CD Shareware Masterblend
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172 lines
Last Updated September 1991
Korenthal Associates, Inc.
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate Babble!
Babble! is provided at no charge for evaluation purposes only. This
shareware version of Babble! is the complete working version of the
program, not a crippled or demo copy.
Korenthal Associates, Inc. hereby grants you a limited license to use
this software for evaluation purposes only for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) days. If you intend to continue using this software (and/
or its documentation) after the thirty (30) day evaluation period, you
MUST make a registration payment to Korenthal Associates. Using this
software after the evaluation period has ended without registering is
a violation of the terms of this limited license.
You may register Babble! using the accompanying order form (or the
form printed by the program itself); you may also register using
MasterCard or Visa by phone (1-800-KA-PROGS), FAX (1-212-242-2599), or
CompuServe Mail (76004,2605). Company purchase orders are welcome.
The $25 registration fee licenses one copy of the software for use on
one computer. Additional sites, or additional computers on a local
area network, must be licensed separately. Alternatively, site
licenses are available; please see SITELIC.DOC for details. For
additional information, please call 1-212-242-1790.
As a registered user, you will receive:
o The full retail package, including typeset manual, nifty keyboard
template, and many more writing samples to enhance your enjoyment
of the product.
o The most current version of the Babble! program. We are always
improving our products, and registration ensures that you have
the latest version.
o Free technical support.
o Notification of significant upgrades to Babble!
o Special offers on other products from Korenthal Associates.
o A free CompuServe IntroPak, which includes a $15.00 usage credit
and a complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine, is
available to Babble! registered users who do not yet subscribe to
CompuServe. CompuServe will open the door for a whole new world
of information, services, and interesting people. CompuServe is
Registration Information Page 1 of 3
Babble! 2.0 REGISTER.DOC
also the best place to obtain technical support for products from
Korenthal Associates (and many other vendors and developers).
This CompuServe IntroPak (a $39.95 value) is provided to Babble!
registered users compliments of CompuServe, Inc., and Korenthal
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or
suggestions or require additional information. Thank you!
Korenthal Associates, Inc. Orders only: 1-800-KA-PROGS
230 West 13th Street Information: 1-212-242-1790
New York, New York 10011 FAX: 1-212-242-2599
U.S.A. CompuServe: [76004,2605]
Registration Information Page 2 of 3
Remit to: Korenthal Associates, Inc. Orders: 1-800-KA-PROGS
230 West 13th Street Info: 1-212-242-1790
New York, NY 10011 Fax: 1-212-242-2599
U.S.A. CIS: [76004,2605]
Babble! (creativity tool for writers) Qty ____ @ $25.00 $_________
Best of Babble!, Volume 1 Qty ____ @ $10.00 $_________
Babble! Site License, 5-10 users @ $150.00 $_________
Babble! Site License, 11-25 users @ $350.00 $_________
(See SITELIC.DOC for additional information)
4Print (with 4Book, 4Fold, and KAZap) Qty ____ @ $49.95 $_________
4Shell (Windows interface for 4Print) Qty ____ @ $20.00 $_________
New York residents add applicable sales tax: $_________
Shipping and handling, US/Canada: $4 per copy
All other countries: $10 per copy $_________
Total $_________
Payment by: ( ) Check (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank)
( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa ( ) PO # ______________
Card #: ____________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________
Signature of card holder: ____________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________ Title: _______________
Company: _____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Day Phone: ________________________ Evening: ________________________
Disk format: ( ) 5.25" ( ) 3.5"
Where did you get your copy of Babble!? ______________________________
[BABBLE! 2.00-U]