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2,014 lines
Version 3.4
Snake River Software
Program and Documentation Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991
All Rights Reserved
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 1
Filefind 3.4 Introduction
Overview Overview Overview
Filefind is a Microsoft Windows based tool designed help you
locate and manipulate files on your hard-drive or network
To use Filefind, enter a file specification using
conventional DOS wildcards, select a disk drive from a
scrollable list, and let Filefind locate all matching files
on the drive.
Alternately, you can select one or more directories from the
current directory tree and list all the files (or all files
matching the current search criteria) in the directories.
Once Filefind finds all matching files, you may perform a
variety of pre-defined or user defined functions.
Filefind allows you to select one file, multiple files, a
range of files, or combine multiple and range selection
operations. Once you have selected a list of files, you can
print them, delete them, copy them to a specified drive and
directory, or move them to a specified drive and directory.
Filefind will also allow you to run a selected file if it is
a file that Windows recognizes as a program or if it has an
association in the WIN.INI file (e.g. *.TXT files are
associated with NOTEPAD.EXE in the WIN.INI file).
Additionally, you can specify up to seven of your own menu
items to run a specified program that will receive the
selected file as a run parameter.
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Several people provided suggestions, inspiration, critical
assessments, etc. for writing Filefind. I would like to
particularly thank:
Rob Davis who always provides valuable, if not always
easy to take insights.
Ron Steiner who can break almost any piece of code
that is supposed to have all the bugs out of
and Foofer who still thinks it was all his idea
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Filefind 3.4 Introduction
Notations Notations Notations
The following notations are used in this manual:
[text] is used to identify optional information. If the
option is not specified, the default action will
be taken.
WIN.INI section headers are also identified as
[text] [text] [text]. These sections are boldfaced to assist in
their identification whereas [options] are not
normally boldfaced. Hopefully, context and the
use of boldfacing will distinguish these two uses.
<key><character> is used to indicate a key to be pressed.
For example, <enter> is used to designate the
enter (or return) key. It also is used to avoid
ambiguity in the documentation by specifying
<character>. For example <space> may be used to
indicate that a space is required in some text.
<text> is used to indicate a Dialog pushbutton to be
clicked, pushed, hit, beaten or however you wish
to make it do what it supposed to.
bold bold bold is used for several contexts as explained in the
appropriate sections. Additionally, it is used to
identify section headings.
Italics is used to identify menus and menu items.
System Requirements System Requirements System Requirements
Filefind runs within the Microsoft Windows. Minimum System
requirements include:
Microsoft Windows 3.X or higher
DOS 3.X or higher
Approximately 75K memory*
Approximately 60K disk space
Windows compatible mouse
* Memory available within the Windows environment. The
memory required by Filefind varies with use. The
minimum memory is approximately 75K and maximum is
approximately 120K.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 3
Filefind 3.4 Installation
Installation Installation Installation
Filefind is easy to install. Simply copy all distribution
files to the disk/directory where you want to run Filefind
from. This will usually be \windows or \win386.
All configuration options reside in your WIN.INI file. Most
of these can be set within Filefind. See the Options menu
for more information.
One configuration option that can not be set within Filefind
is the set of user defined menu items. User defined menu
items are used to define other programs that you want to
operate on files that Filefind finds. For example, you can
have a menu item that invokes Windows' NOTEPAD program to
edit a file that Filefind finds. These menu items must be
set by editing the WIN.INI file directly. The easiest way
to set these up is to first invoke Filefind and set your
default options. This will create a Filefind section of
WIN.INI where you can insert user defined menu items.
To change your WIN.INI, invoke NOTEPAD (or other text editor
of your choice). Scroll through the file until you find:
[SRS File Finder] [SRS File Finder] [SRS File Finder]
You may insert user defined Run menu items after this line
and before the next section (identified by [text] [text] [text]) or the
end of the file if Filefind is the last WIN.INI section.
Each user defined Run menu item must be in the following
Runx=menutext <space> [drive:][path]program_name
Runx is the menu item identifier. Replace the
letter x with a single digit, 2 through 9.
