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PBBSPROT.EXE is included in Powrmail.exe, and will be placed
in your \powrbbs directory on install. This is the current
WINDOWS transfer protocol. This file may be updated at times,
and you will be able to download the latest at the
support bbs.
===> Changes from PowerBBS 1.51 to PowerBBS 1.52
The protocol.bbs file must contain extensions for the protocols to be run.
For example, you cannot just place DSZ in the command line, but rather
Communications Setup Screen - Entry #12 Added
Use FOSSIL Routines?
Y - If you want to use a FOSSIL driver, with PowerBBS
N - If you want to use PowerBBS's internal routines
Please note that PBBSPROT does not use a Fossil Driver.
will most likely NOT be supported in future releases.
Node Information - Entry #12 Added
Run as CHINESE (JAPANESE,etc) compatible?
If this option is set to yes, people can enter use any name they want. If this
option is set to no, a users name must start with a letter (for the fast
index routines).
Note: PowerBBS will still be chinese compatible, if you select no. If you
must permit high ascii characters (options #3, entry #5), people using
chinese (japanese,etc) communications windows, will be able to use chinese
characters for everything except their name. The first character of their
name must begin with a letter.
===> Changes from PowerBBS 1.50 to PowerBBS 1.51.
Use DTR do drop caller?
If you want to use the DTR to drop callers, select yes for this option.
You should have AT&D2 set in your modem config, for this option to work.
If you want to use the standard hayes method of discounecting (ATH), then
select NO. You should have AT&D0 set in your modem config, for this option
to work.
Note that some modems have dip switches to do this.
There have been 2 changes in CONFIG for Multi-Language Support.
The Options #1 screen, Entry #15, is now a Yes/No question.
Do you want MULTI-LANGUAGE support. If you want to use the default English
language, enter 'No'. All you have to do is enter section [E] of CONFIG,
and type 1 for the language number. Language text 1 will always be used.
Save this new file. If you wish to change any text, feel free to do so.
** If you do not create 1 [1.LAN] then the internal text will not be
** displayed correctly.
The datafiles screen entry #10, is now the Language Datafile. Do not use
the same file as before. We suggest (C:\Powrbbs\Config\Lang.bbs). As
soon as you type in this new path/file, use f1 (or the mouse to click f1),
to edit the file. In order for this file to be used, you have to answer
YES to the 'Do you want MULTI-LANGUAGE support' question.
File Definition:
<# of language>,<extension>,<text>,<phone>
#1: This is the NUMBER of the language file. For example, 1 will be
saved as C:\Powrbbs\Source\1.LAN (or where your source
directory is specified as in CONFIG [A]).
#2: This is the extension of ASCII/ANSI files for this language. For
example, if this language is french, you can type FRE for the
file extension. Whenever an ASCII/ANSI file is displaced (such
as C:\Powrbbs\Screen\Hello1), if the extension is found
(C:\Powrbbs\Screen\Hello1.FRE), then that file is displayed. This
will give you the ability to have different text files for different
languages. If you do not want such an extension, just leave this
option blank.
#3: The text you place in this option, is the information given to the
user on logon. Such as Deutsch, English, etc. You can use whatever
you want, so long as you think it will be clear to the user.
#4: The text you type here, is the phone number text used for this
current user. Wherever you place a #, a number will be requested.
Any other text will just be displayed (and saved in the users
phone number file). Here are some examples:
US: (###) ###-####
France: ##-##-##-##
Germany: ##-##-####
England: ###-###-###
You can use whatever you like, but you are limited to 14 characters.
CONFIG now contains an OPTION [E]. This is the language datafile edit option,
where you edit the actual text, to be saved in your source directory.
Whenever you specify a number that is not currently on disk, the default
PowerBBS information will be displayed.
PowerMAIL Support UPDATE - CONFIG Setup [A]
Options #1 Screen - Entry #16: Are you running PowerMAIL?
If you are running the PowerMAIL door, enter Yes. Otherwise No.
The PowerMAIL Code, and Directory do not need to be editted if
you enter No in this selection.
Sysop Screen - Entry #6: PowerMAIL Code (8 Characters)
Enter an 8 character code, to be used as the filename of the .QWK and .REP
packets. ONLY use LETTERS for the code. This code should remain the
same on ALL NODES.
Node Info Screen - Entry # 11: Directory to use for PowerMail
Enter the path to a directory to use for PowerMAIL. (CONFIG will create
this directory on log-off if it doesn't exist). This DIRectory should
be DIFFERENT on all nodes. Examples: C:\MAIL1\ C:\MAIL2\