Carousel Volume 2 #1
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
143 lines
UNIT MemHandler(3);
(* This unit contains memory management routines for the FontShow program *)
(* Version 1.0 by Richard Clark, September 1988 *)
{$U Globals}
{$U Windows}
MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, ToolIntf, PackIntf,
Globals, Windows;
PROCEDURE InitMemoryHandler; (* Set up our "watchdog" routine *)
PROCEDURE PreAllocate; (* Allocate a new window record at the BOTTOM of the heap *)
PROCEDURE MemStatus; (* Report if we've reached a low memory condition *)
PROCEDURE UpdateUsage; (* Check the free space left, and update the "About" window *)
(* if the value changes *)
FUNCTION MyGrowZoneProc (cbNeeded: Size):LONGINT; (* This routine scavenges up some memory when we are running low *)
aLowMemory = 128; (* Alert for the low memory condition *)
ErrLevel : INTEGER; (* Flag which shows if we've had a memory error *)
(* This procedure reports if the application has detected a low memory condition. It should be called at the START *)
(* of the main loop, after the other handlers have been unloaded. That way, if we're really low on memory, calling *)
(* this won't put us over the edge. *)
itemHit : INTEGER;
IF (ErrLevel > 0) THEN (* If the low memory flag is set, put up an alert *)
itemHit := CautionAlert(ErrLevel, NIL);
ErrLevel := 0; (* Reset the flag *)
END; (* MemStatus *)
PROCEDURE PreAllocate;
(* This procedure allocates a spare window record on the bottom of the heap. It should be called *)
(* from within the main loop AFTER all of the other segments have been unloaded. In this way, *)
(* windows will be allocated from the bottom of the heap upwards, while code segments are loaded *)
(* from the top downwards. This helps avoid fragmenting the heap. *)
(* *)
(* The global variable WindowReserve contains a pointer to the currently reserved block. To get *)
(* a new block, just set this to NIL, and PreAllocate will allocate a replacement. *)
IF (windowReserve = NIL) THEN
WindowReserve := NewPtr(sizeof(WindowRecord));
END; (* PreAllocate *)
(* This procedure sets a flag if we are running out of memory. Several of these procedures *)
(* could be set up to signal varying levels of memory problems, but we'll only use one level *)
(* of reporting here. *)
IF ErrLevel < aLowMemory THEN (* If the flag's not set, then set it *)
ErrLevel := aLowMemory;
END; (* LowMemory *)
PROCEDURE UpdateUsage;
(* This procedure checks the amount of memory left, and updates the value in the About window *)
(* if the free memory value changes. *)
oldFreeMem : LONGINT;
oldFreeMem := currFreeMem; (* Save the old value *)
currFreeMem := FreeMem; (* get the new value *)
IF (currFreeMem <> oldFreeMem) THEN (* and update the display if the value changes *)
END; (* UpdateUsage *)
FUNCTION MyGrowZoneProc;
(* This function is called by the system if we've requested a block of memory and the system cannot *)
(* find an empty block that's large enough. (The system has already purged out as many resources *)
(* as it can at this point. It calls us in the hope that we can supply some memory.) Normally, if *)
(* we didn't supply this procedure, System Error 25 ("Out of Memory") would result, which is pretty *)
(* unfriendly. So, since we could do without the "Automatic Update" pictures on our windows, (it's *)
(* not too hard to update them normally, it's just a shade slower than using the automatic updates) *)
(* we'll try getting rid of window pictures until we either run out of windows or until the system *)
(* is satisfied. *)
(* *)
(* We're expected to return 0 if no memory could be found (forcing a System Error 25), or any other *)
(* number if some memory could be found. The system will call us again if it needs more help. *)
(* *)
(* This procedure needs to be in memory ALL of the time, so it's in the same segment as our main *)
(* loop. *)
testWindow : WindowPeek; (* One of the windows in the list *)
MemReleased : Boolean; (* Were we able to free up some memory *)
MemReleased := FALSE;
testWindow := WindowPeek(FrontWindow);
REPEAT (* Scan down the window list, looking for the *)
(* first font window with an attached picture.*)
IF (testWindow <> NIL) THEN
IF (testWindow^.windowKind < 0) OR (testWindow^.refCon <> wFont) THEN
testWindow := testWindow^.nextWindow (* If it's a DA or not a font window, skip it *)
ELSE IF (testWindow^.windowPic <> NIL) THEN (* If there's a picture, get rid of it *)
testWindow^.windowPic := NIL;
testWindow := NIL; (* Mark this window as having no picture *)
MemReleased := TRUE; (* Set the flag to show that we released some memory *)
testWindow := testWindow^.nextWindow; (* This Font window has no picture, so try the next one *)
UNTIL (testWindow = NIL);
IF (MemReleased) THEN (* Okay, we scavenged some memory. *)
LowMemory; (* Warn the user *)
MyGrowZoneProc := 1; (* Ask the system to try again *)
END ELSE (* We gave everything -- there's nothing left *)
MyGrowZoneProc := 0; (* Force a System Error 25 *)
END; (* MyGrowZoneProc *)
PROCEDURE InitMemoryHandler;
(* This procedure sets up our special "Low Memory" watchdog procedure *)
currFreeMem := 0;
ErrLevel := 0; (* No low memory errors yet *)
MaxApplZone; (* Expand the Application Heap to full size, *)
(* so we get more accurate free memory reports *)
(* (and possibly less fragmentation). *)
SetGrowZone(@MyGrowZoneProc); (* Install the watchdog procedure *)
END; (* InitMemoryHandler *)