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674 lines
* Copyright (c) 1991, Micronix Inc., All rights reserved.
* Micronix assigns you, the purchaser of this software, the right to
* distribute, free of charge, the routines in this file along with other
* code generated by FormCode/Gen as a forms package to be used only for
* printing the designed forms,etc. In other words, your end users, or whoever
* you distribute the combined forms software to, can only use the software
* in this file to print the designs that you have created for them. The
* best means of achieving this goal may be to distribute only the compiled
* version of these routines (compiled by whatever dBASE compiler you use).
* Under no circumstances should this software be distributed, whether for
* a price or not, as a stand alone libarary for general purpose use.
* NOTE: Under no circumstances should this copyright and license notice be
* deleted from this file.
* This file contains all the printer driver routines. These routines
* are called by the functions that FormCode/Gen generates for your design
* namely FCGFIXOBJ, FIXVAROBJ, etc. There are two ways these routines can
* be made accesible to these procedures:
* 1) By appending them to the file that contains the generated code.
* FormCode/Gen does this for you if you select the Append Procedures
* From PCLDRV option from the Page Setup dialog box.
* 2) By making these routines accesible to the generated procedures by
* issuing a SET PROCEDURE TO. This is what FormCode/Gen does if you
* do not check the Append Procedures From PCLDRV check box.
* NOTE: The routines in this library can be called directly by code that you
* write yourself also. To do this, make sure you call FCGSTART before any
* other routines and call FCGEND after printing is done. You will also
* need to declare the following global variables (use the PUBLIC statement):
* The best way to hand write code is to use generated code as a starting point.
* Function: Initializes printer and sets up job paramets. Must be called
* before the start of a job
* Parameters: fcgcopies - (numeric) number of copies (1-99)
* fcgorient - (numeric) sheet orientation. 0 means portrait,
* one means landscape
* fcgsize - (numeric) paper size. Must be one of the following:
* 1 for Executive Size (7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in)
* 2 for Letter Size (8 1/2 x 11 in)
* 3 for Legal Size (8 1/2 x 14 in)
* 26 for A4 Size (210mm x 297mm)
* 80 for Monarch Size Envelope (3 7/8 x 7 1/2 in)
* 81 for COM 10 Size Envelope (4 1/8 x 9 1/2 in)
* 90 for DL Size Envelope (110mm x 220mm)
* 91 for C5 Size Envelope (162mm 229mm)
* fcgbin - (numeric) paper bin to use. Must be one of the following:
* 1 for Upper Tray
* 2 for Manual Feed
* 3 for Manual Envelope Feed
* 4 for Lower Tray
* 5 for Paper Deck
* 6 for Envelope Feeder
* fcgres - (numeric) Raster Graphics Resolution (Dots Per Inch)
* Must be one of the following values:
* 75, 100, 150, 300
procedure fcgstart
parameters fcgcopies,fcgorient,fcgsize,fcgbin,fcgres
?? chr(27)+"E"+chr(27)+"&l"+ltrim(str(fcgcopies))+"x"+ ;
ltrim(str(fcgorient))+"o"+ltrim(str(fcgsize))+"a4d1e42f"+ ;
?? chr(27)+"*v1O"
* Function: End the job by resetting the printer.
procedure fcgend
?? chr(27)+"E"
* Function: Sets the public variable FCGGTOVAR to PCL cursor position
* command to move cursor to specified coordinate position.
* Coordinates are specified in hundredths of inches, and point 0,0
* corresponds to the upper left corner of the physical page.
* Parameters: fcgx,fcgy - (numeric) cursor position
procedure fcggoto
parameters fcgx, fcgy
fcggtovar = chr(27)+"*p"+ltrim(str(3*fcgx-75))+"x"+ltrim(str(3*fcgy-75))+"Y"
* Function: Sets the public variable FCGMOVVAR to PCL cusror position command
* to move the PCL cursor horizontaly by specified relative ammount.
* Coordinates are specified in hundredths of inches, and point 0,0
* corresponds to the upper left corner of the physical page.
