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Biblical Archaeology
in the
World Today
Mat S. Hames
Why Christianity?
You Christians are nothing but a bunch of fakes. Why should I believe it?
You have no proof. Your just basing your life around something that was
written by a bunch of men over 2000 years ago."
That is what I heard from a person a few days ago. And I can tell you;
this person is saddeningly wrong. Jesus does work miracles, the Bible was
written by God THROUGH man, and most of all: Yes, we do have proof. `Now,' you
say, `he's going to go into all that religious love garbage.' Well, in case
you were saying that, you're wrong. I could sit here for hours telling you
about the love that I have found in God, but I will try a diffrent approach.
If you are a non-beliver, let me tell you that there i s all the proof in the
World; Archaeologically. Take for instance, Sodom and Gommorah; Biblical
Cities in the Book of Genesis that were destroyed by their own lack of love,
and God. They had fallen away from God, much like the world today, and were
struc k down by His wrath. Well, about 3 years ago, the remnents of two
cities south of the Dead Sea were discovered: with traces of destruction by a
terrible fire.
Only about a year ago, the Dead Sea scrolls with parts of Isaiah on it,
were discovered in a small cave in the same general area. ( Isaiah is an Old
Testiment book of Prophecy.) The first actual victim of crucifixion on the
cross ever found was in 1968, proving that crucifixion, like that of Jesus,
was actually used back then. The Biblical cities of Zoan, otherwise known as
Tanis, was discovered in Lower Egypt in 1948.
The tomb of the fabled queen of Sheba also in the Old Testiment was found
recently in Addis Ababa. Literally hundreds of biblical ruins have been
discovered in Jeruselum, while clearing away areas for construction. The
massive Altar of Joshua has been found on the northeastern face of Mt. Ebal
in Jeruselum.
Other Archaeological
Discoveries in The Holy Land:
Pre-flood writings found in the ruins of Ur. Accad, one of Nimrod's
cities mentioned in Gen 10:10, also called Sippar.
" Temptation Seal" was found near Babylon, portraying in pictures exactley
what Genesis says in words. It shows a tree, on one side a man, the other side
a woman plucking fruit, and behind the woman a serpant.
Flood proof.. has been found all over ancient Mesopotamia.. soil deposits
from the far north have been brought to the south. Two layers of soil are
evident, proving that there was at one time a great flood.
Tower of Babel.. two sites have been found, each one with inscriptions
telling the story of Babel, have been found in the Babylon region.
Shisak's invasion of Judah. Shisak's own record of this invasion was found
carved into a wall at the temple of Karnak.
Babylon.. the ancient and once splendid city was uncovered in Southern Iraq.
... the list is endless. So, you can see why we, as Christians, do have
proof of the Bible. But, more important to us than this proof is the proof in
our hearts one of us gets when he or she accepts Jesus as their Lord and
So there is fact along with the "Folklore" and there is " Logical" proof
that these events did happen, for those of you who desire such proof.