Labels:text | screenshot OCR: amopsis Type "Lennings" to begin the gane. escription This Is a special holiday de from Pogynos is. It is a fom version of " display adapters and may be y be played u The keys wund within this den At frost mad Start game Now Level Center access code to access a new level) Select new Input type (p Exit to DOS select los ) Change Rating to higher level Change rating to lower level Within gane. If keyboard selected as input type Within gane If mosse selected as Input type Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button Select fars Illary Within gane If Joystick selected as lapat type Fire Button 1 Fire Button 2 Select Per Il lary Other Leys within gane " Increase the release rate Decrease the release rate Select Climber Select Floater se (aus) ageddon (Blous up all Bennings and abandon level) Tanel selector Left Panel selector Kight don Jewel in of the gane Basically the aim is to get the Beanin out of the level, by guiding then oard the exit (the object which looks like a Holiday padding ) from the atrance (the trap doce they appear from). Lemings are very stupid, weeding lots of assistance in the task, they have several different modes as follows !- Malker 1- This is the original mode all lemmings start in, In which they quite happily and obliviously walk in the direction they are facing. falling over anj chase they come across and tarsing at amy wall they encounter . Climber !- fiets Is the same way as a walker, except when a well is encountered though he/she will attempt to climb It, only falling if as this weight. arter Hing is which case they fall tren ccescul ellas barche returns to wireal walking node until another er un11 is encountered. Floater 1- Is this node a leaning ute Ing the has the nisforture to fall from a cliff will open bis trusty concealed Onel-Unbrella and float safely to carth with me Ill-effects from any height. Athlete 1- This is the sale of a leaning who is both clinker and Floater. Blocker 1 These are lennings who turn round approaching lennings. they . statiomary and mothing bar sacrificing then (acc Exploder ) or ronowing the ground fron beneath their fret can stop then from their duty. Builder 1- This lonning builds a bridge at an angle upwards is the direction of movement. Only a few steps of this bridge are constructed by any bilder at any time, after these steps have been built the re constructed less ing returns to his/hers permanent mode. (le walkervel inber/f loster/athlete) A horizontal tunnel is dug by this lemming. In the direction of notion. Note i- The benning only bashes as long as their is sonc ground In front of bin/her, returning to bischer permanent mode ches no ground is preseat. Miner 8- A dlagums ! tunnel is das daurusards in the direction of motion, again if no ground is present thea the lenning will stop mining and return to hischer permanest nade. Digger A vertical tummel is dag through the ground below the lemning. as before the lonning returm to his/her permanent node when open space Is detected beneath herthe. Exploder :- There are tines when a leaning must lay down his/her life for their nation, this is the node In which it is done, through sacrificing thense lues they say pave the way through an obstacle by blowing away part of the ground around then. onnings are selected by moving the cross hair cursor lusing mouse, Joystick or hejbond) over the lonning, selection is Indicated by the cross hair changing to box, The lemming "Is then changed by first selecting the correct icen from the panel and pressing the select betten on a lemming: The Icons on the panel are In order (Left to right) :- Jacrease the release rate Decrease the release rate Select Climber elect Flaster Select Exploder Select Blocker Select Bellder in lect Barber Armageddon (Blous up all lernings and abandons level) (Double click required) Each level is played In order of difficulty and is won when the required percentage of e exceeded. best of Luck, play and enjoy. No options for TADY version) Query attempt had been made to ensure that this demonstration works with as y machine tupes as possible, this various connand line options have been included to help Increase compatibility. These options are is pe machine (-) used to tell the program it is running on an anstreD machin Iga display adaptor. machine Other thes anstrad er ps2. Faz machine. Wye display adapter. If a Rono monitor Is being used. - Compat Ibilityj ande, some machines may not be able to run Jennings in the default mode, using this option spends up the gans by disabling some of the features. Use this option If you are unable to to get leanings running using any of the other options. Note !- Command line options may be mixed, le: uga leming - Starts up the 400 version of lennings for a PS2. og uga leming -e Starts up the Ein version of lennings for an Amstrad in compatibility for those with Amstrad machines please note that the finstrad machine option applies to those with PC3640 er PC1512 michines with a mouse, for those with 2000 or 2000 range machines then use Compatibility mode.