Thus the acceptable values are Run2, Run3,
Run4, ... Run9. The menu items will appear
in ascending numeric order. You do not have
use consecutive items. For example you can
define Run2, Run5, and Run8 only.
menutext is the text that will appear in the windows
menu. You may not use spaces. You may
specify accelerator keys by placing an
ampersand (&) in front of the key that is to
become the accelerator.
[drive:] is a DOS drive. It may be a network,
virtual, floppy, hard drive, etc.
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Filefind 3.4 Installation
[path] is a standard DOS path identification. This
parameter is optional. If you do not specify
a path, the program must exist in the current
directory or available from the PATH
program_name is the fully qualified program name.
This is usually a name that ends with .EXE,
.COM, or .BAT. Filefind uses the windows
WIN.INI [windows] [windows] [windows] programs variable to
determine whether a file is executable. For
example, you may wish to run PIF files. The
programs entry should then look something
programs=com exe bat PIF
For more information, consult your windows
you might want to define the Run2 menu item to invoke
the windows notepad. The entry will look something
Run2=&Notes e:\windows\Notepad.exe
You may also wish to add to or change the associations
defined to windows. These associations are used by Filefind
when you choose Selection under the Action menu and Filefind
can not run the selection. If Filefind can not run the
selection directly, it looks for the file's extension in the
[Extensions] [Extensions] [Extensions] section of the WIN.INI. If Filefind can find
the extension, it invokes the program specified passing the
selection as a parameter.
The [Extensions] [Extensions] [Extensions] section contains entries that appear as:
txt txt txt=notepad.exe ^.txt
where txt txt txt is the extension and notepad.exe ^.txt is run by
Filefind after substituting the selection for ^.txt with the
Simply edit the WIN.INI as described above to add any
additional associations desired.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 5
Filefind 3.4 Usage
Usage Usage Usage
Filefind is invoked like other windows programs.
1. From the MS-DOS Executive, click on FILEFIND.EXE, the
File menu, and the Run menu item.
2. Double click on FILEFIND.EXE.
3. Select Filefind from the Filefind Run menu.
Modes of Operation. Modes of Operation. Modes of Operation.
Filefind operates in one of two basic modes. In file list
mode, Filefind displays a list of files based on a search
specification. You may select files in the list and then
copy them, delete them, etc.
In directory list mode, Filefind displays a directory tree
of the requested disk drive. You may select one or more
displayed directories, and instruct Filefind to switch into
file list mode for that directory. Filefind allows you to
list all files in the selected directory or all files that
match the current search specification that reside in the
selected directory.
File List Mode.
File list mode presents you with a list of files. You
can also display file dates, times, attributes and
sizes. In this mode, you can select one or more files
to copy, print, run, etc.
There are several ways to enter file list mode. You
can set the default startup to invoke the Search dialog
when Filefind is started. You can also invoke the
Search dialog from the main menu at any time. This
dialog will allow you to enter a search specification
and set the disk drive to search on.
You can also enter the file list mode from the
directory list mode. When you invoke file list mode
from the directory mode, you will display a list of all
the files in a selected directory(s) or all the files
in the selected directory(s) that match the current
search specification.
Finally, if you are in the directory list mode and a
file list is currently active, the main menu will
contain a List menu item. If you select this menu
item, you will switch over to the current file list.
Directory List Mode.
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Filefind 3.4 Usage
Directory list mode presents you with a tree of the
current drive's directories. You can not do a whole
lot in directory list mode except examine the
organization of your disk's directory structure, add a
new directory, or invoke the file list mode for one or
more specific directories rather than all files on the
Directory List mode can be entered in several ways. If
you are in the file list mode, the main menu will
contain a Tree menu. If you select this menu item, you
will switch over to the directory tree.
If one or more directories in the tree are selected,
you can choose the List Directory or the List Directory
w/Spec items under the Select menu. List Directory
will invoke the file list mode and display all files in
the selected directories. You may also double click on
the desired directory to select it and invoke the file
list mode. List Directory w/Spec will invoke the file
list mode and display all files in the selected
directories that match the current search
Mouse Usage Mouse Usage Mouse Usage
Filefind uses the mouse pretty much the same way as all
other windows programs. You can size, move, scroll,
minimize, restore, maximize, ad nauseam.
