Written by Lars Sundstr├╢m of Seagull Engineering of Sweden
Copyright 1988. All rights reserved.
Copy any icon from any file as picture.
Icon Grabber is distributed as Shareware. So if you find yourself using Icon Grabber and decides to keep it then please send $12 to be a registred Icon Grabber user.
Payment Instructions
ΓÇó Transaction costs - Customer stands for any transaction costs that may arise.
ΓÇó Checks - If using a check it must be drawn on a bank in the home currency of the bank.
• S.W.I.F.T. - please remit to Bank: Skånska Banken S.W.I.F.T.-address: Malmö SYSBSEMM Account Number 2436-10-77304
ΓÇó Postal Giro - Kindly pay to our Postal Giro Account in Stockholm 73 66 98-2