Special CD-ROM 6: Sound & Multi Media
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DMP support sites
This file includes a list of official DMP support site BBSes
all around the world. Every BBS on the list has one thing in
common: you can get DMP easily, without logging into the system
and for free!
If you have any complaints about any BBS (i.e. latest version
isn't there within 7 days, or something else is wrong), please
report it to me so I can take actions. My contact addresses are
in the end of this file, after the how-to-become-a-DMP-support-
BBS name BBS number BBS speed
BBS software Sysop Country
Paranoimia - The Art of Noi +61 3 379 7041 v32
PCBoard Pink Floyd Australia
Audiophiles Paradise +61 3 587 5804 v32b
Remote Access Peter Webb Australia
Liquid Metal +61 7 812 2324 v32b, v.fast
Remote Access Chuck Biscuits Australia
Absolute Zero +61 9 246 1107 v32b
Remote Access Kim Davies Australia
The Information Centre +61 9 344 8888 v32b
Remote Access Rudy Labordus Australia
Spectrum +61 9 417 9560 v32
Remote Access Graham Elliott Australia
Coming Out! +32 3 4498444 v32b
Remote Access Nancy Verbrugghe Belgium
House Adonis +32 53 212213 v32b
PC Board Blue Adonis Belgium
Warmboot BBS +55 194 26 5112 v32b
Maximus CBCS WarmBooter Brazil
Hardwired +1 403 434 7996 v32b
PCBoard David Papp Canada
The Sports Board +1 416 588 7815 vFC
Renegade Infection Canada
Wave of Weirdness +1 418 285 4838 v32b
Renegade Sleep Walker Canada
Powerphone BBS +1 514 733 5786 v32b (USR DS 16.8)
Wildcat Christophe Canada
Deltacom +1 517 877 4964 v32b
WildCat Frederic Giroux Canada
Southwest Music +1 519 734 6239 v32b,HST,16.8k
Remote Access 2.0 The Charlatan Canada
Pentium BBS +1 604 533 3720 v32b
TriBBS NutCracker Canada
Shades of Blue +1 604 590 1077 v32b
GrapeVine Patreekio Canada
OPTiC iLLUSiONS BBS +1 902 827 5350 v32b
Renegade iLLUSiONiZER Canada
Digital Data Communications +1 905 837 2149 v32b
Maximus Ryan Matijcio Canada
THF's EzyBoard System +45 31 639 132 v32b, ZyXEL 19.2
Ezycom Thomas Holmstrom Denmark
The Spirit +44 274 607906 v32b
Remote Access The Spirit England
The Musicbox +44 508 538510 v32b
Remote Access Gareth Watts England
The Schizophrenic Wolf +44 772 456526 v32b (16.8)
Wildcat MAtthew Smalley England
Sound & Vision BBS +44 932 252323 v32b
Remote Access Rob Barth England
HITEC BBS +358 0 3432570 v32b
PCBoard 15.0 Antti Roine Finland
Moonlight Shadow +358 0 3882575 v32
PC Board Finland
Place of Pilgrimage +358 18 550136 v32b
PC Board Finland
Bitstream BBS +358 21 4383244 v32b
PCBoard 15.0 Quark Finland
Heaven's Gate BBS +358 24 347743 v32b
Maximus Teemu Koponen Finland
Casabox +358 30 25500 v32b
SBBS Klaus Juhantalo Finland
R.A. Law +358 37 5849007 v32b
Remote Access Gulde Finland
The Hackers' Lair BBS +358 55 178749 v32b
Maximus Pasi Partanen Finland
Kurrebox +358 86 140061 USR v32terbo
SuperBBS Jukka Oravasaari Finland
A.C.E +33 45 887548 v32b
PCBoard Christophe Yvon France
Zyllius BBS! +33 9332 0505 v32b,16.8 HST
Remote Access Vincent Mallet France
Pandora's Box +49 3521