis on the nature of
works. Phaulos (Bad) = Worthless, unacceptable.
3. All sins have been paid for by Christ, I Jn. 2:2; 4:10; Rom.
3:25; II Cor. 5:14.
4. All works or deeds of man will be judged by God, Rom. 2:5-8.
God cannot tolerate a member of the human race who rejects
a. The unbeliever will be judged at the GWT, Rev. 20:11-15. It
is the work of Christ verses the good works of man.
b. The believer's works will be judged at the Judgment Seat of
Christ(JSC), II COr. 5:10. Reward or loss of reward.
The distinction: At the JSC the believer will be rewarded for positive
volition who has been obedient to the WOG. The natural outcome of that =
c. Distortions of Faith & Works in P-1 & P-2:
P-1 P-2
Truth Faith Faith produces
no works works
Distortion Faith plus All Faith no works
Works i.e. Bapt- or
Regeneration All works no faith
Pr: Faith & Works go together to make a complete picture;
Brings glory to GF
Wisdoms way = DVP = AW
Skill in living the CWL on - I -
basis of the WOG.
All faith/no <<<<<<<<< : : >>>>>>>>>> All works, no faith
works : O :
: S :
: N :
: :
: >>>>>>>>>>>>>Human view point
always distorts
WOG brings us us back to Wisdom's Way.
#Distortion of works in P-2; "I can do what I please. God loves me and He
would not send one of His creatures to hell." Rom. 14:10-14 (Emphasis on
PR: We are bond slaves of Christ. He has made us weak in order to provide
for us, II Cor 12:7-10.
Application: Be careful that you are not hearing just what you want to hear
rather that what God has for you. We can be thankful that His word steps on
our toes. So no positive believer need wear steel-toed shoes!
F. Two categories of works. What is an AW and what is an unacceptable
1. Comes from believer only ! From unbel, wicked works Col. 1:21
! From carnal bel = works of darkness
! Rom. 13:12. This may be motivated
! by sin, and the work acceptable,
! i.e. Simon, Acts 8:13-24, hence
! unacceptable. Also a good thing
! done in a wrong way, same thing.
2. Agathos work=Unacceptable* ! Kalos work = Unacceptable*
*Must distinguish between two words; Agathos = Good by nature, good by
concept. Agathos works are directed toward God
*Kalos means good which is directed toward man. Works evident to others,
i.e. moral goodness. Kalos works are for the sake of man.
-Agathos-kalos work has origin from God and benefits man.
-Agathos work is behind every kalos work from God to man.
-Agathos must be behind every kalos work produced by the believer. We
call this production of divine good. Divine Good = Agathos work.
-Kalos work benefits man but does not glorify God. It glorifies man.
3. Passages on Agathos works and Kalos works:
a. Agathos:
-II Cor. 9:8. Giving is an Agathos kalos work directed toward
-Col. 1:10 Walking worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being
fruitful in every good work.
- Eph. 2:10 Created in Christ unto good works...
-I Tim. 2:10 women can produce agathos works.
b. Kalos: Evidenced to man but Agathos behind it.
- Matt. 5:16 "Let your light shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father."
- John 10:32 (The good works of LJC) "Many good works I have
showed you from My Father."
- I Tim. 5:10 The rule on taking widows into the Local Church
(LC). They must be "well reported of for good works; brought
up children; lodged strangers; washed the saints feet;
received the afflicted; diligently followed every good work."
Agathos work is behind her kalos work is the basis for her
- I Tim. 5:25 "Good works of some that cannot be hid". This
work is quiet evident and clear of what it is.
- Titus 2:7-14 "In all things show yourself to be an example of
good deeds with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech
which is beyond reproach, in order that the opponent may be
put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us...for the
grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men,
instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to
live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,
looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of
our Great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; Who gave Himself for
us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify
for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for GOOD
- I Pet. 2:12 "Keep your manner of life excellent..."
c. The Kalos works of the unbeliever. The Divine Establishment
principle in man is Kalos works. They are good even though
produced by the unbeliever. They are unacceptable to God.
#1. Under the concept of morality they are condemned by Titus 3:5
"Not by works of righteousness..." The unbeliever's works may be
righteous, but instead of being Divine Good, they would be
relative righteousness. They would conform to the standards of
man! We would not condemn them but they would not be acceptable
to God.