The only special Filefind mouse functions are in the
selection process.
When you are in the directory list mode, you can double
click on a directory and switch to file list mode with
a display of all the files in that directory.
When you are in the file list mode, you may select some
or all the files in the list. Many of the other
functions require that you select one or more of the
files found. Filefind recognizes two different
selections. The current selection is generally the
last file that has been clicked on (delete, move, and
copy functions can alter this). The current selection
is further identified by a dotted bounding rectangle
around the displayed file. A selection list is a list
of all currently selected files including the current
selection. Files in the current selection list are
displayed by Filefind in reverse video (white letters
on black if you are using the default colors).
All selections are made using the left mouse button.
To select a file, simply click in the desired file's
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Filefind 3.4 Usage
display line. If you click on another file, Filefind
deselects the first file and selects the second file.
To deselect the current selection click on the
selection. If you deselect the current selection, you
will not have a current selection.
To select multiple files, first click on one of the
desired files. Then, while holding the <Ctrl> key
down, click on the rest of the files desired for the
selection list. Pressing the <Ctrl> key tells Filefind
to retain the current selections.
To select file ranges, first click on the file at
either end of the range. Then, while holding the
<Shift> key down, click on the file at the other end of
the range. Pressing the <Shift> key tells Filefind to
select all files in the list from the current selection
to the file being clicked on.
You may mix multiple file selection with range
selection. Just press the appropriate key before you
click on the next file. If you are pressing the <Ctrl>
key, you will select an additional file. If you are
additionally pressing the <Shift> key, you will extend
the range from the current selection to the newly
selected file. You will retain all files in the
current selection list until you click on a file when
you are not holding down either the <Ctrl> key, or you
deselect the files.
When you have a selection list active, you may deselect
individual files in the list by clicking on the
highlighted file while pressing the <Ctrl> key.
You may scroll through the file list and Filefind will
maintain the current selection or list until you select
another file or deselect all files.
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
Menus Menus Menus
Filefind contains the following high level menu:
Select Edit View List Search Action Options Help
This section describes the contents of these menus. Italic
text describes menus and menu items. ______ Italic __________ underlined
characters denote accelerator keys.
Sele_ ct Select contains menu items that allow you to
select different file lists, search drives, or
directory trees. Additionally, as the first menu
item, Sele_ ct contains the Exit command.
List Dir(s) List Dir(s)splays all files for the
selected directories in the tree.
List Dir(s) w/spec List Dir(s) w/spec, displays
all files for the selected
directory in the tree that match
the current search specification.
_ Printer... _ Printer... allows you to choose
and/or configure a printer.
Additionally, it allows you pop up
the windows Control Panel program.
E_ xit quits the Filefind program.
_ Edit The _ Edit menu enables a displayed file list or
selection list to be copied to the clipboard.
_ Copy copies the selection list to the
clipboard. The list is copied as
shown. File attributes such as
date and size are written to the
clipboard if they are currently
being shown.
Cu_ t removes the selected entries and
places them in the clipboard. The
list is copied as shown. File
attributes such as date and size
are written to the clipboard if
they are currently being shown.
Copy List copies the entire file list to the
clipboard. The list is copied as
shown. File attributes such as
date and size are written to the
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
clipboard if they are currently
being shown.
Cut List removes the entire list and places
it in the clipboard. The list is
copied as shown. File attributes
such as date and size are written
to the clipboard if they are
currently being shown.
_ View The _ View menu determines what is displayed in the
Filefind window and how the items are displayed.
_ Date is a toggle. When checked, the
each file's date is displayed.
When unchecked, it is not. This
item is only available in file list
_ Time is a toggle. When checked, the
file's time is displayed. When
unchecked, it is not. This item is
only available in file list mode.
_ Size is a toggle. When checked, the
file's size is displayed. When
unchecked, it is not. This item is
only available in file list mode.
_ Attribute is a toggle. When checked, the
file's attributes are displayed.
