Carousel Volume 2 #1
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servers, see the ΓÇ£Special FeaturesΓÇ¥ section.
Disinfectant from the virus tools floppy. For more details on scanning
start up the server Mac using your virus tools floppy disk, and run
errors, we recommend that you remove the server from production,
which you do not have the necessary access privileges. To avoid these
These error messages are issued if a server folder is encountered for
### cannot be checked.
### privileges to this folder. This folder
### You have neither See Files nor See Folders
### cannot be checked.
### to this folder. Folders within this folder
### You do not have See Folders privilege
### cannot be checked.
### to this folder. Files within this folder
### You do not have See Files privilege
### WARNING: This file is still infected!
### It cannot be repaired.
### to the folder containing this file.
### You do not have Make Changes privilege
### files in those folders may be infected!
### to access files in some of the folders. Some
### WARNING: You do not have the proper privileges
(ΓÇ£FileΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£ResΓÇ¥ privileges for ΓÇ£Other,ΓÇ¥ ΓÇ£SystemΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£SelfΓÇ¥).
Disinfectant privileges. You should grant Disinfectant all privileges
files on a GateKeeper-protected system when you have forgotten to grant
One possible cause of unexpected errors is attempting to repair infected
### WARNING: This file is probably still infected!
### granted privileges to Disinfectant.
### GateKeeper, check to make certain you have
### Unexpected error (nnn). If you are using
of the file that was being scanned when the error occurred.
the error number reported in the message. If possible, also send us a copy
describing what you were doing when the error occurred. Please specify
Disinfectant. We would appreciate it if you would send a note to the author
Unexpected errors should not occur. It means that there may be a bug in
### WARNING: This file is still infected!
### to open this file for repair.
### Unexpected error (nnn) occurred while trying
### Unexpected error (nnn).
ΓÇ£Special FeaturesΓÇ¥ section.
avoid file busy errors. For more details on scanning servers, see the
floppy disk, and run Disinfectant from the virus tools floppy. This should
server from production, start up the server Mac using your virus tools
MultiFinder). For server disks, we recommend that you remove the
is also possible when scanning server disks (under either Finder or
Disinfectant under MultiFinder. Try again without MultiFinder. This error
by some other program. The most common cause of this error is running
Your file could not be opened for writing because the file was already open
### WARNING: This file is still infected!
### This file is busy and cannot be repaired.
the ΓÇ£Special FeaturesΓÇ¥ section.
should avoid file busy errors. For more details on scanning servers, see
tools floppy disk, and run Disinfectant from the virus tools floppy. This
the server from production, start up the server Mac using your virus
occur on server disks. For server disks, we recommend that you remove
with exclusive access by some other program. This message should only
Your file could not be opened for reading because the file was already open
### This file is busy and cannot be checked.
Another possible cause of this error is that the file is damaged.
this error message.
them for viruses, and if there is not enough memory available you will get
resources. Disinfectant must load these resources into memory to check
This error can be caused by applications which contain very large
without MultiFinder.
This message is quite rare. You might try running Disinfectant again
Disinfectant was unable to get enough memory to check or repair the file.
### WARNING: This file is probably still infected!
### There is not enough memory to repair this file.
### There is not enough memory to check this file.
These files are not really damagedΓÇöthey are still usable, but only by
Reflex makes non-standard use of the resource fork in its database files.
Disinfectant also reports that all Reflex database files are ΓÇ£damaged.ΓÇ¥
stores the archived files in the data fork, not the resource fork.
archive files. These ΓÇ£damagedΓÇ¥ files are usually still usable, since StuffIt
For some reason we have seen this problem with a number of StuffIt
with the file and you should replace it with a known good copy of the file.
and system files, this usually indicates that something is seriously wrong
usable. For document files, this is usually not a problem. For applications
is not valid resource information. The data fork may still be intact and
fork. This message means that the information stored in the resource fork
data fork. When Disinfectant checks a file, it tries to open the resource
Macintosh files have two parts or ΓÇ£forksΓÇ¥ΓÇöthe resource fork and the
### in an unknown format. It cannot be checked.
### The resource fork of this file is damaged or
Disinfectant again.
the files on the disk to some other disk to make more room and run
free space on the disk before it can repair the file. Try moving some of
infected file on the disk. Disinfectant requires at least a small amount of
This error may occur if a disk is very full and you attempt to repair an
### WARNING: This file may still be infected!
### The disk is too full to repair this file.
report to the author.
probably a bug in Disinfectant. We would appreciate it if you would send a
If this error occurs in some other situation, it means that there is
which the disk is directly connected.
over the network. We recommend that you scan the disk using the Mac to
network. TOPS does not permit access to currently active system files
This error should only occur if you try to scan a disk over a TOPS
### System files cannot be scanned over TOPS.
You canceled a scan or disinfection run.
### Scan canceled.
We have never encountered this situation in actual practice.
which virus originally attacked the file, so it issues this special message.
present on an infected file. In this case Disinfectant has no way of knowing
identical. It is theoretically possible for only these common parts to be
nVIR A and nVIR B are different viruses, but some of their parts are
### but not contagious.
### File partially infected by nVIR A or nVIR B,
Detective and Virus Rx).
detect the infection. (We have noticed this situation with both Virus
tools. In many of these cases of partial infection, the other tools will not
Disinfectant has stronger checks than many of the other virus detection
protection mechanisms.
harmless part of the Scores infection will manage to evade GateKeeperΓÇÖs
particular, if the Scores virus attacks a GateKeeper-protected system, a
Partial infections can also arise on GateKeeper-protected systems. In
but not all of the infection.
which have bugs. The other virus tool may remove part of an infection,
Partially infected files sometimes are the result of other virus tools
on the file, or you may use Disinfectant to remove the infection.
and they cannot spread to other files. You may chose to leave the infection
infection is not contagious. These kinds of infections are not dangerous,
Your file is partially infected by the virus named ΓÇ£xxxxx,ΓÇ¥ but the
### but not contagious.
### File partially infected by xxxxx,
(Scores, nVIR A, etc.).
Your file is infected by a virus. ΓÇ£xxxxxΓÇ¥ is the name of the virus
### File infected by xxxxx.
intermittent, it might work the second time.
Disinfectant again on the same file. If the hardware problem is
or the disk drive is not operating properly. You can try running
while trying to read or write a file. They usually mean that the disk itself
These error messages are listed in the report if a hardware error occurs
### WARNING: This file may still be infected!
### this file.
### An I/O error occurred while trying to repair
### this file.
### An I/O error occurred while trying to check
application damaged in such a way that Disinfectant cannot repair it
handle multiple infections properly, and they sometimes leave the
repair the file before running Disinfectant. Most other virus tools cannot
by more than one virus, and you attempt to use some other virus tool to
One situation in which this error can occur is if an application is infected
error is not common, but it can occur in unusual situations.
usable, or it may be damaged in such a way that it cannot be used. This
longer infected, you can try running it to see if it works. It may be
is still infected, you should delete it. If Disinfectant reports that it is no
Scan the file again with Disinfectant to find out if it is still infected. If it
discovered something wrong with the file. The file may still be infected.
Your file was infected, but while attempting to repair it, Disinfectant
### WARNING: This file may still be infected!
### trying to repair this file.
### An error or inconsistency was detected while
order, with a brief explanation of each one.
This section presents all of DisinfectantΓÇÖs error messages, in alphabetical
Error Messages