* Parameters: fcgx, - (numeric) ammount to move cursor by
procedure fcgmovby
parameters fcgx
fcgmovvar = chr(27)+"*p+"+ltrim(str(3*fcgx))+"X"
* Function: Calculates extent of text based on font metric information.
* Stores the calculated value in public variable FCGEXTVAR
* Parameters: fcgfntl,fcgfntu - (character) font metric arrays (upper/lower)
* fcgfntf - (numeric) first character in character set
* fcgstr - (character) the character string
* NOTE: The font metric information is generated by FormCode/Gen for fonts
* that need this information.
procedure fcgtxtext
parameters fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf, fcgstr
private fcglen, fcgidx, fcgchidx
fcgextvar = 0
fcgidx = 1
fcglen = len(fcgstr)
do while fcgidx <= fcglen
fcgchidx = asc(substr(fcgstr,fcgidx,1)) - fcgfntf + 1
fcgextvar = fcgextvar + asc(substr(fcgfntl,fcgchidx,1)) + ;
(asc(substr(fcgfntu,fcgchidx,1))-1) * 256
fcgidx = fcgidx + 1
* @0,0 say fcgfntf+chr(fcgchidx+fcgfntf-1)+fcgextvar
* suspend
fcgextvar = int(fcgextvar / 10)
* Function: Draws a verticle or horizontal line between specified points.
* Coordinates are specified in hundredths of inches, and point 0,0
* corresponds to the upper left corner of the physical page. Line
* coordinates specify center line for thick lines.
* Parameters: fcgx1,fcgy1 - (numeric) line starting position
* fcgx2,fcgy2 - (numeric) line ending position
* fcgthick - (numeric) line width in hundredths of inches
* NOTE: The ending position must specify coordinates that are larger than
* or equal to start cordinates (i.e x2 >= x1, and y2 >= y1)
procedure fcgline
parameters fcgx1, fcgy1, fcgx2, fcgy2, fcgthick
private fcgposx,fcgposy,fcgsizex,fcgsizey,fcgtmp
if fcgx1 = fcgx2
fcgposx = fcgx1 - int(fcgthick/2)
fcgposy = fcgy1
fcgsizex = fcgthick
fcgsizey = fcgy2 - fcgy1 + 1
fcgposy = fcgy1 - int(fcgthick/2)
fcgposx = fcgx1
fcgsizey = fcgthick
fcgsizex = fcgx2 - fcgx1 + 1
do fcggoto with fcgposx,fcgposy
?? fcggtovar+chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(3*fcgsizex))+"a" + ;
* Function: Draws a rectangle with or without a border and with or without a
* fill. Coordinates are specified in hundredths of inches, and
* point 0,0 corresponds to the upper left corner of the physical page.
* Parameters: fcgleft,fcgtop - (numeric) upper left corner coordinates
* fcgright,fcgbot - (numeric) lower left corner coordinates
* fcgthick - (numeric) border width in hundredths of inches
* fcgfillt - (numeric) fill type. Must be one of the following:
* 0 for black fill
* 1 for white fill
* 2 for HP defined gray shading pattern
* 3 for HP defined cross-hatched pattern
* 4 for no fill
* fcgfillp - (numeric) the fill pattern. Value depends upon the
* value of fcgfillt (ignored for fcgfillt = 0 or 1)
* for fcgfillt = 2, a gray shading percentage value from
* the following (2,10,15,30,45,70,90,100)
* for fcgfillt = 3, a number between 1 and 6 corresponding
* to the six predefined patterns.
* NOTE: The ending position must specify coordinates that are larger than
* or equal to start cordinates (i.e x2 >= x1, and y2 >= y1)
procedure fcgrect
parameters fcgleft,fcgtop,fcgright,fcgbot,fcgthick,fcgfillt,fcgfillp
if fcgfillt <> 4
do fcggoto with fcgleft, fcgtop
?? fcggtovar+chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"g"+;
if fcgthick > 0
do fcgline with fcgleft,fcgtop,fcgright,fcgtop,fcgthick
do fcgline with fcgleft,fcgbot,fcgright,fcgbot,fcgthick
do fcgline with fcgleft,fcgtop-int(fcgthick/2),fcgleft, ;
do fcgline with fcgright,fcgtop-int(fcgthick/2),fcgright, ;
* Function: Draws a box with specified border width, type, sahdow, etc.
