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Perodicals - Magazines - Book Reviews
ANGELS.LZH 673 111591 Angels- God's secret Agents by Billy Graham
ANGELWLK.LZH 1082 111591 ANGELWALK by Roger Elwood
ANTICHRI.LZH 3994 111591 Notes and Newsworthy Quotes by Peter Ruckman
BOOK1.LZH 1262 111591 Book reviews/Reading/Articles etc: by Scottie Allen
BOOK2.LZH 3731 111591 Book Reviews by Donald G. Matzat March 1987
BOOK3.LZH 1838 111591 The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur A R
BOOK4.LZH 1319 111591 Recommended books to read
BOOK5.LZH 1430 111591 The Seduction of Christianity a review by Steve Ren
BR6.LZH 19237 111591 The Bible Truth Review (previously named- The Bible
CATH25.LZH 857 111591 Notes you may have missed
CIB89MAR.LZH 5731 111591 Christian Information Bureau by Dave Hunt (newslett
CIBAPR87.LZH 2548 111591 Christian Information Bureau April 1987 by Dave Hun
CIBAPR88.LZH 3408 111591 Christian Information Bureau April 1988 by Dave Hun
CIBAUG87.LZH 3965 111591 Christian Information Bureau June 1987 by Dave Hunt
CIBDEC87.LZH 3579 111591 Christian Information Bureau December 1987 by Dave
CIBFEB88.LZH 3797 111591 Christian Information Bureau February 1988 by Dave
CIBJAN88.LZH 5269 111591 Christian Information Bureau January 1988 by Dave H
CIBJUL87.LZH 3502 111591 Christian Information Bureau July 1987 by Dave Hunt
CIBJUN87.LZH 1665 111591 Christian Information Bureau June 1987 by Dave Hunt
CIBMAR88.LZH 3798 111591 Christian Information Bureau March 1988 by Dave Hun
CIBMAY87.LZH 2546 111591 Christian Information Bureau May 1987 by Dave Hunt
CIBMAY88.LZH 5081 111591 Christian Information Bureau May 1988 by Dave Hunt
CIBNOV87.LZH 3242 111591 Christian Information Bureau November 1987 by Dave
CIBNOV88.LZH 6106 111591 Christian Information Bureau November 1988 by Dave
CIBOCT87.LZH 4103 111591 Christian Information Bureau October 1987 by Dave H
CIBOCT88.LZH 4995 111591 Christian Information Bureau October 1988 by Dave H
CIBSEP87.LZH 1971 111591 Christian Information Bureau September 1987 by Dave
CIBSPC88.LZH 3760 111591 Is the New Age movement continuing to gather momentu
COVERN.LZH 778 111591 a sample COVENANT
DADDY.LZH 697 111591 Daddy- I'm pregnant by a dad named Bill
DARKNESS.LZH 846 111591 This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti
DOBSON.LZH 5731 111591 Dr. James Dobson speaks about giving and crooks in t
EARTHKNG.LZH 630 111591 Earth King by Michael Youssef
ETERN1.LZH 2111 111591 Eternity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson
FALSE1.LZH 2086 111591 TRUE SAINTS by Charles G.Finney
GOSREV.LZH 1848 111591 Review of "The Gospel according to Jesus" by John M
GUILTY1.LZH 1111 111591 Guilty Policemen
INTERST1.LZH 3876 111591 Items of interest
KICKING.LZH 962 111591 A 'shrink' speaks out by Peter Ruckman
KOCKOED.LZH 502 111591 note on the Knights of Columbus
LOOKBOOK.LZH 1836 111591 Absence of faith by Peter Ruckman
MAJORITY.LZH 3394 111591 Does 1 John 5:7 belong in the Bible? by Peter Ruckm
MANIFEST.LZH 5243 111591 A Review of 'A Christian Manifesto' by Michael Doli
MARTIN.LZH 730 111591 A note on the death of Walter Martin
NEWTRIN.LZH 1068 111591 A 'new' trinity ala Catholic style by Peter Ruckman
NOAHSS.LZH 2426 111591 Noah's Sunday School by Doug Huffman
NOVOMEG.LZH 14973 111591 Understanding the Trinity by Dave Hunt
OMEGA001.LZH 27972 111591 Why the Omega Letter?
PERFECT.LZH 3731 111591 What Is The Perfect in 1 Corinthians 13:10? by Jim
PERSN389.LZH 5199 111591 Strictly Personal (MARCH 1989) by Dr. Peter S. Ruck
POLAND.LZH 1038 111591 the general MESS in Poland & Catholicism
READERS.LZH 2172 111591 reply to a tract producer on the tract "Millions dis
REALFREE.LZH 1828 111591 Real Free Speech (church puts a tract in local newsp
REFS1.LZH 10782 111591 Reference Books
RINGOUT.LZH 4437 111591 Strictly Personal Ring out the Old- etc. 2/90 by P
RODENT.LZH 1382 111591 Here is a sample of a rodent's daily life.
ROMANS2.LZH 22811 111591 Judging people and going to hell by Peter Ruckman
SALVATON.LZH 2645 111591 A sample letter to Catholics by Frank Eberhardt
SCHOOL.LZH 8604 111591 An invitation to join Family Radio's School
SHRINK2.LZH 1731 111591 Soviet Psychiatric Abuses Revealed
SHUTTLE.LZH 4319 111591 Was the Space Program Sabotaged?
STUDY2.LZH 10675 111591 Reference Books
STUDYB.LZH 7225 111591 STUDYB.LZH 16k
TEDTURNR.LZH 1974 111591 Ted Turner tries to take on God by Cal Thomas
THESAINT.LZH 4005 111591 The Saint: What is the SCRIPTURAL saint?
THE_GIFT.LZH 398 111591 The GIFT; Barbara Larriva;Ballantine Books- New York
TRILOGY.LZH 982 111591 The Singer- The Song & the Finale book review
VANDALS.LZH 928 111591 Vandals deface church sign
VANIMPE1.LZH 4184 111591 The Christian and Alcohol by Jack Van Impe
VANIMPE2.LZH 7319 111591 Alcohol- Drugs- and Cigarettes by Jack Van Impe
WAITE.LZH 1187 111591 Donald Waite and The Dictionary
WANTED.LZH 793 111591 Wanted: Proofreader
WCN.LZH 19315 111591 World Christian News - Vol.2- Nr.2
WHO.LZH 9697 111591 Who murdered Africa (AIDS) by William Campbell Doug
XL11.LZH 1974 111591 It's all a gift by Richard Yim
XL26.LZH 1127 111591 "He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob- neither hath