Carousel Volume 2 #1
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364 lines
; $Header: /c/cak/lib/mlisp/RCS/macmouse.ml,v 1.5 85/11/05 14:01:44 cak Rel $
; Macintosh mouse routines for use with John Bruner's uw program.
; Chris Kent, Purdue University Fri Oct 25 1985
; Copyright 1985 by Christopher A. Kent. All rights reserved.
; Permission to copy is given provided that the copy is not
; sold and this copyright notice is included.
; Provides a scroll bar/thumbing area in the unused scroll bar with the
; following features:
; click at line 1 does previous page
; click at line 24 does next page
; click anywhere else "thumbs" to the relative portion of the buffer.
; shift-click at line 1 scrolls one line down
; shift-click at line 24 scrolls one line up
; shift-click elsewhere moves line to top of window
; option-shift-click elsewhere moves line to bottom of window
; There is also basic positioning and kill-buffer support:
; click in a buffer moves dot there
; drag copies the dragged region to the kill buffer (mark is left
; at the beginning of the region.)
; shift-drag deletes the dragged region to the kill buffer
; it is possible to use the scrolling and thumbing area to make the region
; larger than a single screen; just click, scroll, release. Make sure
; that the last scroll is just a down event; the up must be in the buffer.
; option-click yanks from the kill buffer, doesn't affect mark.
; option-shift-click similarly yanks from a named buffer.
#mouse-last-x ; x of last event
#mouse-last-y ; y of last event
#mouse-last-b ; buttons at last event
#mouse-last-dot ; dot after last event
#mouse-last-action ; whether last was scroll (1) or edit (2)
(move-mac-cursor savest b x y up down lock shift option command saveb
(setq savest stack-trace-on-error)
(setq stack-trace-on-error 0)
; decode everything
(setq y (- (get-tty-character) 32))
(setq x (- (get-tty-character) 32))
(setq b (- (get-tty-character) 32))
(setq saveb b)
(setq command (% b 2))(setq b (/ b 2)) ; command key
(setq shift (% b 2))(setq b (/ b 2)) ; shift
(setq lock (% b 2))(setq b (/ b 2)) ; caps-lock
(setq option (% b 2))(setq b (/ b 2)) ; option
(setq down (% b 2))(setq b (/ b 2)) ; mouse down
(setq up (% b 2))
(if (= x 81) ; right margin -- move-dot-to-x-y is wrong
(setq #mouse-last-action 1))
(if (error-occurred
(if (= #mouse-last-action 2) ; not if just scrolled
(setq #mouse-last-dot (dot)))
(move-dot-to-x-y x y)
(setq #mouse-last-action 2)
(#mouse-scroll-region b x y)
(setq #mouse-last-action 1))
(setq stack-trace-on-error savest)
(if (= down 1)
(setq #mouse-last-x x)
(setq #mouse-last-y y)
(setq #mouse-last-b saveb))
(setq #mouse-last-x 0)
(setq #mouse-last-y 0)
(setq #mouse-last-b 0)))
(#mouse-edit-action ; marking and editing actions on buttons:
; if no movement, nothing.
; if movement, put mark at #mouse-last-dot,
; leave dot here,and edit.
; editing (on upstrokes):
; unmodified, copy to kill buffer.
; SHIFTed, delete (cut) to kill buffer.
; option-click yanks from kill buffer;
; shift-option-click from named buffer.
(if (= saveb 16)
(if (= saveb 17)
(if (= saveb 18)
(if (= saveb 19)
(if (= saveb 20)
(if (= saveb 21)
(if (= saveb 22)
(if (= saveb 23)
(if (= saveb 24)
(if (= saveb 25)
(if (= saveb 26)
(if (= saveb 27)
(if (= saveb 28)
(if (= saveb 29)
(if (= saveb 30)
(if (= saveb 31)
(if (= saveb 32)
(if (= saveb 33)
(if (= saveb 34)
(if (= saveb 35)
(if (= saveb 36)
(if (= saveb 37)
(if (= saveb 38)
(if (= saveb 39)
(if (= saveb 40)
(if (= saveb 41)
(if (= saveb 42)
(if (= saveb 43)
(if (= saveb 44)
(if (= saveb 45)
(if (= saveb 46)
(if (= saveb 47)
; individual button bindings
(#mouse-u ; up
(if (! (#mouse-click-p))
(#mouse-uc ; up/command
(#mouse-us ; up/shift
(if (! (#mouse-click-p))
(#mouse-usc ; up/shift/command
(#mouse-ul ; up/lock
(#mouse-ulc ; up/lock/command
(#mouse-uls ; up/lock/shift
(#mouse-ulsc ; up/lock/shift/command
(#mouse-uo ; up/option
(if (#mouse-click-p)
(#mouse-uoc ; up/option/command
(#mouse-uos ; up/option/shift
(if (#mouse-click-p) ; click
(yank-buffer (get-tty-buffer "Insert contents of buffer: "))
(#mouse-uosc ; up/option/shift
(#mouse-uol ; up/option/lock
(#mouse-uolc ; up/option/lock
(#mouse-uols ; up/option/lock/shift
(#mouse-uolsc ; up/option/lock/shift/command
(#mouse-d ; down
(#mouse-dc ; down/command
(#mouse-ds ; down/shift
(#mouse-dsc ; down/shift/command
(#mouse-dl ; down/lock
(#mouse-dlc ; down/lock/command
(#mouse-dls ; down/lock/shift
(#mouse-dlsc ; down/lock/shift/command
(#mouse-do ; down/option
(#mouse-doc ; down/option/command
(#mouse-dos ; down/option/shift
(#mouse-dosc ; down/option/shift
(#mouse-dol ; down/option/lock
(#mouse-dolc ; down/option/lock
(#mouse-dols ; down/option/lock/shift
(#mouse-dolsc ; down/option/lock/shift/command
(#mouse-set-region ; set the region to be from last dot to dot.
(goto-character #mouse-last-dot)
(#mouse-click-p clickp
(if (= (dot) #mouse-last-dot)
(setq clickp 1)
(setq clickp 0)
(#mouse-scroll-region ; out of range actions:
; left margin -- hard to generate, ignored
; right margin -- simulate scroll bar
; line 1 -- previous page
; line 24/25 -- next page
; other lines -- thumbing
; top margin -- previous page
; bottom margin -- next page
; if shifted, deal with lines.
; line 1 scrolls one line down
; line 24/25 scrolls one line up
; else line to top; with option to bottom.
; if up stroke is in same place as down
; stroke, don't do anything, so clicks in
; the scroll region don't do the action
; twice.
(if (= down 1)
(if (= shift 1)
(if (& (= up 1)
(| (!= x #mouse-last-x) (!= y #mouse-last-y)))
(if (= shift 1)
(do-pages ; large motions via pages and thumbing
(if (| (= y 0) (= y 1) (= y 24) (= y 25))
(if (| (= y 0) (= y 1))
(if (= x 81)
(goto-percent (/ (* y 100) 25))
(do-lines ; fine control over lines
(if (= x 81)
(if (| (= y 1) (= y 24) (= y 25))
(if (| (= y 0) (= y 1))
(move-dot-to-x-y 1 y)
(if (= option 0)
(line-to-bottom-of-window nlines i
(setq i 0)
(setq nlines (- (window-height) 1))
(while (< i nlines)
(setq i (+ i 1))
(goto-character (/ (* (buffer-size) (arg 1)) 100))
(bind-to-key "move-mac-cursor" "\em")