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Appendix for Explosiv 2.02
Explanation of Command Line
Switches and Display Parameters for DOS version
This is the entire list of options supported by version
2.02 of the Explosiv screen saver. The interface was
designed so that you will never have to know or use the
majority of these options. However, they are all
listed here only for reference. The options that are
useful to know are:
Explosiv ;run the interface
Explosiv - ;read the configuration file
Explosiv on ;activate (normal, herc=text)
Explosiv +on ;activate (animate,
herc=graphics 0)
Explosiv -on ;activate (blank,
herc=graphics 1)
Explosiv remove ;remove the tsr
all the other options can be and should be controlled
by the interface. A complete list of options is listed
aranea - Show the named display. Use the delay factor to
slow the drawing and object level to increase the number
of points drawn.
blank - This is the only display that does not halt the
underlying program when it is resident. The delay factor
and object variable have no meaning. No mouse support
is given to this display if it is resident.
clock - This display is the only non-graphical display in
Explosiv. For this reason it will be used whenever the
video card is an mda. In fact, if an mda card is used
then blank and clock are the only valid displays. All
other displays except blank revert to the clock. Although
a delay factor is not used an object level of 1 does
signify that you wish the clock to be drawn with the
standard rather than extended ascii character set.
fireworks - Show the named display. Use the delay factor
to slow the drawing and the object level to increase
the number of fireworks drawn at one time.
gyro - Show the named display. Use the delay factor to
slow the image and the object level to specify whether
you want one specific object or a random selection.
trees - This display uses the delay factor normally. The
object level specifies how many secondary branches
should be drawn. That is, how many branches should
connect to the trunk of the tree.
on - This option will turn the screen saver on. If the
monitor is hercules then this also tells the screen
saver to restore the screen to text mode. If the
monitor is not hercules then this tells the screen saver
to use the animation when possible and to blank the
screen when it feels that the screen cannot be saved
properly ( for example, in graphics modes ).
+on - This option will turn the screen saver on. If the
monitor is hercules then this also tells the screen
saver to restore the screen to graphics mode ( page 0
). If the monitor is not hercules then this tells the
screen saver to use the animation when possible and not
to screen save then it feels that the screen cannot be
saved properly ( for example, in graphics modes ).
-on - This option will turn the screen saver on. If the
monitor is hercules then this also tells the screen
saver to restore the screen to graphics mode ( page 1
). If the monitor is not hercules then this tells the
screen saver to blank the screen under all possible
off - This option will turn the screen saver off.
+video - This option tells the screen saver that it
should check for screen writes through bios. Any
character that is written to the screen will reset the
screen savers timer.
-video - This option tells the screen saver that it
should not check for screen writes through the bios.
Any character that is written to the screen will not
reset the screen savers timer. This option should be
used if you are using some sort of RAM resident clock.
small - This option is only used by ega and vga. This
tells the screen saver not to allocate extra memory to
handle 43/50 line modes. Only enough memory will be
allocated to save 25 line mode. This saves about 4K in
fonts - This option is used if you wish to save the
current font. Most programs use the standard font which
Explosiv should be able to correctly restore. If,
however, a program defines its own font then to save it
properly you must specify this option. Using this
option does not automatically mean that the font will be
saved. Explosiv uses a compression technique to save
the 8K font page in 4K. Under most circumstances this
compression is possible and the screen can be properly
restored. If Explosiv decides that it is not possible
to save the font is 4K ( for example, when a 512 character
set is used ) then the screen will be blanked. In most
cases the fonts will be properly saved. This option is
ONLY used if you have a VGA monitor ( it will not work
for EGA ).
mono - This option specifies that the display should be
in monochrome.
color - This option specifies that the display should be
in color.
d<n> - This option specifies the delay factor that should
be used if possible. Here <n> is a number from 1 to
255. By default, Explosiv will check you CPU and
generally deduce the proper delay factor. This option
should only be used if you find the default unreasonable.
Run the command
Explosiv ?
to find the default delay for your CPU.
m<n> - This option must be used if Explosiv is to become
a screen saver. Here <n> ranges from 1 to 30 (?) and
refers to how many minutes of inactivity Explosiv
should wait before activating.
e<n> - This option specifies the object level. This
value ranges from 1 to 9 where the default is 4. Not
all displays use this option and those that do not
always use it in the same way. See above for details.
? - This option will display the help screen. This will
give you information such as hot keys, Explosiv
directory, monitor type, delay factor, multiplex number
and some simple options to use.
- - This option specifies to read the configuration
file. Actually any argument not listed here will have
the same effect. The screen saver will parse the
command line. If an argument exists and no argument
given is one of the ones listed here then Explosiv will
read the configuration file.
remove - This option tells Explosiv to remove the resident
copy of the screen saver from memory. If this is not
possible because other TSRs are loaded above Explosiv
then a message will be printed and the screen saver
will remain active and resident.
vga - This option specifies that you wish to override the
Explosiv auto-detection and assume you are using a vga
ega - This option specifies that you wish to override
the Explosiv auto-detection and assume you are using an
ega monitor.
mcga - This option specifies that you wish to override
the Explosiv auto-detection and assume you are using a
mcga monitor. This option is functionally equivalent
to cga.
cga - This option specifies that you wish to override the
Explosiv auto-detection and assume you are using a cga
monitor. This option is functionally equivalent to
herc - This option specifies that you wish to override
the Explosiv auto-detection and assume that you are
using a hercules monitor.
mda - This option specifies that you wish to override the
Explosiv auto-detection and assume that you are using
an mda monitor. If you are using mda then the only
displays that will be valid are blank and clock. See
the section on clock above.
default - This option sets the screen saver to the default
delay factor. Use this to reset a resident copy of
the screen saver to the default setting.