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XCMD and XFCN: The Magic Hooks That Extend HyperTalk
This documentation by Ted Kaehler, 1 August 1987
For HyperCard 1.0. (Works with internal versions 1.0B9 and later.)
⌐Apple Computer, Inc. 1987
All Rights Reserved.
Dan Winkler has created an interface that allows powerful new commands
to be added to HyperCard "in the field." When a command in a script
cannot be found, HyperCard looks for a resource of type XCMD with
the same name as the unknown command. Likewise, when a function cannot
be found, HyperCard looks for a resource of type XFCN. Consider XCMDs
and XFCNs to be extensions of stack scripts. Whenever a handler (for a
command or function) is not found in a stack script, HyperCard
immediately looks for a XCMD or XFCN in that stack. The total
inheritance order is: Button (or Field), Card, Stack, stack XCMD, Home,
home XCMD, XCMD in HyperCard application file, HyperCard command. An
XCMD or XFCN is a code resource with no header bytes (just like a desk
accessory). You can move them from file to file with ResEdit or with
any other resource moving tool.
The only thing passed into an XCMD or XFCN is a pointer to a XCmdBlock.
It looks like this:
XCmdPtr = ^XCmdBlock;
XCmdBlock =
paramCount: INTEGER; { the number of arguments }
params: ARRAY[1..16] OF Handle; { the arguments }
returnValue: Handle; { the result of this XCMD }
passFlag: BOOLEAN; { pass the message on? }
entryPoint: ProcPtr; { call back to HyperCard }
request: INTEGER; { what you want to do }
result: INTEGER; { the answer it gives }
inArgs: ARRAY[1..8] OF LongInt; { args XCMD sends HyperCard }
outArgs: ARRAY[1..4] OF LongInt; { answer HyperCard sends back }
You read the agruments (they are handles to zero terminated strings),
do whatever the purpose of this XCMD is, and optionally store a
result into returnValue. All data values going to and from HyperTalk
are zero-terminated ASCII strings.
Resources of type XCMD are commands, and resourcs of type XFCN are
fuctions that return a value. If you store a result string into
returnValue in a command, the user can get it by asking for "the result"
(useful for explaining why there was an error). In a function, you are
expected to store the answer into returnValue. If you don't store
anything, the result is the empty string.
If passFlag is false (the normal case), this XCMD or XFCN has handled the
message and the script resumes execution. If passFlag is true, HyperCard
searches the remaining inheritance chain for another handler or
XCMD with the same name. This is just like the "pass" control structure
in a script.
The file Flash.p is an example XCMD. It takes one argument which is
the ASCII characters for a decimal integer. It inverts the screen
twice the number of times indicated. It is meant to be used as a command
and puts an error string into "the result" if the argument is odd.
Peek.p is a function (XFCN) that returns the value of any memory location
in the machine (purists avert your eyes).
The second part of the XCmdBlock record has to do with
calling HyperCard back in the middle of your code to ask a question.
If you wanted to manage the call to HyperCard yourself, you would
fill inArgs with your arguments, put a request code in request,
and JSR to the address in entryPoint. HyperCard returns the values you
requested in outArgs and a reslut code in result.
However, Dan Winkler has packaged the entire range of calls on HyperCard,
so that if you are using Pascal, you can simply call a procedure. Both
Peek and Flash use some conversion routines that Dan has kindly
supplied. The file XCmdGlue.inc has the glue procedures. Handle is always
a handle to a zero-terminated string. If a handle is returned, you are
responsible for disposing it. The calls are:
PROCEDURE SendCardMessage(msg: Str255);
{ Send a HyperCard message (a command with arguments) to the current card. }
FUNCTION EvalExpr(expr: Str255): Handle;
{ Evaluate a HyperCard expression and return the answer. The answer is
a handle to a zero-terminated string. }
FUNCTION StringLength(strPtr: Ptr): LongInt;
{ Count the characters from where strPtr points until the next zero byte.
Does not count the zero itself. strPtr must be a zero-terminated string. }
FUNCTION StringMatch(pattern: Str255; target: Ptr): Ptr;
{ Perform case-insensitive match looking for pattern anywhere in
target, returning a pointer to first character of the first match,
in target or NIL if no match found. pattern is a Pascal string,
and target is a zero-terminated string. }
PROCEDURE ZeroBytes(dstPtr: Ptr; longCount: LongInt);
{ Write zeros into memory starting at destPtr and going for longCount
number of bytes. }
FUNCTION PasToZero(str: Str255): Handle;
{ Convert a Pascal string to a zero-terminated string. Returns a handle
to a new zero-terminated string. The caller must dispose the handle.