#2. Morality is not spirituality. Morality was designed by God to
preserve order in society. A standard of right and wrong.
But misguided man starts w/a standard(it may even be his own) has faith ,
the standard, believing it is the proper thing to do, then starts cranking
out Good works. This is a Kalos work.
It was provided by God to give stability to the human race. It does not
provide salvation. Faith > standard = Kalos work.
#3. Carnal believers are responsible to produce Kalos works, even
when they are out of fellowship, i.e. they must obey the laws of
the land; children must obey their parents.
#4. We must be careful to distinguish between AW & Unacceptable
-AW are permanent, "not in vain" I Cor. 15:58.
-Unacceptable works will perish
-Fruitful works are AW, Phil 1:22; Col. 1:10; Titus 3:14.
-Unacceptable works are the product of the OSN, Gal 5:19.
4. Summary:
-We have had a word study on works
-Object of AW is to glorify God.
-Unacceptable works deny God, Titus 1:16. Kalos works w/o Agathos
denies God, even if it is a good work.
-AW glorify God because they manifest the Character of God. God's
character is revealed through the believer.
D. Components to an AW:
1. It must be compatible with Divine Norms and Standards (N/S).
2. It must be produced by God's power.
3. It must have proper motivation.
These three ingredients will produce AW that will glorify God.
E. Components of Unacceptable work:
1. Divine N/S plus motivation plus energy of the flesh.
2. Divine power plus motivation plus human viewpoint.
3. Divine N/S plus power plus selfish motivation.
# AW must be compatible with Divine N/S. The standard revealed in the
# Every command is a standard, it defines an AW.
There are many ways to show the principle:
The Three Functions of the believer, Priest, Minister, Ambassador.
! ! !
! R>>>>>>>>!>> Directed toward other believers service!
Input ! I ! or use of spiritual gift !
of>>>>!>>>E !-------------------------------------------!
! T>>>>>>>>!>> Directed toward the unbeliever as a !
! ! witness - giving out the Gospel !
! ! !
Note: When you function to other believers and the unbeliever, you function
through your Priesthood, Rom. 15:15,16. This is an AW. Remember, no
Priesthood - no ministry - no witness!
In relation to other categories:
-Priest to God Ministry to Believer Witness to unbel.-
M !1. Faith Rest 1. MA of PT toward Cong 1. Non Judgmental
A !Heb 3/4= AW Great patience, 2 Tim 4:2 attitude toward
! unbel Luke 23:34.
!2. Confidence 2. MA of Bel. Heb 10:36 "they know not
!II Cor. 5:8 what they do"
S !------------------------------------------------------------------
p !1. Prayer Exhortation Giving the Gospel
e !2. Thanksgiving Comfort Acts 1:8
e !3. Praise, giving II Cor. 1:3-5 I Cor. 15:1-3
c !- God the credit
h !1. Giving 2 Cor 9:7 Sharing goods, Rom 15:26 Good Samaritan
!2. Body as a Sac- Hospitality, Heb. 13:1-3 Luke 10:30-37
! rifice, Rom 12:1, Goodness &
! Kindness toward
-! unbel, Rom 2:4-
# The Doctrine of Privacy operates within the area of Priesthood, Mental
attitude, prayer and Giving. If you try to apply privacy to Ministry and
Ambassadorship you distort the doctrine.
# AW are produced by the Power of God, Acts 5:38,39. It is the works of men
vs the work of God. "If it is of men it will come to naught."
Resources: The Word of God (unlimited supply). It must be resident in the
Soul of the Believer. The Holy Spirit acts as the Pump.
Motivation: Col. 3:23 "...as unto the Lord".
<Documentation>: James 1:20-25, Doer vs Hearer
1. Physical(preparation & !
Mental (objective hearing = Gnosis ! HEARER
2. Faith = Epignosis !
3. Faith exercised/applied =Epignosis !
4. AW ! DOER
Result: The WOG has become productive in the believer's life.
Conclusion: As new creatures in Christ, we are weeds or tares made into
wheat; pigs made into sheep. Reason - to produce fruit, bear wool. This is
the lesson of John 15.