If you have ever tried to use ResEdit to modify or add a MENU, you know how slow the template mechanism of ResEdit can become. That was the one biggest flaw that I saw with ResEdit. I thought that MENUs should be as easy to edit as ICONs or some of the other more common resource types that ResEdit includes special sub-editors for. So I wrote a menu editor myself. Now if only the PICT window would allow you to re-size.
To install the MenuEditor into ResEdit, simply make a copy of ResEdit (I used V1.2d0 for testing), and run it. Open the file called ResMENU, and select the only resource found in it. Copy it, and then open up ResEdit (the duplicate), and Paste. Close ResEdit and save the changes and quit. Now your set. Every time you double click on a menu when you are using the modified ResEdit, it will open the MenuEditor and your life will be much easier.
Using it is even simpler than installing it. Just click on the item that you wish to change, and make the changes in the boxes to the right. Remember to click the "Do It!" button, or hit return before you click on the next item, or you will lose the changes that you just made. To add an item, click on the item above where you want the new one, and choose New from the file menu. To get rid of an item, click on it and choose Clear from the edit menu.
The best part about this program is that it is FREE. If you do use it, though, I would like to hear from you. Any comments or suggestions about this program, or any ideas for any other utilities (or games, or anything ╔) are welcomed. Please send me something to tell me that what I am writing is getting some use. I will continue to update this utility, so if you want a newer version, just send a disk and return postage along with your comments. The address is:
Alan T. Goates
527 Douglas St. #1
Salt Lake City, Ut 84102
This version is the first release. I haven't been able to find any bugs, but if you see any, please let me know. There are a few things that are not implemented yet, so don't panic if you see these: Copying and pasting single items is not supported. Icons are not fully supported, they are shown at half height though. Hierarchical menus are not recognized as such, but if you see a '[' where the key is, and any funny character where the mark should be, this indicates a sub-menu is associated with that item.
In future versions, I will be adding single item copying, full icon support, and the ability to see and modify hierarchical menus, as well as showing (and possibly being able to modify) color on the Mac II. If you like these ideas or have any additions, write.
All rights are reserved by the author. This program may not be sold or included with any product that is sold, without consent of the author.