You'll need to do this for any result or argument you send from
your XCMD to HyperTalk. }
PROCEDURE ZeroToPas(zeroStr: Ptr; VAR pasStr: Str255);
{ Fill the Pascal string with the contents of the zero-terminated
string. You create the Pascal string and pass it in as a VAR
parameter. Useful for converting the arguments of any XCMD to
Pascal strings.}
FUNCTION StrToLong(str: Str31): LongInt;
{ Convert a string of ASCII decimal digits to an unsigned long integer. }
FUNCTION StrToNum(str: Str31): LongInt;
{ Convert a string of ASCII decimal digits to a signed long integer.
Negative sign is allowed. }
FUNCTION StrToBool(str: Str31): BOOLEAN;
{ Convert the Pascal strings 'true' and 'false' to booleans. }
FUNCTION StrToExt(str: Str31): Extended;
{ Convert a string of ASCII decimal digits to an extended long integer. }
VAR x: Extended;
FUNCTION LongToStr(posNum: LongInt): Str31;
{ Convert an unsigned long integer to a Pascal string. }
FUNCTION NumToStr(num: LongInt): Str31;
{ Convert a signed long integer to a Pascal string. }
FUNCTION NumToHex(num: LongInt; nDigits: INTEGER): Str31;
{ Convert an unsigned long integer to a hexadecimal number and put it
into a Pascal string. }
FUNCTION BoolToStr(bool: BOOLEAN): Str31;
{ Convert a boolean to 'true' or 'false'. }
VAR str: Str31;
FUNCTION ExtToStr(num: Extended): Str31;
{ Convert an extended long integer to decimal digits in a string. }
FUNCTION GetGlobal(globName: Str255): Handle;
{ Return a handle to a zero-terminated string containing the value of
the specified HyperTalk global variable. }
PROCEDURE SetGlobal(globName: Str255; globValue: Handle);
{ Set the value of the specified HyperTalk global variable to be
the zero-terminated string in globValue. The contents of the
Handle are copied, so you must still dispose it afterwards. }
FUNCTION GetFieldByName(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldName: Str255): Handle;
{ Return a handle to a zero-terminated string containing the value of
field fieldName on the current card. You must dispose the handle. }
FUNCTION GetFieldByNum(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldNum: INTEGER): Handle;
{ Return a handle to a zero-terminated string containing the value of
field fieldNum on the current card. You must dispose the handle. }
FUNCTION GetFieldByID(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldID: INTEGER): Handle;
{ Return a handle to a zero-terminated string containing the value of
the field whise ID is fieldID. You must dispose the handle. }
PROCEDURE SetFieldByName(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldName: Str255; fieldVal: Handle);
{ Set the value of field fieldName to be the zero-terminated string
in fieldVal. The contents of the Handle are copied, so you must
still dispose it afterwards. }
PROCEDURE SetFieldByNum(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldNum: INTEGER; fieldVal: Handle);
{ Set the value of field fieldNum to be the zero-terminated string
in fieldVal. The contents of the Handle are copied, so you must
still dispose it afterwards. }
PROCEDURE SetFieldByID(cardFieldFlag: BOOLEAN; fieldID: INTEGER; fieldVal: Handle);
{ Set the value of the field whose ID is fieldID to be the zero-
terminated string in fieldVal. The contents of the Handle are
copied, so you must still dispose it afterwards. }
FUNCTION StringEqual(str1,str2: Str255): BOOLEAN;
{ Return true if the two strings have the same characters.
Case insensitive compare of the strings. }
PROCEDURE ReturnToPas(zeroStr: Ptr; VAR pasStr: Str255);
{ zeroStr points into a zero-terminated string. Collect the
characters from there to the next carriage Return and return
them in the Pascal string pasStr. If a Return is not found,
collect chars until the end of the string. }
PROCEDURE ScanToReturn(VAR scanPtr: Ptr);
{ Move the pointer scanPtr along a zero-terminated
string until it points at a Return character
or a zero byte. }
PROCEDURE ScanToZero(VAR scanPtr: Ptr);
{ Move the pointer scanPtr along a zero-terminated
string until it points at a zero byte. }
Here are the files you will need:
Flash.p (An example command to see how everything is really done.)
Peek.p (An example function to see how everything is really done.)
Here are the typical MPW commands for compiling an XCMD
pascal -w PioneerLVP4200.p
link -m ENTRYPOINT -o Video -rt XCMD=15 -sn Main=PioneerLVP4200 ╢
PioneerLVP4200.p.o "{MPW}"Libraries:interface.o
Video is the stack that MPW will install the XCMD in. If you don't use
any of the routines in interface.o, its just
pascal Flash.p
link -o HyperCommands -rt XCMD=0 -sn Main=Flash Flash.p.o
After executing these, use ResEdit to move the XCMD or XFCN to the
proper stack.
For "C" programmers, the author has provided a defintion (HyperXCmd.h) and
an include file (XCmdGlue.inc.c) and an example (CFlash.c).
Breakpoints do not appear to work in XCMDs, but putting a debugger call
in your code does work. In addition, saying:
hd 'h'
in MacsBug allows you to find your resource in memory by seeing its name
and location in the listing.