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Comments for the neural net expert on
the atree release 2.0 adaptive logic network simulator.
You will probably have a lot of experience with backpropagation-type
networks, so the thrust of the following remarks is to encourage you
to see adaptive logic networks (ALNs) as a modification of that
approach that could offer improved performance in some of your
problems. Certainly ALNs can help in problems that involve demanding
real-time requirements or in situations where the available computing
power is not adequate for a backpropagation network.
First of all, you may not think of an adaptive logic network as a
neural network at all, but it is! In fact, an ALN is a special case
of the familiar multilayer perceptron (MLP) feedforward network.
There are just a few changes, all of them simplifications. Briefly,
the nodes (or elements) have (during training, at least) two input
leads, the input signals x1, x2 are boolean ( 0 or 1), each connection
weight is determined by a single bit of information, and the
"squashing function" is a threshold. Specifically, if b1 and b2 are
boolean, then the element outputs a boolean value which is 1 if and
only if
(b1 + 1) * x1 + (b2 + 1) * x2 >= 2.
The four combinations of b1 and b2 ( 00, 11, 10, 01) generate the four
boolean functions of two variables: AND, OR, LEFT, and RIGHT, where
LEFT(x1, x2) = x1 and RIGHT(x1, x2) = x2. For example 1 * x1 + 1 * x2
>= 2 if and only if both x1 AND x2 are 1.
A tree of such elements is connected to some boolean input variables
and their complements. Inputs enter the tree at the leaves and the
output is at the root node. The input variables are components of a
vector representing a pattern, such as a handwritten character.
Training on a set of input vectors, furnished with the desired boolean
outputs, results in an assignment of functions to nodes that allows
the tree to approximate the training data. It then has built-in
capacity to generalize, i. e. to give appropriate responses to other
possible input vectors not presented during training, as will be
explained below.
You might ask: "Why bother with a special case when we can use the
whole power of the MLP and the backpropagation training algorithm?"
Here, I think, are some convincing answers:
1) Speed of the hardware implementation of ALNs
There are many ways to achieve pattern recognition capability, ranging
from classical approaches like the K-nearest-neighbors method, to
newer methods using neural networks. These all have their place, and
certainly no one wants to try to argue with proofs showing near
optimality of classical methods in some cases, but ALNs can often
compute results far faster than all other approaches based on digital
logic; and sometimes speed is the critical factor, for example in
robotics or control of electronic circuits.
Training an ALN results in a combinational logic circuit. In fact,
after adaptation, one groups the subtrees of two-input ANDs together
to get ANDs of higher fanin, and similarly for the ORs. The result is
logically equivalent to a tree of NANDs, which is directly
translatable into easily built hardware. Pattern recognition
functions can then be computed in a few tens of nanoseconds in
general, which is several orders of magnitude faster than other
approaches allow. Dedicated ALNs can be realized in field
programmable gate arrays quite cheaply. (This step is not yet done in
the atree release 2.0 software. There are various types of target
chips one could use. Discussions are underway for one kind of FPGA.)
The adaptation algorithms are also designed to be fast: what
corresponds to backprop, a credit assignment computation, is also
combinational, so it is possible to build systems which will adapt a
tree at a rate of, say, 25 million patterns per second. Adaptation to
a pattern would take the same time that one special processor for
backprop neural networks requires for just one multiply-add step of
the many it has to do! (Unfortunately, at that speed, you wouldn't
have time to go for coffee while the system converged; you probably
wouldn't even make it to your office door! So you would have to try a
lot harder problems.)
If there is any hedging above, it is in insisting upon digital logic.
Analog circuits could possibly be faster. Whether they would give
reproducible results is another issue. As long as we are in the realm
of digital logic, we have the theorem that any boolean function can be
realized in two levels of logic (if the complements of the inputs are
available) -- conjunctive normal form does that. For the problems we
have tried, ALNs produce trees which are about five or ten times
deeper than that, and hence which are are five or ten times slower
than the absolute limit of speed for ANY digital system!
Of course, any ALN circuit could be turned into a two layer one, but
usually only at astronomical cost. Hence it is plausible that ALNs
are not only a good choice for very high speed pattern recognition --
they are the only way to come close to the ultimate in speed at
reasonable cost and with reproducible results.
2) Speed of software simulation
If a simulation computes a 0 input to an AND gate, then no other
inputs need to be evaluated to know the output of the AND. If the
other input is not computed, we have a "lazy" evaluation of the AND.
Laziness, also called parsimony, speeds up the simulation very
significantly -- 8.9 times for a 10 layer binary tree and 157 times
for a 20 layer tree.
On the other hand, backprop can do little to avoid computing
everything, since the sigmoid function, which is increasing in its
entire domain from minus infinity to plus infinity, never cuts off
small values, at least in theory.
The speedup due to parsimony makes the atree software very reasonable
to run even on personal computers. Since atree does not need floating
point operations, no math co-processor is required.