When unchecked, they are not. The
attribute appears as rxdahsv where:
rx is 'rw' for a read-write file or
'ro' for a read-only file;
d is 'd' if the file is a directory,
space if not;
a is 'a' if the archive bit has been
set, space if it has not;
h is 'h' if the file is a hidden
file, space if it is not;
s is 's' if the file is a system
file, space if it is not;
v is 'v' if entry is a system volume
id, space if it is not.
This item is only available in file list
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
Dri_ ve is a toggle. When checked, the
Drive that the file resides on is
displayed. When unchecked, it is
not. This item is only available
in file list mode.
_ Path is a toggle. When checked, the
file's path is displayed. When
unchecked, it is not. This item is
only available in file list mode.
Concatenate Pa Concatenate Path causes
th the file name and file
Separate Path path to appear as one
long string. Separate
Path causes the file
name and file path to
appear as two strings in
separate columns. These
two items act as a
toggle. This item is
only available in file
list mode.
Unsorted displays the files (or directories)
as they were found. This item is
available in both file list and
directory list modes.
by Name displays the files in filename (or
directory name) order. The sort
actually sorts filename then file
extension so that x.a is guaranteed
to appear before x.b. For the
directory tree display,
subdirectories in a directory are
sorted with each other and
separately from subdirectories in
another directory. This option is
available in both file list and
directory tree modes.
by Kind displays the files in file
extension order. The sort actually
sorts on the file extension and
then the file name so that a.a is
guaranteed to appear before b.a.
This option is only available in
file list mode.
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
by Date/Time displays the files in the order
that they were created. The sort
is a two part sort. The full date
is the high order part of the sort
key and the time, the low part of
the sort key. This option is only
available in file list mode.
by Size displays the files according to
their size. The only option is an
ascending sort with the smallest
file appearing at the top of the
window and the largest file at the
bottom of the window. This option
is only available in file list
_ List! _ List and _ Tree are alternating menu Ids.
_ Tree! When Filefind is in directory list mode,
List will appear and clicking on it will
toggle you into file list mode. Likewise,
if you are in file list mode, Tree is the
displayed menu Id, and selecting it will
toggle you into directory list mode.
_ Search... allows you enter the file specification for
Filefind to search on. When _ Filespec is chosen, a
dialog that allows search pattern specification
and disk drive selection is presented.
_ Action contains menu items pertaining to actions that can
be taken with entire selection lists.
_ Delete Selections... allows you to delete all
or some of the files in the
current selection list.
_ Print Selections... allows you to print all or
some of the files in the
current selection list.
_ Copy Selections... allows you to copy all or some
of the files in the current
selection list to a different
directory on the same disk or
a directory on a different
_ Move Selections... allows you to move all or some
of the files in the current
selection list to a different
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
directory on the same disk or
a directory on a different
disk. Move actually performs
a copy to the destination and
then erases the source file
when the destination is on
another drive.
_ Rename Selections... allows you to rename all
or some of the files in the
current selection list.
Change Selections Atts... changes several of
the attributes of a file.
Changes to directory and
volume id attributes are not
Add _ Directory... adds a child directory to the
currently selected directory.
_ Selection attempts to run the current
selection. The file extension
must be a program as defined
in the WIN.INI file. If the
selection is not an
executable, the extensions in
the WIN.INI are checked for an
associated program which is
invoked using the selection as
a parameter.
File_ Find runs another copy of Filefind.
The rest of this menu consists of user defined
menu items. Each of these will run the program
defined for the menu item. The currently selected
file concatenated to its drive and path will be
passed as a command parameter.
Options Options allows setting of defaults, options,
initializations, etc.
Set _ Defaults... allows the setting of most
initialization and default
options. See the WIN.INI
appendix and the installation
section for further
information on options that
can not set within this
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Filefind 3.4 Menus
Set Options to Defaults resets display options to
the defaults.
Register License invokes the registration
dialog box. Once Filefind is
registered, the supplied
license id is entered through
this dialog.
_ Help Help contains menu items depicting help topics for
Filefind. When an item is selected, the Windows
Help application is start or brought to the
foreground and that topic shown. Filefind's About
dialog is also in this menu group.
