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* QuicKeys.h : Types and defines for interacting with QuicKeys internals. This information is based
* on Chapter 8 of the QuicKeys manual. Typed in by Dewi Williams. Delphi: DEWI, who is
* responsible for any typos here!
* The QuicKeys keyboard enhancer is a product of CE Software, 801 73rd Street,
* Des Moines, Iowa 50312. (515) 224-1995.
/* Defines */
/* QuicKey command types (for the QKtype field of the key record). */
#define QK_UNUSED 0 /* Empty key record */
#define QK_FILE 1
#define QK_TEXT 2
#define QK_MENU 3
#define QK_DA 4
#define QK_OTHER 5
#define QK_ALIAS 6
#define QK_CLICK 7
#define QK_SEQUENCE 8
#define QK_BUTTON 9
/* QuicKey "Other" command types. */
#define QKO_LINEUP 0
#define QKO_LINEDN 1
#define QKO_PAGEUP 2
#define QKO_PAGEDN 3
#define QKO_HOME 4
#define QKO_END 5
#define QKO_COLLEFT 6
#define QKO_COLRIGHT 7
#define QKO_PGLEFT 8
#define QKO_PGRIGHT 9
#define QKO_CLWIND 10
#define QKO_ZMWIND 11
#define QKO_TRANSFER 12
#define QKO_SHUTDN 13
#define QKO_RESTART 14
#define QKO_SELRWIND 16
#define QKO_SEL2WIND 17
#define QKO_QUOTES 18
#define QKO_DQUOTES 19
#define QKO_QUICREF 20
#define QKO_TOGGLE 21
#define QKO_READ 22
#define QKO_DATE1 23
#define QKO_DATE2 24
#define QKO_DATE3 25
#define QKO_DATE4 26
#define QKO_DATE5 27
#define QKO_DATE6 28
#define QKO_DATE7 29
#define QKO_DATE8 30
#define QKO_TIME1 32
#define QKO_TIME2 34
#define QKO_FKBASE 101 /* Base for FKEYs. Add ID value on to this. */
#define N_QCKEYS 100 /* Number of entries in the key record arrays. */
/* Types */
* Format of the key record within QuicKeys' system heap block.
typedef struct {
unsigned key; /* Keycode and ascii value as returned by GetNextEvent */
unsigned modifiers; /* Modifiers as returned by GetNextEvent, masked */
int QKtype; /* Variant */
union {
struct { /* QuicKeys File */
char filename[32];
char volname[32];
long dirID;
ResType fileType;
} QKFile;
struct { /* QuicKeys text to type */
char text[72];
} QuicText;
struct { /* QuicKeys menu */
char menu[72];
} QuicMenu;
struct { /* QuicKeys DA */
char da[72];
} QuicDA;
struct { /* QuicKeys Other (e.g. mousies, special, datestamps) */
int cmd; /* See the defines above starting with "QKO_" */
} QuicOther;
struct { /* QuicKeys Alias */
unsigned key; /* Replacement keycode and ascii value */
unsigned modifiers; /* Replacement modifiers */
} QuicAlias;
struct { /* QuicKeys Click */
char title[28]; /* Title of the click */
char wtitle[28]; /* Title of the window to look for */
int nclicks; /* Number of clicks */
int specific; /* Look for specific window. Really boolean + pad. */
int mUpFormat; /* Mouse up format: Absolute/relative/window etc. */
Point mouseUp;
int mDownFormat; /* Mouse down format: Absolute/relative/window etc. */
Point mouseDown;
} QuicClick;
struct { /* QuicKeys Sequence */
char title[12]; /* QuicKeys sequence title */
int step[30]; /* Individual steps of sequence as a keycode/modifiers */
} QuicSequence;
struct {
char name[72]; /* Name of the button */
} QuicButton;
} u;
} KeyRecord;
typedef struct { /* QuicKeys INIT system heap block */
long magic; /* Hex value of a89f1234 */
long signature; /* CE Software's signature of 'CELN' */
long version; /* Version number of 0. */
ProcPtr SetLaunch; /* Vector */
long unknown1; /* Undocumented */
ProcPtr FindAnApp; /* Vector */
Byte unknown2[16]; /* Undocumented */
ProcPtr PlotAnItem; /* Vector */
long unknown3; /* Undocumented */
KeyRecord universal[N_QCKEYS]; /* Universal keys */
KeyRecord application[N_QCKEYS]; /* Program-specific keys */
} QuicInit;
* And the block together with its memory manager header.
typedef struct { /* QuicInit and its block header */
Byte header[8]; /* Memory manager block header */
QuicInit quic;
} QuicInitBlock;
/* Prototypes */
QuicInitBlock *FindSysHeap(void);
KeyRecord *FindKeyRecord(QuicInitBlock *qb, StringPtr name, Boolean progKeys);