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C/C++ Source or Header
396 lines
/* Copyright 1991 (c), Lake View Software
4321 Harborough Rd.
Columbus, OH 43220
#ifndef LVSWIN_H
#define LVSWIN_H
* Type defs
typedef void (*bk_func)(void);
typedef void (*key_func)(void);
typedef void (*display_atst) (int ,int, char *, char *, int);
typedef void (*display_ch) (int,int,int,unsigned char);
* Misc low level screen functions
void Win_init (int mode);
int *Win_save (int, int, int, int);
void Win_restore (int, int, int, int, int *);
void Win_clrscr ();
int Win_setpage (int page);
int Win_getpage ();
void Win_bios (int mode);
void Win_snow (int mode);
void Win_mono (int mode);
int Win_currentmode ();
void Win_dispst (int y, int x, int color, char *str, int count);
void Win_gotoxy (int y,int x);
void Win_getxy (int *y,int *x);
void Win_drawbox (int sr, int sc, int er, int ec, int color, int type);
void Win_hidecur ();
void Win_showcur ();
int Win_map_attr (int attr);
long pow_10 (int i);
double pow_10d (int i);
double dround (double d, int dec);
void Win_beep ();
void Win_delayticks (int ticks);
extern display_atst Win_dispatst;
extern display_ch Win_dispch;
* Keyboard functions
int Win_lastkey (); /* return the last key pressed */
int Win_keystuf (int key);
int Win_getkey (int seconds);
int Win_keywaiting ();
void Win_setbkloop (bk_func func);
void Win_setonkey (int key, key_func func);
int Win_kbhit ();
int is_read_exit_key (int key);
int Win_DesqView_Aware ();
* Information functions
int Win_Max_x (); /* Max screen x coordinate */
int Win_Max_y (); /* Max screen y coordinate */
struct Win_time_s
unsigned char min; /* minutes */
unsigned char hour; /* hours */
unsigned char hund; /* hundredths of seconds */
unsigned char sec; /* seconds */
void Win_gettime (struct Win_time_s *t);
* Control functions
void Win_setcols (int cols);
void Win_setrows (int rows);
int Win_settabsize (int size);
* String functions
char *strfill (unsigned char ch, int cnt);
char *strtrim (char *str);
char *str_setsz (char *str,int len);
char *str_clear (char *str,int len);
char *cut_spaces (char *str);
int is_in (unsigned char ch, char *str);
* VGA functions
int VGA_videotype ();
int VGA_setlines (int lines); /* Set number of screen lines 25/50 */
int VGA_blinkstate (); /* return state of blink */
int VGA_setblink (int on_off);
int VGA_fontload ();
extern "C" {
void far VGA_Fload_16 (); /* Carefull */
void far VGA_Fload_14 (); /* Carefull */
void far VGA_Fload_8 (); /* Carefull */
* Scroll display characters
#define RIGHT_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x10)
#define LEFT_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x11)
#define UP_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x1e)
#define DOWN_ARROW_CHAR ((unsigned char)0x1f)
#define SCROLL_FILL_CHAR ((unsigned char)0xb0)
#define SCROLL_ELEV_CHAR ((unsigned char)0xdb)
* Video types
#define V_VGA 1
#define V_MCGA 2
#define V_EGA 3
#define V_CGA 4
#define V_MONO 5
* Global Variables
extern char *Box_char[]; /* in win_box.cpp */
* PC Info Functions
int Share_Loaded ();
int Print_Loaded ();
int Assign_Loaded ();
int Himem_Loaded ();
int Novel_Loaded ();
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1==1)
#define FALSE (1!=1)
* Wait for retrace to suppress cga snow
#define waithret() while((inp(0x03da)&0x01)!=0); \
#define waitvret() while((inp(0x03da)&0x08)!=0); \
* Display Segments
#define COLOR_SEG 0xb800
#define MONO_SEG 0xb000
* Window init modes
#define W_DEFAULT 0
#define W_MONO 1 /* Remap colors to mono */
#define W_BIOS 2 /* BIOS video writes */
#define W_SNOW 4 /* CGA snow suppression */
#define W_NOCLEAR 8 /* don't clear the screen with init */
* Predefined picture styles
#define DATE_STYLE 'D'
#define SS_STYLE 'S'
#define PHONE_STYLE 'P'
#define ZIP_STYLE 'Z'
#define UPPER_STYLE 'U'
#define LOWER_STYLE 'L'
#define FIRST_STYLE 'F'
#define ANY_STYLE 'A'
* Get Key Modes
#define W_NOECHO 0
#define W_ECHO 1
