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This file contains information on how to install and use
the Computer Library PC Magazine Reviews Index. A brief User's
guide and a sample search session follow the installation
instructions and systems requirements listed below. To print
this type COPY PCM.DOC PRN at the DOS prompt and press <Enter>.
To install the Computer Library PC Magazine Reviews Index:
1. Create a directory on your hard disk called CLIB. You
can do this by typing MD CLIB at the DOS prompt and pressing
2. Copy PCM.EXE (or PCM88.EXE, or PCM89.EXE, or PCM90.EXE
PCM91A.EXE)into the CLIB directory, along with PCSRCH.EXE.
3. Be sure you have at least 2,500,000 bytes free on your
hard disk, 512K RAM installed, and DOS 3.1 or higher. You
can check the available space on your hard disk by typing
CHKDSK at the DOS prompt and pressing <Enter>. Check the
DOS version by typing VER at the DOS prompt and press <Enter>.
4. Be sure that the FILES and BUFFERS in your CONFIG.SYS file
both equal at least 20. You can see the contents of your
CONFIG.SYS file by typing TYPE CONFIG.SYS at the DOS prompt
while in the root directory of the hard disk that you boot
5. Go to the CLIB directory on your hard disk by typing
CD CLIB at the DOS prompt and pressing <Enter>.
6. Call the self-extracting archive PCM files one at a time at the
DOS prompt and press <Enter>. For example, type PCSRCH
and press <Enter> and the Lotus searchware files will be
extracted into your CLIB directory. Refer to the list below
for the file names and byte sizes of the files that will be
extracted from the downloaded self-extracting archive files.
7. After you have extracted all of the files from the
downloaded self-extracting archive files, delete the self-extracting
archives from the CLIB directory by typing, DEL PC*.EXE at the DOS
prompt and pressing <Enter>.
8. Print the PCM.DOC file by typing COPY PCM.DOC PRN
at the DOS prompt and pressing <Enter>.
9. To start the Computer Library PC Magazine Reviews Index,
go to the CLIB directory, type CL at the DOS prompt
and press <Enter>.
PCM.EXE - (January 12, 1988 - June 11, 1991)
PCMBK.DB 8488 7-29-91
PCMBT.DB 76464 7-29-91
PCMCF.DB 393 7-29-91
PCMDM.DB 208 7-29-91
PCMDP.DB 6632 7-29-91
PCMIF.DB 3171 7-29-91
PCMML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCMPP.DB 52832 7-29-91
PCMRL.DB 793662 7-29-91
PCMSD.DB 96008 7-29-91
PCMTT.DB 238752 7-29-91
PCMTX.DB 1365972 7-29-91
PCMWC.DB 5 7-29-91
PCMWL.DB 129468 7-29-91
PCM.DOC 14033 7-29-91
PCM91A.EXE - (January 15, 1991 - June 11, 1991)
PCM91ABK.DB 2881 7-29-91
PCM91ABT.DB 26064 7-29-91
PCM91ACF.DB 393 7-29-91
PCM91ADM.DB 39 7-29-91
PCM91ADP.DB 1220 7-29-91
PCM91AIF.DB 3171 7-29-91
PCM91AML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCM91APP.DB 9720 7-29-91
PCM91ARL.DB 166380 7-29-91
PCM91ASD.DB 32002 7-29-91
PCM91ATT.DB 43920 7-29-91
PCM91ATX.DB 255545 7-29-91
PCM91AWC.DB 5 7-29-91
PCM91AWL.DB 48641 7-29-91
PCM.DOC 14033 7-29-91
PCM90.EXE - (January 15 - June 11, 1991)
PCM90BK.DB 4026 3-16-90
PCM90BT.DB 36288 3-16-90
PCM90CF.DB 393 3-16-90
PCM90DM.DB 57 3-16-90
PCM90DP.DB 1808 3-16-90
PCM90IF.DB 3145 3-16-90
PCM90ML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCM90PP.DB 14304 3-16-90
PCM90RL.DB 251082 3-16-90
PCM90SD.DB 44751 3-16-90