* Coordinates are specified in hundredths of inches, and point 0,0
* corresponds to the upper left corner of the physical page.
* Parameters: fcgleft,fcgtop - (numeric) upper left corner coordinates
* fcgright,fcgbot - (numeric) lower left corner coordinates
* fcgthick - (numeric) border width in hundredths of inches
* fcgfillt - (numeric) fill type. Must be one of the following:
* 0 for black fill
* 1 for white fill
* 2 for HP defined gray shading pattern
* 3 for HP defined cross-hatched pattern
* 4 for no fill
* fcgfillp - (numeric) the fill pattern. Value depends upon the
* value of fcgfillt (ignored for fcgfillt = 0 or 1)
* for fcgfillt = 2, a gray shading percentage value from
* the following (2,10,15,30,45,70,90,100)
* for fcgfillt = 3, a number between 1 and 6 corresponding
* to the six predefined patterns.
* fcgborder - (numeric) if = 0, specifies a single border. If = 1
* specifies a double border.
* fcgshadow - (numeric) if = 0, specifies no shadow. If = 1
* specifies a shadow.
* NOTE: The ending position must specify coordinates that are larger than
* or equal to start cordinates (i.e x2 >= x1, and y2 >= y1)
procedure fcgbox
parameters fcgbleft, fcgbtop, fcgbright, fcgbbot, fcgbthick, fcgbfillt, ;
fcgbfillp, fcgbborder, fcgbshadow
private fcgbmargin,fcgft
fcgft = fcgbfillt
fcgbmargin = 2 * fcgbthick
if fcgbborder = 1
do fcgrect with fcgbleft+fcgbmargin, fcgbtop+fcgbmargin, fcgbright-fcgbmargin, ;
fcgbbot-fcgbmargin, fcgbthick, fcgft, fcgbfillp
fcgft = 4
do fcgrect with fcgbleft, fcgbtop, fcgbright, fcgbbot, fcgbthick, fcgft, fcgbfillp
if fcgbshadow = 1
do fcgrect with fcgbleft+5-int(fcgbthick/2), fcgbbot+int(fcgbthick/2), ;
fcgbright+5+int(fcgbthick/2), fcgbbot+5+int(fcgbthick/2), 1, 0, 0
do fcgrect with fcgbright+int(fcgbthick/2), fcgbtop+5-int(fcgbthick/2), ;
fcgbright+5+int(fcgbthick/2), fcgbbot+5+int(fcgbthick/2), 1, 0, 0
* Function: Prints left justified text at specified position
* Parameters:
* fcgfnts - (character) Font selection string
* fcgtlft,fcgttop - (numeric) Position of first character in string
* fcgtext - (numeric) The text string to print
* fcgfillt,fcgfillp - (numeric) the pattern to use to draw text. These
* parametrs are interpreted the same as in FCGBOX
* fcgundlin - (logical) text is underlined if true
* NOTE: PCL printer will place the baseline at fcgttop (not cell top)
procedure fcgltxt
parameters fcgfnts, fcgtlft, fcgttop, fcgtext, fcgfillt, fcgfillp, fcgundlin
if len(fcgtext) = 0
do fcggoto with fcgtlft, fcgttop
?? fcgfnts+fcggtovar
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"G"+chr(27)+"*v"+ltrim(str(fcgfillt))+"T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d0D"
?? fcgtext
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*v0T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d@"
* Function: Prints L/R justified single line text at specified position
* Parameters:
* fcgfnts - (character) Font selection string
* fcgtlft,fcgttop - (numeric) Position of first character in string
* fcgtext - (numeric) The text string to print
* fcgfillt,fcgfillp - (numeric) the pattern to use to draw text. These
* parametrs are interpreted the same as in FCGBOX
* fcgundline - (logical) text is underlined if true
* fcgbrkxtra - (numeric) The break extra ammount to spread in breaks
* fcgbrkcnt - (numeric) The number of break characters in string
* fcgbrkch - (numeric) The actual break character for symbol set
* NOTE: PCL printer will place the baseline at fcgttop (not cell top)
procedure fcglrstxt
parameters fcgfnts, fcgtlft, fcgttop, fcgtext, fcgfillt, fcgfillp, fcgundlin, ;
fcgbrkxtra, fcgbrkcnt, fcgbrk
private fcgbrkamt, fcgbrkrm, fcgstpos, fcgtmpstr, fcgbrkch, fcgamt, fcgcurch
private fcgstrlen
if len(fcgtext) = 0
fcgbrkch = chr(fcgbrk)
if fcgbrkcnt <> 0
fcgbrkamt = int(fcgbrkxtra/fcgbrkcnt)
fcgbrkrm = int(fcgbrkxtra - (fcgbrkamt * fcgbrkcnt))
fcgstrlen = len(fcgtext)
fcgstpos = 1
do fcggoto with fcgtlft, fcgttop
?? fcgfnts+fcggtovar
fcgtmpstr = ""
do while fcgstpos <= fcgstrlen
fcgcurch = substr(fcgtext,fcgstpos,1)
if fcgcurch = fcgbrkch
fcgamt = fcgbrkamt
if fcgbrkrm > 0
fcgamt = fcgamt + 1
fcgbrkrm = fcgbrkrm - 1
if fcgamt > 0
do fcgmovby with fcgamt
if fcgcurch = fcgbrkch .AND. fcgamt > 0
fcgtmpstr = fcgtmpstr + fcgcurch + fcgmovvar
fcgtmpstr = fcgtmpstr + fcgcurch
fcgstpos = fcgstpos + 1
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"G"+chr(27)+"*v"+ltrim(str(fcgfillt))+"T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d0D"
?? fcgtmpstr
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*v0T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d@"
* Function: Prints multi line L/R justified dynamic text at specified position
* Parameters:
* fcgfnts - (character) Font selection string
* fcgtlft, fcgttop - (numeric) center position of string
* fcgtext - (numeric) The text string to print
* fcgfillt,fcgfillp - (numeric) the pattern to use to draw text. These
* parameters are interpreted the same as in FCGBOX
* fcgundlin - (logical) text is underlined if true
* fcgfntl, fcgfntu - (character) text metric arrays
* fcgfntf - (numeric) first character position in character set
* fcgfnth - (numeric) font height
* fcgfntbrk - (numeric) ascii value of the font break character
* fcgextent - (numeric) text extent in hundredths of inches
* NOTE: PCL printer will place the baseline at fcgttop (not cell top)
procedure fcglrtxt
parameters fcgfnts, fcgtlft, fcgttop, fcgtext, fcgfillt, fcgfillp, fcgundlin, ;
fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf, fcgfnth, fcgfntbrk, fcgextent
private fcgcurpos, fcgendpos, fcgtmp, fcgword, fcgstrlen, fcgcurch, fcgbrkch
private fcgcurext, fcgwrdext, fcgchidx, fcgbrkext, fcgspxtra, fcgbrkcnt, fcgdone, ;
if len(fcgtext) = 0
fcgcurpos = 1
fcgcurext = 0
fcgbrkcnt = 0
fcgextent = fcgextent * 10
fcgtmp = ""
fcgstrlen = len(fcgtext)
fcgbrkch = chr(fcgfntbrk)
fcgdone = .F.
fcgbrkext = asc(substr(fcgfntl,fcgfntbrk-fcgfntf+1,1)) + ;
(asc(substr(fcgfntu,fcgfntbrk-fcgfntf+1,1))-1) * 256
do fcggoto with fcgtlft, fcgttop
?? fcgfnts+fcggtovar
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"G"+chr(27)+"*v"+ltrim(str(fcgfillt))+"T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d0D"
do while .T.
