This HyperCard stack acts as a simple terminal using the modem port.
Whatever comes in over the serial port is displayed on the screen. And whatever is typed into the message box is sent to the serial port when a Return is typed (the Return is sent as well). You can issue commands via the message box by using the Enter key to invoke them (rather than the Return key, which would send the message box contents to the serial port). The command "setBaud «rate»" will work for «rates»s of 300, 1200, or 2400, 4800, and 9600 (the rate is set initially to 300).
This stack also includes a number of XCMDs for interfacing with the serial ports. To use
them in another stack, you must use ResEdit to copy the XCMD and XFCN resources to
the other stack.
Note: This stack and the serial port XCMDs are continuing to evolve. I'll try to answer all questions via AppleLink (Chesley1).