Labels:text | poster | screenshot | book | rectangle OCR: FUNHOUSE OF LOVE HURRY, HORRY, HORRY, STEP RIGHT OP THIS AIN'T NO WALK IN THE PARK ave you ever been to a sexual amusement park? Welcome to FUN- JHOUSE. A theme park bursting with sexual adventure and excitement LLaround every corner. Upon entering the gates of FUNHOUSE, you'll be greeted by three lovely barkeretts. Let mistress Luci-Fur analyze your sexual preferences, or visit the mid-way and try your luck at the Wheel Of Lust or the Shoot-Off Gallery. Need to relax after an intense round of gameplay? Why not check out the Peep Show? A digital theater of hot erotic scenes from WAVE's feature presentations. So step right up and slide this CD-ROM into your com- puter. Your hard drive will thank you. OF WAVE Interactive G LERY Please copess Mistress Luct-Fur Crystal ball to sturt Mistress S ...