Carousel Volume 2 #1
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105 lines
DEFINITION MODULE osconstants; (* Franz Kronseder 05.02.85 *)
(* last modification 06.02.85 *)
(* MODULA constant definitions from the UNIT intrfc/osintf for the MacIntosh *)
VLckdErr,FBsyErr,DupFNErr,OpWrErr ,ParamErr,RFNumErr,GFPErr,VolOffLinErr,
NoErr = 0; (* All is well *)
MemFullErr = -108; (* Not enough room in heap zone *)
NilHandleErr = -109; (* Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other *)
MemWZErr = -111; (* WhichZone failed (applied to free block) *)
MemPurErr = -112; (* trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block *)
(*file system error codes*)
DirFulErr = -33; (* Directory full*)
DskFulErr = -34; (* disk full*)
NSVErr = -35; (* no such volume*)
IOErr = -36; (* I/O error (bummers)*)
BdNamErr = -37; (* there may be no bad names in the final system!*)
FNOpnErr = -38; (* File not open*)
EOFErr = -39; (* End of file*)
PosErr = -40; (* tried to position to before start of file (r/w)*)
MFulErr = -41; (* memory full(open) or file won't fit (load)*)
TMFOErr = -42; (* too many files open*)
FNFErr = -43; (* File not found*)
WPrErr = -44; (* diskette is write protected*)
FLckdErr = -45; (* file is locked*)
VLckdErr = -46; (* volume is locked*)
FBsyErr = -47; (* File is busy (delete)*)
DupFNErr = -48; (* duplicate filename (rename)*)
OpWrErr = -49; (* file already open with with write permission*)
ParamErr = -50; (* error in user parameter list*)
RFNumErr = -51; (* refnum error*)
GFPErr = -52; (* get file position error*)
VolOffLinErr = -53; (* volume not on line error (was Ejected)*)
PermErr = -54; (* permissions error (on file open)*)
VolOnLinErr = -55; (* drive volume already on-line at MountVol*)
NSDrvErr = -56; (* no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)*)
NoMacDskErr = -57; (* not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)*)
ExtFSErr = -58; (* volume in question belongs to an external fs*)
FSDSErr = -59; (* file system deep s--t error:*)
(* during rename the old entry was deleted *)
(* but could not be restored . . .*)
BadMDBErr = -60; (* bad master directory block*)
WrPermErr = -61; (* write permissions error*)
firstDskErr = -84; (*first of the range of low-level disk errors*)
lastDskErr = -64; (*last of the range of low-level disk errors*)
MaxSize = 800000H; (* Max data block size is 512K bytes *)
(*finder constants*)
fHasBundle = 32;
fInvisible = 64;
(* Modula-2 Halt Indices :
-11 : uninitialized interrupt vector
-10 : interrupt format error
-9 : Line 1111 emulator interrupt
-8 : Line 1010 emulator interrupt
-7 : Privilege Violation Trap
-6 : Arithmetic overflow (TRAPV Trap)
-5 : Index out of range (CHK Trap)
-4 : Zero Divide (ZerDivTrap)
-3 : Illegal Instruction Trap
-2 : Address Error Trap (Odd Address)
-1 : Bus Error Trap (Timeout)
0 : HALT called
1 : No RETURN from function
2 : CASE Index out of range
3 : Stack overflow
4 : Index or value out of range
5 : Arithmetic overflow (REAL)
6 : Improper workspace to NEWPROCESS
7 : Coroutine terminates
8 : Call to unimplemented SYSTEMX routine
Bomb IDs that may occur because of errors in Modula-2 programs:
ID= 2 : Address Error (odd address, bad Pointer value)
ID= 3 : illegal instruction trap
ID= 4 : zero divide trap
ID= 5 : check trap error (array bound error etc)
ID= 6 : overflow trap
ID= 7 : privilege violation trap
ID= 9 : Line 1010 trap
ID=10 : Line 1111 trap
ID=11 : miscellaneous traps
note: these errors occur most probably because of overwritten programs
END osconstants.