* suspend
do while fcgcurpos <= fcgstrlen
fcgcurch = substr(fcgtext,fcgcurpos,1)
if fcgcurch <> fcgbrkch
fcgcurpos = fcgcurpos + 1
fcgendpos = fcgcurpos
fcgwrdext = 0
do while fcgendpos <= fcgstrlen
fcgcurch = substr (fcgtext,fcgendpos,1)
if fcgcurch = fcgbrkch .OR. fcgcurch = chr(13) .OR. fcgcurch = chr(10)
fcgchidx = asc(fcgcurch) - fcgfntf + 1
fcgwrdext = fcgwrdext + asc(substr(fcgfntl,fcgchidx,1)) + ;
(asc(substr(fcgfntu,fcgchidx,1))-1) * 256
fcgendpos = fcgendpos + 1
if fcgcurext = 0
fcgspxtra = 0
fcgspxtra = fcgbrkext
if (fcgcurext + fcgwrdext + fcgspxtra <= fcgextent) .OR. ;
(fcgcurext = 0 .AND. fcgwrdext >= fcgextent)
if fcgcurext <> 0
fcgtmp = fcgtmp + fcgbrkch
fcgbrkcnt = fcgbrkcnt + 1
fcgcurext = fcgcurext + fcgbrkext
fcgtmp = fcgtmp + substr(fcgtext,fcgcurpos,fcgendpos-fcgcurpos)
if fcgcurch = chr(10) .OR. fcgcurch = chr(13)
fcglinend = .T.
fcglinend = .F.
* @3, 5 say fcgtmp + " CurCh["+fcgcurch+"]"
* suspend
fcgcurext = fcgcurext + fcgwrdext
fcgcurpos = fcgendpos + 1
if fcgcurch = chr(13) .AND. fcgcurpos <= fcgstrlen .AND. substr(fcgtext,fcgcurpos,1) = chr(10)
fcgcurpos = fcgcurpos + 1
fcglinend = .F.
fcgdone = .T.
if fcgcurext >= fcgextent .OR. fcglinend .OR. fcgcurpos > fcgstrlen .OR. fcgdone
* clear
* @4,5 say fcgtmp
* @6,5 say str(fcgextent,6)+str(fcgcurext,6)+str(fcgbrkcnt,6)
* @7,5 say "CurCh["+fcgcurch+"] Pos: "+str(fcgcurpos,4)+" Len: "+str(fcgstrlen,4)
* suspend
if fcgcurpos > fcgstrlen .OR. fcglinend
do fcgltxt with "", fcgtlft, fcgttop, fcgtmp, 0, 0, .F.
do fcglrstxt with "", fcgtlft, fcgttop, fcgtmp, 0, 0, .F., ;
(fcgextent-fcgcurext)/10, fcgbrkcnt, fcgfntbrk
fcgdone = .F.
fcgcurext = 0
fcgtmp = ""
fcgbrkcnt = 0
fcgttop = fcgttop + fcgfnth
if fcgcurpos > fcgstrlen
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*v0T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d@"
* Function: Prints center justified text at specified position
* Parameters:
* fcgfnts - (character) Font selection string
* fcgtcnt, fcgttop - (numeric) center position of string
* fcgfillt,fcgfillp - (numeric) the pattern to use to draw text. These
* parameters are interpreted the same as in FCGBOX
* fcgundlin - (logical) text is underlined if true
* fcgtext - (numeric) The text string to print
* fcgfntl, fcgfntu - (character) text metric arrays
* fcgfntf - (numeric) first character position in character set
* NOTE: PCL printer will place the baseline at fcgttop (not cell top)
procedure fcgctxt
parameters fcgfnts, fcgtcnt, fcgttop, fcgtext, fcgfillt, fcgfillp, fcgundlin, ;
fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf
private fcgtmp
if len(fcgtext) = 0
fcgtmp = trim(fcgtext)
do fcgtxtext with fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf, fcgtmp
fcgtcnt = fcgtcnt - fcgextvar/2
do fcggoto with fcgtcnt, fcgttop
?? fcgfnts+fcggtovar
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d0D"
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"G"+chr(27)+"*v"+ltrim(str(fcgfillt))+"T"
?? fcgtmp
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*v0T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d@"
* Function: Prints right justified text at specified position
* Parameters:
* fcgfnts - (character) Font selection string
* fcgtrt, fcgttop - (numeric) center position of string
* fcgfillt,fcgfillp - (numeric) the pattern to use to draw text. These
* parameters are interpreted the same as in FCGBOX.
