Hexadecimal patch for PowerStation 2.3 which fixes a problem with the Open Other button in a documents window under MultiFinder. You will need Fedit Plus, MacTools, MacZap, or similar utility to apply the patch. This is a text file.
--Steve Brecher, Software Supply
Opening a document via the Open Other button in a documents window under
MultiFinder can cause problems when you come back to PowerStation - weird
behavior or a crash.
Either of two patches to PowerStation 2.3 will fix this problem. The short
patch will alter the behavior of PowerStation such that the documents window
will still be open when you come back to PowerStation. The long patch will
make no functional change, i.e., the documents window will be closed when you
come back to PowerStation. Apply one patch or the other, not both.
Short patch:
Search for: 0001 4EBA F108
Change to: 0000 """" """"
(located in block 46 (2E hex) at offset 196 (C4 hex) bytes within the block)
Long patch:
Search for: 41ED F6DA
(located in block 46 (2E hex) at offset 150 (96 hex) bytes within the block)
Change the 41ED F6DA and the following 48 bytes as follows. The top line of
each pair of lines shows the original, the bottom line shows the new: