Carousel Volume 2 #1
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; Low Level MIDI routines with time-stamping
; Written by Kirk Austin 5/17/87
; This code is in the public domain and is absolutely free
; Note: Be sure and turn off range checking in LS Pascal
; to prevent a crash.
; Serial Chip equates
aData EQU 6
aCtl EQU 2
bData EQU 4
bCtl EQU 0
; Interrupt vector equates
Lvl1DT EQU $192
Lvl2DT EQU $1B2
RxIntOffsetA EQU 24
TxIntOffsetA EQU 16
SpecRecCondA EQU 28
RxIntOffsetB EQU 8
TxIntOffsetB EQU 0
SpecRecCondB EQU 12
; 6522 equates
vT1C EQU $800
vT1CH EQU $A00
vT1L EQU $C00
vACR EQU $1600
vIER EQU $1C00
; XDEF all routines that need to be accessed externally
XDEF InitTimer
XDEF LoadTimer
XDEF StartCounter
XDEF GetCounter
XDEF QuitTimer
; These are the routines for the Modem Port
; Call this routine at the beginning of your application if
; using the modem port for MIDI information transfers.
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A2,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.L SCCRd,A1 ; Get base Read address
ADD #aCtl,A1 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B (A1),D0 ; Dummy read
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.L SCCWr,A0 ; Get base Write address
ADD #aCtl,A0 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%10000000,(A0) ; Reset channel
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BSR InitSCCChan ; branch to common init routine
; set up interrupt vectors
MOVE.L #Lvl2DT,A0 ; get dispatch table ptr
MOVE #RxIntOffsetA,D0 ; get offset to Rx vector
LEA PRxIntHandA,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L 0(A0,D0),(A1) ; save previous interrupt vector
LEA RxIntHandA,A1 ; set Rx vector
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
MOVE #TxIntOffsetA,D0 ; get offset to Tx vector
LEA PTxIntHandA,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L 0(A0,D0),A1 ; save previous interrupt vector
LEA TxIntHandA,A1 ; set Tx vector
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
MOVE #SpecRecCondA,D0 ; offset to Special vector
LEA StubA,A1
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
; initialize the flags & pointers
LEA RxByteInA,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA RxByteOutA,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA RxQEmptyA,A2 ; get the address
LEA TxByteInA,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA TxQEmptyA,A2 ; get the address
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A2 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
RTS ; and return
; This is the common initialization routine for both channels
MOVE.B #4,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 4
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%10000100,(A0) ; 32x clock, 1 stop bit
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #1,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 1
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00000000,(A0) ; No W/Req
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #3,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 3
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00000000,(A0) ; Turn off Rx
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #5,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 5
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00000000,(A0) ; Turn off Tx
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #11,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 11
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00101000,(A0) ; Make TRxC clock source
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #14,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 14
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00000000,(A0) ; Disable BRGen
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #3,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 3
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%11000001,(A0) ; Enable Rx
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #5,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 5
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%01101010,(A0) ; Enable Tx and drivers
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #15,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 15
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00001000,(A0) ; Enable DCD int for mouse
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #0,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 0
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00010000,(A0) ; Reset EXT/STATUS
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #0,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 0
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00010000,(A0) ; Reset EXT/STATUS again
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #1,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 1
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00010011,(A0) ; Enable interrupts
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00001010,(A0) ; Set master int enable
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
; PROCEDURE TxMIDIA (TheData : integer);
; This is the routine to transmit a MIDI byte of data
; through the Modem Port. To use this routine place
; the byte to be transmitted as the lower 8 bits
; of a word on the stack, then call TxMIDIA.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
LEA TxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; is TxQueue empty?
BNE TxQEA ; if so branch
LEA TxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; if not add byte to queue
LEA TxQueueA,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A2,D0) ; place byte in queue
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update TxByteIn
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 MOVE D0,(A3)
BRA TxExitA ; and exit
MOVE.L SCCRd,A0 ; get SCC Read Address
MOVE.L SCCWr,A1 ; get SCC Write Address
MOVE #aCtl,D0 ; get index for Ctl
BTST.B #TBE,0(A0,D0) ; transmit buffer empty?
BNE FirstByteA ; if so branch
LEA TxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; if not add to queue
LEA TxQueueA,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A2,D0) ; place byte in queue
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update pointer
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA TxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #0,(A3) ; reset queue empty flag
BRA TxExitA ; and exit
MOVE #aData,D0 ; get index to data
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A1,D0) ; write data to SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A3 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
UNLK A6 ; release frame pointer
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; save return address
ADD.L #2,SP ; move past data word
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; put address back on stack
RTS ; and return
; Function RxMIDIA : LongInt;
; This routine gets a byte through the modem port.
; To use this routine treat it like a Pascal
; function. Leave space on the stack for a longword
; of data before calling this routine. If the data
; on the stack after
; the routine executes is 0 there was no MIDI data available.
; If it's non-0 the upper 3 bytes contain the counter
; value, the MIDI byte is the low byte.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0-D1/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
LEA RxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; any data available?
BEQ @1 ; if so, branch
MOVE.L #0,8(A6) ; if not, return with 0
@1 LEA RxByteOutA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get index to byte out
LEA RxQueueA,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.L #0,D1 ; clear data register
MOVE.L 0(A2,D0),D1 ; get MIDI data
MOVE.L D1,8(A6) ; place on stack for return
ADDQ #4,D0 ; update index
CMP #$400,D0
BNE @2
MOVE #0,D0
@2 LEA RxByteOutA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA RxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D1
CMP D0,D1 ; is queue empty?
BNE RxExitA ; if not exit
LEA RxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #$FFFF,(A3) ; if empty, set flag
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D1/A0-A3 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupts
RTS ; and return
; This is the interrupt routine for receiving through
; the modem port. It places the counter value and the
; MIDI byte in a circular queue to be
; accessed later by the application.
; When the system gets this far, A0 contains the
; SCC base read Ctl address
; and A1 contains the SCC base write Ctl address
; for this channel. The data addresses are offset by 4
; from the control addresses.
; D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so they may
; be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
@3 MOVE #4,D0 ; get data offset
CLR.L D1 ; prepare for data
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B 0(A0,D0),D1 ; read data from SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
LEA RxQueueA,A2 ; point to queue
LEA RxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get offset to next cell
LEA Counter,A3 ; get the address
MOVE.L (A3),D2 ; put counter value in D2
LSL.L #8,D2 ; shift counter one byte
ADD.L D2,D1 ; combine counter and data
MOVE.L D1,0(A2,D0) ; put longword in queue
LEA RxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #0,(A3) ; reset queue empty flag
ADDQ #4,D0 ; update index
CMP #$400,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 LEA RxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
@2 BTST.B #0,(A0) ; is there more data?
BNE @3 ; do it again if there is
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; enable interrupts
RTS ; and return
; This is the interrupt routine for transmitting a byte
; through the modem port. It checks to see if there
; is any data to send, and if there is it sends it to
; the SCC. If there isn't it resets the TBE interrupt
; in the SCC and exits.
; When the system gets this far, A0 contains the SCC
; base read Ctl address and A1 contains the SCC base
; write Ctl address for this channel.
; The data addresses are offset by 4 from the control
; addresses. D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so
; they may be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
LEA TxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; Is queue empty?
BEQ @1 ; if not branch
MOVE.B #$28,(A1) ; if so, reset TBE interrupt
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BRA TxIExitA ; and exit
@1 LEA TxByteOutA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get index to next data byte
LEA TxQueueA,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE #4,D1 ; get data offset
MOVE.B 0(A2,D0),0(A1,D1) ; write data to SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update index
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @2
MOVE #0,D0
@2 LEA TxByteOutA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA TxByteInA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D1
CMP D0,D1 ; is TxQueue empty?
BNE TxIExitA ; if not exit
LEA TxQEmptyA,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #$FFFF,(A3) ; if empty set flag
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; enable interrupts
RTS ; and return
; If you called InitSCCA at the beginning of your
; application this
; routine must be called when the application
; quits or the system will
; crash due to the interrupt handling pointers
; becoming invalid.
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A1,-(SP) ; save registers
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.L SCCWr,A0 ; Get base Write address
ADD #aCtl,A0 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%10000000,(A0) ; Reset channel
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BSR ResetSCCChan ; branch to common reset routine
MOVE.L #Lvl2DT,A0 ; get dispatch table pointer
MOVE #RxIntOffsetA,D0 ; get offset to Rx vector
LEA PRxIntHandA,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L (A1),0(A0,D0) ; restore previous int vector
MOVE #TxIntOffsetA,D0 ; get offset to Tx vector
LEA PTxIntHandA,A1 ; set Rx vector
MOVE.L (A1),0(A0,D0) ; restore previous int vector
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A1 ; restore registers
RTS ; and return
; This is the common reset routine for both channels
MOVE.B #15,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 15
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00001000,(A0) ; Enable DCD int
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #0,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 0
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00010000,(A0) ; Reset EXT/STATUS
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #0,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 0
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00010000,(A0) ; Reset EXT/STATUS again
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #1,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 1
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00000001,(A0) ; Enable mouse interrupts
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%00001010,(A0) ; Set master int enable
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
TxQueueA DCB.B $100,0 ; this is the queue
TxQEmptyA DC 0 ; the queue empty flag
TxByteInA DC 0 ; index to next cell in
TxByteOutA DC 0 ; index to next cell out
RxQueueA DCB.B $400,0 ; this is the queue
RxQEmptyA DC 0 ; the empty queue flag
RxByteInA DC 0 ; index to next cell in
RxByteOutA DC 0 ; index to next cell out
PRxIntHandA DC 0 ; Previous interrupt vector
PTxIntHandA DC 0 ; Previous interrupt vector
; These are the routines for the Printer Port
; Call this routine at the beginning of your application if
; using the printer port for MIDI information transfers.
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A2,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.L SCCRd,A1 ; Get base Read address
ADD #bCtl,A1 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B (A1),D0 ; Dummy read
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.L SCCWr,A0 ; Get base Write address
ADD #bCtl,A0 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%01000000,(A0) ; Reset channel
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BSR InitSCCChan ; branch to common init routine
; set up interrupt vectors
MOVE.L #Lvl2DT,A0 ; get dispatch table ptr
MOVE #RxIntOffsetB,D0 ; get offset to Rx vector
LEA PRxIntHandB,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L 0(A0,D0),(A1) ; save previous interrupt vector
LEA RxIntHandB,A1 ; set Rx vector
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
MOVE #TxIntOffsetB,D0 ; get offset to Tx vector
LEA PTxIntHandB,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L 0(A0,D0),A1 ; save previous interrupt vector
LEA TxIntHandB,A1 ; set Tx vector
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
MOVE #SpecRecCondB,D0 ; offset to Special vector
LEA StubB,A1
MOVE.L A1,0(A0,D0)
; initialize the flags & pointers
LEA RxByteInB,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA RxByteOutB,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA RxQEmptyB,A2 ; get the address
LEA TxByteInB,A2 ; get the address
CLR (A2)
LEA TxQEmptyB,A2 ; get the address
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A2 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
RTS ; and return
; PROCEDURE TxMIDIB (TheData : integer);
; This is the routine to transmit a MIDI byte of data
; through the Printer Port. To use this routine place
; the byte to be transmitted as the lower 8 bits
; of a word on the stack, then call TxMIDIB.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
LEA TxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; is TxQueue empty?
BNE TxQEB ; if so branch
LEA TxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; if not add byte to queue
LEA TxQueueB,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A2,D0) ; place byte in queue
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update TxByteIn
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 MOVE D0,(A3)
BRA TxExitB ; and exit
MOVE.L SCCRd,A0 ; get SCC Read Address
MOVE.L SCCWr,A1 ; get SCC Write Address
MOVE #bCtl,D0 ; get index for Ctl
BTST.B #TBE,0(A0,D0) ; transmit buffer empty?
BNE FirstByteB ; if so branch
LEA TxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; if not add to queue
LEA TxQueueB,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A2,D0) ; place byte in queue
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update pointer
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA TxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #0,(A3) ; reset queue empty flag
BRA TxExitB ; and exit
MOVE #bData,D0 ; get index to data
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B 9(A6),0(A1,D0) ; write data to SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A3 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
UNLK A6 ; release frame pointer
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; save return address
ADD.L #2,SP ; move past data word
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; put address back on stack
RTS ; and return
; Function RxMIDIB : LongInt;
; This routine gets a byte through the printer port.
; To use this routine treat it like a Pascal
; function. Leave space on the stack for a longword
; of data before calling this routine. If the data
; on the stack after
; the routine executes is 0 there was no MIDI data available.
; If it's non-0 the upper 3 bytes contain the counter
; value, the MIDI byte is the low byte.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupts
MOVEM.L D0-D1/A0-A3,-(SP) ; Save registers
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
LEA RxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; any data available?
BEQ @1 ; if so, branch
MOVE.L #0,8(A6) ; if not, return with 0
@1 LEA RxByteOutB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get index to byte out
LEA RxQueueB,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE.L #0,D1 ; clear data register
MOVE.L 0(A2,D0),D1 ; get MIDI data
MOVE.L D1,8(A6) ; place on stack for return
ADDQ #4,D0 ; update index
CMP #$400,D0
BNE @2
MOVE #0,D0
@2 LEA RxByteOutB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA RxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D1
CMP D0,D1 ; is queue empty?
BNE RxExitB ; if not exit
LEA RxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #$FFFF,(A3) ; if empty, set flag
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D1/A0-A3 ; Restore registers
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupts
RTS ; and return
; This is the interrupt routine for receiving through
; the printer port. It places the counter value and the
; MIDI byte in a circular queue to be
; accessed later by the application.
; When the system gets this far, A0 contains the
; SCC base read Ctl address
; and A1 contains the SCC base write Ctl address
; for this channel. The data addresses are offset by 4
; from the control addresses.
; D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so they may
; be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
@3 MOVE #4,D0 ; get data offset
CLR.L D1 ; prepare for data
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B 0(A0,D0),D1 ; read data from SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
LEA RxQueueB,A2 ; point to queue
LEA RxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get offset to next cell
LEA Counter,A3 ; get the address
MOVE.L (A3),D2 ; put counter value in D2
LSL.L #8,D2 ; shift counter one byte
ADD.L D2,D1 ; combine counter and data
MOVE.L D1,0(A2,D0) ; put longword in queue
LEA RxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #0,(A3) ; reset queue empty flag
ADDQ #4,D0 ; update index
CMP #$400,D0
BNE @1
MOVE #0,D0
@1 LEA RxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
@2 BTST.B #0,(A0) ; is there more data?
BNE @3 ; do it again if there is
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; enable interrupts
RTS ; and return
; This is the interrupt routine for transmitting a byte
; through the printer port. It checks to see if there
; is any data to send, and if there is it sends it to
; the SCC. If there isn't it resets the TBE interrupt
; in the SCC and exits.
; When the system gets this far, A0 contains the SCC
; base read Ctl address and A1 contains the SCC base
; write Ctl address for this channel.
; The data addresses are offset by 4 from the control
; addresses. D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so
; they may be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; disable interrupts
LEA TxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
TST.B (A3) ; Is queue empty?
BEQ @1 ; if not branch
MOVE.B #$28,(A1) ; if so, reset TBE interrupt
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BRA TxIExitB ; and exit
@1 LEA TxByteOutB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D0 ; get index to next data byte
LEA TxQueueB,A2 ; point to queue
MOVE #4,D1 ; get data offset
MOVE.B 0(A2,D0),0(A1,D1) ; write data to SCC
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
ADDQ #1,D0 ; update index
CMP #$100,D0
BNE @2
MOVE #0,D0
@2 LEA TxByteOutB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE D0,(A3)
LEA TxByteInB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE (A3),D1
CMP D0,D1 ; is TxQueue empty?
BNE TxIExitB ; if not exit
LEA TxQEmptyB,A3 ; get the address
MOVE #$FFFF,(A3) ; if empty set flag
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; enable interrupts
RTS ; and return
; If you called InitSCCB at the beginning of your
; application this
; routine must be called when the application
; quits or the system will
; crash due to the interrupt handling pointers
; becoming invalid.
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A1,-(SP) ; save registers
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupts
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.L SCCWr,A0 ; Get base Write address
ADD #bCtl,A0 ; Add offset for control
MOVE.B #9,(A0) ; pointer for SCC reg 9
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
MOVE.B #%01000000,(A0) ; Reset channel
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
BSR ResetSCCChan ; branch to common reset routine
MOVE.L #Lvl2DT,A0 ; get dispatch table pointer
MOVE #RxIntOffsetB,D0 ; get offset to Rx vector
LEA PRxIntHandB,A1 ; point to previous vector storage
MOVE.L (A1),0(A0,D0) ; restore previous int vector
MOVE #TxIntOffsetB,D0 ; get offset to Tx vector
LEA PTxIntHandB,A1 ; set Rx vector
MOVE.L (A1),0(A0,D0) ; restore previous int vector
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Restore interrupts
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A1 ; restore registers
RTS ; and return
TxQueueB DCB.B $100,0 ; this is the queue
TxQEmptyB DC 0 ; the queue empty flag
TxByteInB DC 0 ; index to next cell in
TxByteOutB DC 0 ; index to next cell out
RxQueueB DCB.B $400,0 ; this is the queue
RxQEmptyB DC 0 ; the empty queue flag
RxByteInB DC 0 ; index to next cell in
RxByteOutB DC 0 ; index to next cell out
PRxIntHandB DC 0 ; Previous interrupt vector
PTxIntHandB DC 0 ; Previous interrupt vector
; This is the space for a special condition interrupt
; routine. All I do here is reset the error flag in the SCC
; and return. When the system gets this far, A0 contains
; the SCC base read Ctl address
; and A1 contains the SCC base write Ctl address
; for this channel.
; The data addresses are offset by 4 from the control
; addresses. D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so
; they may be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.B #%00110000,(A1) ; Reset Error
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; Restore interrupts
; This is the space for a special condition interrupt
; routine. All I do here is reset the error flag in the SCC
; and return. When the system gets this far, A0 contains
; the SCC base read Ctl address
; and A1 contains the SCC base write Ctl address
; for this channel.
; The data addresses are offset by 4 from the control
; addresses. D0-D3/A0-A3 are already preserved, so
; they may be used freely.
ORI #$0300,SR ; Disable interrupts
MOVE.B #%00110000,(A1) ; Reset Error
MOVE.L (SP),(SP) ; Delay
ANDI #$F8FF,SR ; Restore interrupts
; These are the routines for the counter you can use for
; time-stamping the incoming MIDI data. This is useful
; for writing sequencer type applications.
; The time-stamping is done on an iterrupt level,
; is extremely accurate,
; and uses the VIA timer #1. This means that you can't
; use any of the Sound Manager routines because they use
; timer #1 too. If you want to create a metronome click
; you have to write your own code that accesses
; the sound hardware directly without using timer #1.
; InitTimer and LoadTimer expect a word on the stack
; to load the timer.
; To increment the counter every millisecond, load the
; timer with decimal 782. If you aren't going to use
; time-stamping you can ignore these routines.
; PROCEDURE InitTimer ( TimrValue : integer);
; Only call InitTimer once at the beginning
; of your application 1 millisecond is decimal 782.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A1,-(SP)
MOVE.L #Lvl1DT,A0 ; Point to level 1 dispatch table
LEA PrevIVC,A1 ; Point to interrupt vector storage
MOVE.L 24(A0),(A1) ; save previous interrupt vector
LEA CounterIntHand,A1 ; point to new interrupt handler
MOVE.L A1,24(A0) ; put it in the dispatch table
MOVE.L VIA,A1 ; point to the 6522 chip
ORI.B #$40,vACR(A1) ; set the timer to freerun mode
MOVE.B #$C0,vIER(A1) ; Enable timer interrupts
MOVE 8(A6),D0 ; Get timer value
MOVE.B D0,vT1L(A1) ; set timer lo byte
LSR #8, D0 ; shift to hi byte
MOVE.B D0,vT1CH(A1) ; set timer hi byte
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A1
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; save return address
ADDQ #2,SP ; move past timer value
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; replace return address
; PROCEDURE LoadTimer (TimrValue : integer);
; Call LoadTimer whenever you want to change the timer value.
; 1 millisecond is decimal 782.
LINK A6,#0 ; set frame pointer
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A1,-(SP)
MOVE.L VIA,A1 ; point to the 6522 chip
MOVE 8(A6),D0 ; Get timer value
MOVE.B D0,vT1L(A1) ; set timer lo byte
LSR #8,D0 ; shift to hi byte
MOVE.B D0,vT1CH(A1) ; set timer hi byte
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A1
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; save return address
ADDQ #2,SP ; move past timer value
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; replace return address
; PROCEDURE StartCounter;
; StartCounter sets the counter value to 1
LEA Counter,A0 ; point to the counter
MOVE.L #1,(A0) ; set it to 1
; FUNCTION GetCounter : LongInt;
; GetCounter returns a longword that is the value
; of the counter
LEA Counter,A0 ; point to the counter
MOVE.L (A0),8(SP) ; return it as function result
; PROCEDURE QuitTimer;
; Call QuitTimer when your application is done or the system will crash.
MOVE.L VIA,A1 ; Disable 6522 interrupts
MOVE.B #$40,vIER(A1)
LEA PrevIVC,A1 ; Restore previous interrupt vector
MOVE.L (A1),24(A0)
; This is the interrupt handler routine for the counter.
; When the system gets this far A1 contains the base
; address of the VIA.
; It also preserves D0-D3/A0-A3.
LEA Counter,A0 ; point to the counter
ADDQ.L #1,(A0) ; Increment it
MOVE.B vT1C(A1),D0 ; Clear interrupt flag on 6522
Counter DC.L 1 ; The counter
PrevIVC DC.L 0 ; Previous interrupt vector