Special CD-ROM 6: Sound & Multi Media
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Scream Tracker 3.2
---- USER'S MANUAL ----
(C) 1994 Kalle Kaivola
Edge / Electromotive Force
1. Introduction
1.1 What is Scream Tracker 3.2?
1.2 Hardware Requirements
1.3 Distributing ST 3.2
2. Brief Guide to Scream Tracker
2.1 Samples
2.2 Patterns
2.3 Orders
2.4 Effects
2.5 Setting up Scream Tracker
3. Scream Tracker Interface
3.1 F1 - Order list and Global Variables
3.1.1 Order list
3.1.2 Channels
3.1.3 Global Variables
3.2 F2 - Edit Pattern
3.2.1 The Edit Display
3.2.2 Entering Notes
3.2.3 Pattern Edit Commands
3.2.4 Area Commands
3.3 F3 - Instrument List
3.4 F4 - Instrument Library
3.5 F5 - Info Screen
3.6 Global Commands
4. Miscellaneous
4.1 Making Amiga .MOD modules with ST3
4.2 Adlib FM-songs
4.3 Closing Words
Chapter 1. Introduction
This document is not a complete beginner's guide to the Scream
Tracker program, nor is it a text on making better music. It does
not tell you how to program an .S3M player (the technical specs for
that are in TECH.DOC) and it most certainly contains no code. It is
made for those who have have worked with similar programs before
and know some music theory. If you are not such a person, I suggest
you don't try to blow your brains by trying to memorize this text and
the things discussed herein. You would be better off printing the
document, starting the program and reading the docs when something
you don't understand comes up.
For those of you who have had a lot of experience with trackers
before and think that the tracker's quickhelp is enough for you,
have a look at the Miscellaneous chapter. It contains a few useful
hints about using the program you might not find otherwise.
If you encounter a serious bug, you should report it to my E-Mail
account, edge@xgw.fi. I can't possibly answer all the mail I receive,
but I do read it and add all the bugs to the ever-increasing
buglist. If you find a bug, you should try to be precise in how it
can be recreated. Bug reports like "sometimes the tracker hangs while
playing" are useless. If you can speculate on the cause of the bug,
do tell your thoughts, too. Also, you should not ask for any
programming help (sources, ideas, etc) because I'm a musician, not a
1.1 What is Scream Tracker 3.2?
ST is a program for composing "modules", songs containing digital
and FM instruments (samples) and note data (patterns). Most of you
should be familiar with these terms, so they will not be described
in depth here. This documentation is a starting guide for a person
who has had previous experience with trackers.
Scream Tracker is able to handle a maximum of 16 digital channels
and 9 FM channels. Supported fileformats are normal .MOD's,
Fasttracker 6 and 8-channel .MOD's, Oktalyzer .OKT's, Scream Tracker
2.* .STMs, and naturally Scream Tracker 3 .S3Ms. ST3 only saves in
.S3M and .MOD format, though.
1.2 Hardware Requirements
In order to run Scream Tracker 3.2, you need at least a 386SX,
a VGA display and a soundcard. The supported soundcards are Sound
Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Gravis Ultrasound and all cards that
are 100% compatible with any of the above. The FM-options only work
on SB and SB-Pro compatible cards, since GUS doesn't have an FM
chip. There is no mouse support, since it wouldn't really be
convenient in this style of tracker.
You should also have some EMS, since Scream Tracker loads the
sampledata into EMS (even with a GUS). The patterndata is stored in
conventional (below 640k) memory. If you're running low on memory,
the FreeMem display in the main screen will turn red. It would be a
very good idea to save your work, since ST tends to turn unstable in
low memory situations. When I have worked with Scream Tracker without
EMS, loading a big module has often resulted in a crash warning and
the computer hanging.
1.3 Distributing ST 3.2
The Scream Tracker is distributed as freeware, and this means that
you can give it to your friends and distribute it in any way as long
as no money is involved. The basic idea is that you have the right
to use the program but not sell it. As an exception to selling, a
right is given to pd/shareware companies to include this program
in their collections as long as no special pricing policy is used
with the Scream Tracker.
There is no warranty. Since you paid nothing for this software
it's only fair that you use it at your own risk. The author can not
guarantee that the software always works as expected. Any damages
you caused (to yourself or to others) by using the program are
entirely your own responsibility. Luckily the software seems quite
stable if you really don't try to do something weird :-)
2. Brief Guide to Scream Tracker
This chapter describes shortly the terms that are necessary to
know when using Scream Tracker 3. The effect list is also included.
2.1 Samples
Module music consists of instruments, called samples. They are
raw 8-bit, digital data fed back at varying frequencies and volumes
through your soundcard to form music. For soundcards that support
FM-synthesis, there are synthesized instruments, but those are
described in more detail in section 4.1.
Samples vary from in length from 1 to 65536 bytes. However,
Scream Tracker can only handle samples up to 64000 bytes, so some
sampledata might be lost if you load a module with huge samples.
ST will automatically cut samples that are too big when loaded.
Some samples also have loops, which make the sample repeat a certain
part of the sample. There are two values to a loop, the loop begin
and the loop end. The begin value is where the sample should be
started again once it reaches the loop end value. Every sample also
has a default volume and pitch. The default volume is the volume
that is used when no other volume is given in the pattern. The
default pitch is the frequency the sample should be played at C-4.
The samples are accessed by going into the instrument list by
pressing F3.
2.2 Patterns
Modules also have note data, called patterns. Patterns are where
the music actually comes from. Every pattern consists of a varying
number of 32 columns and 64 horizontal rows. Each position then has
five values for the note - pitch, instrument number, volume, effect
and infobyte. Here is an example note:
C#4 04 25 H81
This would mean a C sharp in the fourth octave with the fourth
instrument at volume 25, vibrating with a speed of 8 and frequency
of 1. You will find a list of the effects in section 2.4 if you
aren't familiar with them.
You can also omit some parts of the note like this:
C-5 04 25 ...
D#5 .. .. ...
E-5 .. .. ...
G-5 .. .. ...
This plays C, D sharp, E, and G all with instrument 4 and volume 25.
However, if there had been an instrument number in one of the no