* fcgundlin (logical) text is underlined if true
* fcgtext - (numeric) The text string to print
* fcgfntl, fcgfntu - (character) text metric arrays
* fcgfntf - (numeric) first character position in character set
* NOTE: PCL printer will place the baseline at fcgttop (not cell top)
procedure fcgrtxt
parameters fcgfnts, fcgtrt, fcgttop, fcgtext, fcgfillt, fcgfillp, fcgundlin, ;
fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf
private fcgtmp
if len(fcgtext) = 0
fcgtmp = trim(fcgtext)
do fcgtxtext with fcgfntl, fcgfntu, fcgfntf, fcgtmp
fcgtrt = fcgtrt - fcgextvar
do fcggoto with fcgtrt, fcgttop
?? fcgfnts+fcggtovar
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*c"+ltrim(str(fcgfillp))+"G"+chr(27)+"*v"+ltrim(str(fcgfillt))+"T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d0D"
?? fcgtmp
if fcgfillt <> 0
?? chr(27)+"*v0T"
if fcgundlin
?? chr(27)+"&d@"
* Function: Defines printer macro with specified ID
* Parameters:
* fcgmacid - (character) macro id
procedure fcgdefmac
parameters fcgmacid
?? chr(27)+"&f"+fcgmacid+"y0X"
* Function: Ends definition for a printer macro
* Parameters: none
procedure fcgendmac
?? chr(27)+"&f1X"
* Function: Executes printer macro with last ID
* Parameters: none
procedure fcgdomac
parameters fcgmacid
?? chr(27)+"&f2X"
* Function: Draws check box at specified location
* Parameters: fcgleft, fcgtop (numeric) top left corner of box
* fcgcheck (logical) check box checked or not ?
procedure fcgchkbox
parameters fcgleft, fcgtop, fcgcheck
do fcgrect with fcgleft, fcgtop, fcgleft+15, fcgtop+15, 1, 4, 0
if .NOT. fcgcheck
do fcggoto with fcgleft+1, fcgtop+1
fcgbitmap = fcggtovar+chr(27)+"*t75R"+chr(27)+"*r11t11s1A"+chr(27)+"*b0M"
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(128) + chr(32)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(64) + chr(64)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(32) + chr(128)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b1W" + chr(16+1)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b1W" + chr(8+2)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b1W" + chr(4)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b1W" + chr(8+2)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b1W" + chr(16+1)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(32) + chr(128)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(64) + chr(64)
fcgbitmap = fcgbitmap + chr(27)+"*b2W" + chr(128) + chr(32)
?? fcgbitmap+chr(27)+"*rB"
* Function: Draws bitmap image at specified position
* Parameters: fcgleft, fcgtop (numeric) top left corner of image
* fcgname (character) name of bitmap file (must be in curr dir)
* WARNING: This function uses the DOS COPY command (with the /b switch for
* binary data) to copy the bitmap file to the printer. On systems other than
* DOS (e.g Novel, Unix, etc) this needs to be changed. Also the file is
* copied to standard printer PRN. If your printer is connected to a different
* port you need to change this also !!!
procedure fcgimage
parameters fcgleft, fcgtop, fcgname
* The following lines are dummy lines. They must be deleted by the user.
* Their only porpose is to serve as a reminder for the new user
@12, 10 say "PCLDRV.PRG has not been modified as described in the users manual."
@13, 10 say "Please read the section on Printing Bitmaps to acomplish this."
do fcggoto with fcgleft, fcgtop
?? fcggtovar
* The next line should be changed so that it copies the file &fcgname to
* your printer port. The copy command works for DOS but may need to be
* changed for other systems such as Unix, Novel, etc.
run copy /b &fcgname prn