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XMS Driver C Interface Routine Definitions
Copyright (c) 1988, Microsoft Corporation
All the following routines are currently available SMALL MODEL ONLY.
The object code is contained in the library, XMM.LIB, XMSERROR()
is a macro contained in XMM.H.
unsigned XMM_Installed();
Returns: 1 if an XMM driver was found
0 if no driver was found
long XMM_Version();
Returns: 32 bit version, XMS version number in the low 16 bits,
Driver internal revision in the high 16 bits
long XMM_RequestHMA(Space_Needed);
unsigned Space_Needed;
Parameters: Space_Needed is the number of Kb of the high memory area
which will be used (see the XMS)
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_ReleaseHMA();
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_GlobalEnableA20();
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_GlobalDisableA20();
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_EnableA20();
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_DisableA20();
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_QueryA20();
Returns: 1L Success, A20 is enabled
0L Success, A20 is disabled
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_QueryLargestFree();
Returns: >= 0L Success, return is size of largest free block
< 0 Error code is in the top 8 bits of the return value
long XMM_QueryTotalFree();
Returns: >= 0L Success, return is total amount of free extended memory
< 0 Error code is in the top 8 bits of the return value
long XMM_AllocateExtended(SizeK);
unsigned SizeK;
Parameters: SizeK is the size of the block requested in Kb
Returns: >= 0L Success, the low word is the handle for the block
< 0 Error code is in the top 8 bits of the return value
long XMM_FreeExtended(Handle);
unsigned Handle;
Parameters: Handle is the handle corresponding to the extended memory
block to be freed
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_MoveExtended(pMoveDescription);
struct XMM_Move *pMoveDescription;
Parameters: pMoveDescription is a pointer to a structure as defined
in the XMS. XMM_Move is defined in XMM.H
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_LockExtended(Handle);
unsigned Handle;
Parameters: Handle is the handle corresponding to the extended memory
block to be locked
Returns: > 0 Success, value is the physical address of the memory
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
NOTE: This interface only allows 31 bits of physical address.
long XMM_UnLockExtended(Handle);
unsigned Handle;
Parameters: Handle is the handle corresponding to the extended memory
block to be unlocked
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_GetHandleLength(Handle);
unsigned Handle;
Parameters: Handle is the handle corresponding to the extended memory
block for which the length is required
Returns: > 0 Success, the return value is the length of the
block in Kb
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_GetHandleInfo(Handle);
unsigned Handle;
Parameters: Handle is the handle corresponding to the extended memory
block for which the information is required
Returns: > 0 Success, the low byte (bits 7:0) contains the
number of free EMB handles in the system, bits 15:8
contain the lock count for the handle
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_ReallocateExtended(Handle, NewSizeK);
unsigned NewSizeK;
Parameters: Handle is the handle which is to be reallocated
NewSizeK is the desired size in Kb
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
long XMM_RequestUMB(SizeP);
unsigned SizeP;
Parameters: SizeP is the size in paragraphs requested
Returns: > 0L Success, low word (bits 15:0) contain the segment
of the upper memory block, high word (bits 30:16)
contains the actual size of the block
< 0L Error code in the top 8 bits, size of the largest
available block in the low word (bits 15:0)
long XMM_ReleaseUMB(Segment);
unsigned Segment;
Parameters: Segment of the upper memory block to be released
Returns: 0L Success
< 0 Error code in top 8 bits
char XMSERROR(x)
long x;
Parameters: x is a return code from one of the XMM functions which
indicated an error
Returns: The error code is returned as a 'char'