_ Index displays the main index for
Filefind help.
_ Keys displays the help describing
Filefind key usage.
A_ bout... displays a dialog box containing
version, copyright, file counts and
directory counts for the current
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 14
Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
Dialogs Dialogs Dialogs
This sections describes the various dialogs presented by
Filefind. These dialogs are presented alphabetically
according to the invoking menu item.
_ About... displays version, copyright, etc.
information. The current drive, size of
the current drive in bytes, available
space on the current drive, number of
directories, number of files, and the
total size of the listed files are also
displayed. <OK> exits the dialog.
Add _ Directory... displays version, copyright, etc.
information. The current drive, size of
the current drive in bytes, available
space on the current drive, number of
directories, number of files, and the
total size of the listed files are also
displayed. <OK> exits the dialog.
_ Copy Selections... copies all or part of the current
selection list to a new disk\directory.
Two dialog boxes are used. The first
dialog allows you to specify the
destination drive and directory. Double
click or <space> in the list box to
select the drive and path desired. Use
<OK> to continue. If you wish to abort
the move operation, use <Cancel>.
The second dialog displays a list of the
selected files. Below the list is the
file that is about to be processed. Use
<OK> to copy the file. Use <Ignore> to
bypass copying this one file and proceed
to the next file in the list. Use
<Cancel> to bypass all the remaining
files. There is also a check box that
allows you to copy all the remaining
files without any further intervention.
If Prompt for each Copy is un-checked,
all remaining files in the selection
list will be copied without further
intervention. Be aware that if you do
this, you will have no opportunity to
intervene or stop the process once the
automatic operation has started.
If directories or volume entries are in
the selection list, a message will be
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
displayed and they will be left
_ Delete Selections... deletes all or part of the
current selection list. The dialog
displays a list of the selected files.
Below the list is the file about to be
deleted. Use <OK> to delete the file.
Use <Ignore> to bypass deleting this one
file and proceed to the next file in the
list. Use <Cancel> to bypass all the
remaining files. There is also a check
box that allows you to delete all the
remaining files without any further
intervention. If Prompt for each Delete
is un-checked, all remaining files in
the selection list will be deleted
without further intervention. Be very
aware that if you do this, you will have
no opportunity to intervene or stop the
process once the automatic operation has
If directories are in the selection
list, they will be deleted if they are
empty (contain no files or
subdirectories). Volume Id entries in
the selection list will cause a message
to be displayed and the entry left un-
_ Move Selections... moves all or part of the current
selection list to a new disk\directory.
Two dialog boxes are used. The first
dialog encountered allows you to specify
the destination drive and directory.
Double click or <space> in the list box
to select the drive and path desired.
Use <OK> to continue. If you wish to
abort the move operation, use <Cancel>.
The second dialog displays a list of the
selected files. Below the list is the
file about to be moved. Use the <OK>
push-button to move the file. Use
<Ignore> to bypass moving this one file
and proceed to the next file in the
list. Use <Cancel> to bypass all the
remaining files. There is also a check
box that allows you to move all the
remaining files without any further
intervention. If Prompt for each Move
is un-checked, all remaining files in
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
the selection list will be moved without
further intervention. Be aware that if
you do this, you will have no
opportunity to intervene or stop the
process once the automatic operation has
If a directory or volume id entry is in
the selection list, a message is
displayed, and the entry left unmoved.
_ Print Selections... prints all or part of the current
selection list. The dialog displays a
list of the selected files. Below the
list is the file that will be printed
next. Use <OK> to print the file. Use
<Ignore> to bypass printing this one
file, and Cancel Cancel Cancel to bypass all the
remaining files and proceed to the next
file in the list. There is also a check
box that allows you to print all the
remaining files without any further
intervention. If Prompt for each file
print is un-checked, all remaining files
in the selection list will be printed
without further intervention. Be aware
that if you do this, you will have no
opportunity to intervene or stop the
process once the automatic operation has
If directory or volume id entry is in
the selection list, it can not be
Printer... invokes the dialog to choose a printer
to use, set up the currently selected
printer, or invoke the Windows Control
Panel. To select a printer simply
choose the printer from the listbox and
use <OK>.