PCM90TT.DB 65088 3-16-90
PCM90TX.DB 396739 3-16-90
PCM90WC.DB 5 3-16-90
PCM90WL.DB 64825 3-16-90
PCM.DOC 12739 3-20-90
PCM90.EXE - (January 16 - December 25, 1990)
PCM90BK.DB 4026 3-16-90
PCM90BT.DB 36288 3-16-90
PCM90CF.DB 393 3-16-90
PCM90DM.DB 57 3-16-90
PCM90DP.DB 1808 3-16-90
PCM90IF.DB 3145 3-16-90
PCM90ML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCM90PP.DB 14304 3-16-90
PCM90RL.DB 251082 3-16-90
PCM90SD.DB 44751 3-16-90
PCM90TT.DB 65088 3-16-90
PCM90TX.DB 396739 3-16-90
PCM90WC.DB 5 3-16-90
PCM90WL.DB 64825 3-16-90
PCM.DOC 12739 3-20-90
PCM89.EXE - (January 17 - December 26, 1989)
PCM89BK.DB 3879 1-02-90
PCM89BT.DB 34992 1-02-90
PCM89CF.DB 393 1-02-90
PCM89DM.DB 58 1-02-90
PCM89DP.DB 1832 1-02-90
PCM89IF.DB 3425 1-02-90
PCM89ML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCM89PP.DB 14656 1-02-90
PCM89RL.DB 230628 1-02-90
PCM89SD.DB 43408 1-02-90
PCM89TT.DB 65952 1-02-90
PCM89TX.DB 371746 1-02-90
PCM89WC.DB 5 1-02-90
PCM89WL.DB 63041 1-02-90
PCM.DOC 12739 3-20-90
PCM88.EXE - (January 12 - December 7, 1989)
PCM88BK.DB 3872 7-25-89
PCM88BT.DB 34992 7-25-89
PCM88CF.DB 393 7-25-89
PCM88DM.DB 56 7-25-89
PCM88DP.DB 1772 7-25-89
PCM88IF.DB 3425 7-24-89
PCM88ML.DB 523 6-29-89
PCM88PP.DB 14152 7-25-89
PCM88RL.DB 216408 7-25-89
PCM88SD.DB 43219 7-25-89
PCM88TT.DB 63792 7-25-89
PCM88TX.DB 341942 7-25-89
PCM88WC.DB 5 7-25-89
PCM88WL.DB 62831 7-25-89
PCM.DOC 12739 3-20-90
PCSRCH.EXE - (BlueFish 2.3 Searchware Files)
BFSEARCH.EXE 161709 4-18-89 1:33p
CL.EXE 37629 7-19-89 12:04p
HELP.HDR 3520 4-06-89 10:13a
SHELP.HDR 3520 7-20-89 5:51p
HELP.SCR 25780 4-06-89 10:13a
SHELP.SCR 724 7-20-89 5:51p
PC Magazine Reviews Index files contain databases and Searchware(TM)
owned by Ziff Communications Company (Ziff) and Lotus Development
Corporation (Lotus), respectively, and are prepared as a service
to readers of PC Magazine. You may not commercially distribute
these files, the Searchware(TM) module or the database reproduced
in these files or use any of them as a component of or as a basis
for a database prepared for commercial distribution. You are
also prohibited from using the Searchware(TM) module with any
database other than the database provided in these files.
Except as specifically provided above, neither Ziff nor Lotus
makes any warranty or representation, either expressed or
implied, with respect to the Searchware(TM) module or the
database reproduced in these files, including, but not limited to,
their quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose and shall have no liability or responsibility
to any recipient with respect to any liability, loss, or damage
arising, directly or indirectly, out of the use of these files, the
Searchware(TM) module or database contained in these files,
including, but not limited to, those incurred as a result of lost
profits or revenue or other incidental or consequential damages.
Database Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Ziff Communications Co.
Searchware(TM) Copyright (C) 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991 Lotus Development
Corporation. All rights reserved. All rights of reproduction in
other media reserved.
General Information
index to the hundreds of software and hardware reviews and
evaluations that appear in PC Magazine.