When special hardware is available, but is not large enough to
evaluate a large logical expression in one go, parsimony is still
important. Say there are parts of a computation which can be done
completely in parallel in the hardware, but these parts have to be
computed iteratively. Lazy evaluation will in general allow one to
omit those iterations whose outputs are not needed, based on those
already computed.
Laziness or parsimony is an advantage of ALNs which assures them an
increasingly important role in neurocomputing -- even if the majority
of neural net research today is based mainly on other paradigms which
are non-parsimonious.
3) Representational power:
A sufficiently large ALN tree with appropriate node functions and
connections can realize any boolean function. This means that one
can, in principle, generate any mapping from any set representable in
a digital computer to any other such set. The complements of the
input variables have to be included as inputs to the binary tree
described above, since otherwise the ALN could only produce increasing
functions. (A boolean function is increasing if, for any input
vector, changing a 0 to a 1 in it will never change the function value
from 1 to 0.)
There are theorems that deal with approximation of arbitrary
continuous functions using the (infinitely often differentiable)
functions produced, in theory, by neural networks using sigmoids --
but what if the function you need has a discontinuity? Can the
discontinuity be generated without impairing extrapolation? One may
be better off if one can generate discontinuities, and discontinuities
in derivatives too.
4) Generalization or extrapolation
This is the real strong point of ALNs. Pattern classification
problems generally require an output which is the same for patterns
which are in some way similar. Similarity could be based on all sorts
of criteria, but generally it can be defined by saying two individuals
have many features in common. Of course, two neigboring rows of the
checkerboard have a lot in common even if they have no corresponding
squares of the same color! But if we can agree on the idea of having
features in common is a good criterion for being in the same class in
pattern recognition, then for good generalization one doesn't want the
output to change when one or a few features, among many, are altered.
If a feature is represented by a boolean variable, then the above
says, similarity can be measured by Hamming distance between boolean
vectors. In order to use ALNs, we generally have to code other
representations of individuals into boolean vectors in such a way that
similarity for pattern classification purposes is reflected in Hamming
distance. For example, the atree package incorporates a way of
encoding real values into boolean vectors that, at least locally,
somewhat preserves the metric on an interval of the real line. Unary
numbers preserve the metric on positive integers perfectly, but this
is quite an inefficient use of bits, so we have implemented a random
walk technique.
Binary trees with node functions AND, OR, LEFT, and RIGHT have been
shown to have the property that the functions they realize tend to
have the same output value when the inputs are perturbed. This
depends on averaging over all functions on the tree, weighted by the
number of ways each can be produced by setting the two bits at each
node which determine the node's function. It is also necessary to
average over all vectors and all perturbations of a given number of
The plausible reasoning behind this is that when an input signal to a
gate changes, it may or may not change the output. A change to an
input to an AND will not change its output if the other input to the
AND is 0. Over all, the probability of a change is 0.5, if one input
changes. So for a 10-layer tree, the probability of a single bit
change at a leaf causing a change of the tree output is 1/1024.
In a tree with multiple connections to the bits of an input vector and
their complements, the arguments are a bit more elaborate. Consider a
balanced binary tree. Suppose some bits are perturbed at random in the
input vector, with p being the probability of an individual bit being
changed. This could correspond to "salt and pepper" noise in a
scanned character. We ask: what is the probability of change in the
next layer? It turns out to be p - p^2 /4. The probability of
perturbation decreases as the number of layers increases. More
importantly, the limit as the number of layers goes to infinity is
zero. For 14 layers, the probability of change of the output when the
input is perturbed is about 0.2 no matter how much the input is
perturbed! The sequence of p values starting at 1.0 is: 1.0, 0.75,
.61, .52, .45, .40, .36, .33, .30, .28, .26, .24, .23, .21, .20. (If
you think the probability should never go below 0.5, you haven't
allowed for the case of a function which is almost a constant. As you
train an ALN, it may start as almost a constant function. You force
it to become sensitive in certain ways, but it retains its general
tendency towards insensitivity.)
The above implies that binary tree functions based on the given node
functions, AND, OR, LEFT, and RIGHT, are very insensitive to changes
in their inputs. If we find one, even by random search through the
space of all possibilities that satisfies the training data, then it
will tend to do a good job of extrapolation. So it is not the
training procedure per se that is important here. Insensitivity
replaces the concept of continuity in backpropagation networks. It is
what we really need in a system intended to solve pattern recognition
I hope the above arguments will be enough to convince you to try the
atree release 2.0 software. The lf language should make it easy. I
suggest you take files for your training and test sets in some
backpropagation problem and substitute them for the sets in the
multiply.lf program to get yourprogram.lf. Pick a tree of a few
thousand nodes, adjust the maximum and minimum value allowed for each
variable, the numbers of quantization levels for the different
variables, the number of bits used to represent each quantity, and the
stepsize between representations of successive quantization levels in
the random walk. Then type "lf yourprogram.lf". I hope you will be
pleasantly surprised, and that you will then make ALNs a permanent
part of your neural net toolkit!
Good luck.
Bill Armstrong