* Title postions
#define W_CENTER 0
#define W_LEFT 1
#define W_RIGHT 2
* Window Border Definitions
#define W_NOBORDER 0
#define W_SPACES 1
#define W_DOUBLE 2
#define W_SINGLE 3
#define W_DOUSIN 4
#define W_SOLID 5
#define W_SINDOU 6
#define MAX_BOX_TYPE 6
void Win_Load_Alt_Border (); /* vga graphics only */
void Win_Load_Alt_Box (); /* vga graphics only */
* Window function return codes
#define W_OK 0
#define W_ERROR -1
#define W_NOTOPEN -3
#define W_OPENED -4
#define W_NOTINIT -5
#define W_NOMEM -6
#define W_ESCAPE -27
* Window misc
#define W_ON 1
#define W_OFF 0
* Some Colors
#ifndef BLACK
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define YELLOW 14
#define WHITE 15
#define LGREY 7
#define DGREY 8
#define LBLUE 9
#define LGREEN 10
#define LCYAN 11
#define LRED 12
#define LMAGENTA 13
#define _BLACK 0
#define _BLUE 16
#define _GREEN 32
#define _CYAN 48
#define _RED 64
#define _MAGENTA 80
#define _BROWN 96
#define _LGREY 112
* VGA highlighted background colors
#define _DGREY (8*16)
#define _LBLUE (9*16)
#define _LGREEN (10*16)
#define _LCYAN (11*16)
#define _LRED (12*16)
#define _LMAGENTA (13*16)
#define _YELLOW (14*16)
#define _WHITE (15*16)
* Printer attributes Can be ored together if you printer can handle it
#define P_UNDERLINE 1
#define P_BOLD 2
#define P_COMPRESS 4
#define P_NORMAL 8
* Some keyboard ascii/scan values
#define BACK_SPACE 0x0e08
#define TAB 0x0f09
#define ESC 0x011B
#define ENTER 0x1c0d
#define SPACE_SCAN 0x3920
#define HOME 0x4700
#define END 0x4F00
#define PGUP 0x4900
#define PGDN 0x5100
#define UP 0x4800
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define RIGHT 0x4D00
#define LEFT 0x4B00
#define SHIFT_TAB 0x0F00
#define SHIFT_UP 0x4838
#define SHIFT_DOWN 0x5032
#define SHIFT_RIGHT 0x4d36
#define SHIFT_LEFT 0x4b34
#define INS 0x5200
#define DEL 0x5300
#define CTRL_HOME 0x7700
#define CTRL_END 0x7500
#define CTRL_PGUP 0x8400
#define CTRL_PGDN 0x7600
#define CTRL_RIGHT 0x7400
#define CTRL_LEFT 0x7300
#define ALT_1 0x7800
#define ALT_2 0x7900
#define ALT_3 0x7A00
#define ALT_4 0x7B00
#define ALT_5 0x7C00
#define ALT_6 0x7D00
#define ALT_7 0x7E00
#define ALT_8 0x7F00
#define ALT_9 0x8000
#define ALT_0 0x8100
#define ALT_MINUS 0x8200
#define ALT_EQUAL 0x8300
#define ALT_Q 0x1000
#define ALT_W 0x1100
#define ALT_E 0x1200
#define ALT_R 0x1300
#define ALT_T 0x1400
#define ALT_Y 0x1500
#define ALT_U 0x1600
#define ALT_I 0x1700
#define ALT_M 0x3200
#define ALT_O 0x1800
#define ALT_P 0x1900
#define ALT_A 0x1E00
#define ALT_S 0x1F00
#define ALT_D 0x2000
#define ALT_F 0x2100
#define ALT_G 0x2200
#define ALT_H 0x2300
#define ALT_J 0x2400
#define ALT_K 0x2500
#define ALT_L 0x2600
#define ALT_Z 0x2C00
#define ALT_X 0x2D00
#define ALT_C 0x2E00
#define ALT_V 0x2F00
#define ALT_B 0x3000
#define ALT_N 0x3100
#define ALT_M 0x3200
#define F1 0x3B00
#define F2 0x3C00
#define F3 0x3D00
#define F4 0x3E00
#define F5 0x3F00
#define F6 0x4000
#define F7 0x4100
#define F8 0x4200
#define F9 0x4300
#define F10 0x4400
#define CTRL_F1 0x5E00
#define CTRL_F2 0x5F00
#define CTRL_F3 0x6000
#define CTRL_F4 0x6100
#define CTRL_F5 0x6200
#define CTRL_F6 0x6300
#define CTRL_F7 0x6400
#define CTRL_F8 0x6500
#define CTRL_F9 0x6600
#define CTRL_F10 0x6700
#define CTRL_A 0x1e01
#define CTRL_B 0x3002
#define CTRL_C 0x2e03
#define CTRL_D 0x2004
#define CTRL_I 0x1709
#define CTRL_L 0x260c
#define CTRL_R 0x1312
#define CTRL_U 0x1615
#define CTRL_X 0x2d18
#define CTRL_Y 0x1519
#define CTRL_Z 0x2c1a
#define SHIFT_F1 0x5400
#define SHIFT_F2 0x5500
#define SHIFT_F3 0x5600
#define SHIFT_F4 0x5700
#define SHIFT_F5 0x5800
#define SHIFT_F6 0x5900
#define SHIFT_F7 0x5A00
#define SHIFT_F8 0x5B00
#define SHIFT_F9 0x5C00
#define SHIFT_F10 0x5D00
#define ALT_F1 0x6800
#define ALT_F2 0x6900
#define ALT_F3 0x6A00
#define ALT_F4 0x6B00
#define ALT_F5 0x6C00
#define ALT_F6 0x6D00
#define ALT_F7 0x6E00
#define ALT_F8 0x6F00
#define ALT_F9 0x7000
#define ALT_F10 0x7100
#endif /* ndef lvswin_h */