The PC Magazine Reviews Index is a small part of Computer
Select, distributed by Ziff Communications Company monthly
on CD-ROM.
Each month's CD-ROM contains an entire year's worth of full
text articles and abstracts from over 140 computer and
technology-related periodicals published in the United States
and Great Britain, including PC Magazine.
In addition, Computer Select contains specifications of over
68,000 hardware and software products and profiles of the
12,000+ companies that manufacture them.
The software used to retrieve citations from the Reviews Index
is a fully functional copy of Lotus Development Corporation's
BlueFish(R) Searchware -- the same software utilized in Computer
Select. It allows subscribers to easily navigate through the more
than 65,000 articles and abstracts available to them each month.
If you would like more information about Computer Select please
call: 212-503-4400.
Selecting Commands
To select a command from a menu, you can use the RIGHT or LEFT
arrow key to highlight the command, then press ENTER to execute
it. Alternatively, you can type the first letter of the command.
Press HOME to highlight the first command on the menu, or END to
highlight the last command.
Becoming Familiar with the Reviews Index
To become familiar with the features of the PC Magazine Reviews
Index, you should view the Information Screen. To display the
Information Screen, select Info from the Log Menu when first
entering the Reviews Index.
Using Help
The Help System contains information about using commands and
entering queries. To use the Help system, press F1.
Start the Reviews Index
1. Go to the CLIB directory on your hard disk or the
directory in which you installed the Reviews Index.
You can do so by typing CD\ and the appropriate
directory name at the DOS prompt and pressing ENTER.
2. Type CL at the DOS prompt and press ENTER.
3. Press ENTER when you are ready to clear the Copyright Screen.
4. If you have placed more than one index in your CLIB directory
you will be prompted to highlight an index with the highlight
bar and press ENTER.
The Log Screen appears and the "all" query is executed. The "all"
query is executed automatically whenever you enter the Reviews
Index. It tells you how many documents there are and allows you to
begin browsing those documents without having to enter a query.
Each document contains a citation to a PC Magazine review.
Enter A Query
A query contains search terms that define the information you are
looking for. The search ware finds all occurrences of these terms.
1. Select Query by typing Q.
2. Enter the simple query DESKTOP PUBLISHING and press <Enter>.
3. Once you have read the information in the window,
press any key to clear the window and return to the Log Screen.
The Log Screen lists the most recent 24 queries. The
queries appear in numbered log entries that contain
information about the number of matched search terms
and the number of documents in which those matches occur.
Within the Log Screen, you can enter queries, remove
log entries, protect log entries from being removed,
view information about the PC Magazine Reviews Index,
limit subsequent searches to a set of documents
represented by a log entry, and a copy or print
documents represented by log entries.
View a list of titles
You can use a list of titles to help you determine which documents
you want to browse. This is especially helpful if too many
documents match your query.
1. Select Titles by typing T.
The Titles Screen allows you to view the titles of
documents that contain matches to your queries. Each
document is numbered and contains the document's
title, and the date of publication.
2. Use the UP and DOWN arrow key to highlight a specific title.
Browse a Document
1. Select Browse by typing B.
The Browse Screen appears, displaying the top of the
document you selected. You can browse a document and
move from document to document.
2. When you have completed browsing, press ALT-L to
return to the Log Screen.
End of the Session
1. Select Exit by typing E and Yes by typing Y.
Boolean Operators
You can use the Boolean operators - AND, OR, WITHIN, WITHOUT -
to create phrases that narrow your searches. Press F1 to see examples
of queries that contain Boolean operators.
Wildcard Searching and Missing Letters
If you want to search for several related terms, you can use
Computer Library's wildcard searching features. An asterisk (*)
represents a missing portion of a word. A question mark (?)
represents one missing letter in a word or one missing word in a
phrase. Press F1 to see examples of wildcard queries.
Copy or Print
Copy allows you to copy matched documents to an ASCII file. Print
allows you to print documents directly to your printers. Press F1 for
more information on copying and printing.
You can build your own list of documents for inclusion in the log.
To mark a document, type Alt-M. Press F1 for more information on
marking documents.