Info: 'ÑThe bottom line displays the alphabet with the letters selected as guesses outlined. This is updated as guesses are added or changed.'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=89, x2=503, y2=124
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑThe 'FREQ' line displays the frequency with which the letters in the bottom row appear in the cipher text. Updates if the cypher text is changed.'
Bounds: x1=1, y1=8, x2=504, y2=41
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑThe 'GUESS' line displays the characters which have been selected as guesses for the cipher text characters in the bottom row.'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=154, x2=503, y2=171
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑFor hints, click a letter and select 'Gimme a Hint' from menu'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=178, x2=503, y2=195
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑFor entire solution, select 'I Give Up' from menu'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=201, x2=503, y2=218
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑWhen a cryptogram is 'SAVE'd, the 'GUESS' line is saved as the solution.'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=131, x2=503, y2=148
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑDouble Beep indicates guess used for more than one cipher text character.'
Bounds: x1=52, y1=240, x2=452, y2=272
Type: -120
Info: 'Consciencious users will upload various naughty and cutsie crypto's. Prizes may be awarded by anyone who cares to.'
Items: (12 entries)
Bounds: x1=18, y1=6, x2=484, y2=75
Type: -112
Info: ''
Bounds: x1=16, y1=4, x2=486, y2=77
Type: -112
Info: ''
Bounds: x1=87, y1=23, x2=412, y2=39
Type: 8
Info: 'Copyright ⌐ 1986 by John Martin & Clyde Person'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=81, x2=497, y2=116
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑTO SOLVE A CRYPTOGRAM FROM THE PAPER ETC..... Type in the cipher Text. Use usual Edit techniques. Then click 'Solve'.'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=229, x2=503, y2=278
Type: 8
Info: 'To solve, click either on the cipher text or on the alphabet at the bottom to select a character. Then type a guess character. The guess character will be substituted for all instances of the selected character.'
Bounds: x1=0, y1=160, x2=502, y2=193
Type: 8
Info: 'ÑTO MAKE YOUR OWN CRYPTOGRAM..... Type plain text into a 'New' window. Select 'Encrypt' from menu.'