To setup a printer, choose it from the
printer listbox if necessary. Use
<Setup> to invoke the setup dialog. The
setup dialog is device dependent and is
the same dialog that you see when you
select a printer from the Control
program supplied with your Windows
You can also invoke Control Panel or
bring to the top of your window stack by
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
using <Control Panel>. If you change
the default printer in Control Panel, it
will be reflected in Filefind. You have
to close Control Panel yourself.
Register License... Invokes a simple edit dialog box.
This box allows you to type in the
license id that you receive when you
register your copy of Filefind. The
case of letters is not important.
Clicking the OK OK OK button causes Filefind
to validate and store the id. If it is
valid, it will be stored in the WIN.INI
file and you will exit the dialog. If
it is invalid, a message will be
displayed, and you are left in the
dialog. You may click on Cancel Cancel Cancel to
leave the dialog. Filefind will not
store an invalid license id. Once you
have entered your valid license id,
there is no point in ever invoking this
dialog again.
_ Rename Selections... renames the files in all or
part of the current selection list. The
dialog displays each file in turn. The
current file name is listed above an
edit box that is initialized to the
current filename. Use normal editing
procedures to create the new name for
the file. If a mistake is made, use
< < <ALT ALT ALT>+< >+< >+<BACKSPACE BACKSPACE BACKSPACE> > > to restore the
original contents of the edit control.
Clicking the OK OK OK button causes Filefind
to rename the file. Clicking the Ignore Ignore Ignore
button bypasses the current file and
moves to the next file in the selection
list. Clicking the Cancel Cancel Cancel button
cancels the rename operation for the
current selection and the remainder of
the selection list.
_ Search The _ Search dialog is where you enter the
file specification used for the search
or building a directory tree. You also
specify which drive to search on in this
dialog box. When the file and drive
specification are satisfactory, you can
take one of the following actions:
_ Search Will search the selected disk
drive for all files that match
the file specifications.
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
_ Bld Tree Will build a directory tree.
Se_ t Sets the current file
specification, exits the
dialog, but does not search
for any files or build a
directory tree. This is
useful when you have a
directory tree and wish to
change what files List Dir(s)
w/spec will list.
Cancel Exits the dialog without doing
_ More >> Expands the dialog for
additional file search
filtering based on file
attribute or file date.
If .EXT Directories .EXT Directories .EXT Directories is checked, FileFind
will include directories with extensions
in the tree building, otherwise
directories with extensions are ignored.
Check this option if you have
directories with extensions. Otherwise,
leave it unchecked as FileFind will
build the directory tree up to twice as
The More>> More>> More>> button will display
additional filtering of files during
search operations. Checkboxes for file
attributes allow you to include certain
file types. Normal files are always
included. By checking one or more of
the options, you may include other file
attributes in the file list. For
example, checking Read Only will include
read only files in addition to normal
Checking the Within Within Within box opens the edit
field to its right. When Within Within Within is
checked, Filefind will only include
files with file dates within n n n days of
the current date.
The More>> More>> More>> button turns into a <<Less <<Less <<Less
button which allows you to shrink the
dialog box again. Once the file
specification and drive are set, they
will remain in effect until you change
them or exit Filefind. See the Set
Defaults... dialog for initializing the
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
disk drive. The initial search
specification is always *.*.
Set _ Defaults... Allows you to set most of the
initial values and display options that
Filefind will use when you run it.
Check boxes are used to control the
initial display of:
Concat Path
If the first six display boxes are
checked, they will be initialized to be
displayed. If the concatenate path is
checked, the drive, path, and filename
will be initially concatenated. If the
drive or path or not being displayed,
the remaining pieces are concatenated
and shown as one column.
The initial drive scroll bar allows you
to specify the default drive that
appears in the Filespec... dialog the
first time it is invoked. You may set
this to any valid drive on your system.
You may also set it to default drive default drive default drive.
In this setting, the default drive is
the drive that you are on when Filefind
is first invoked.
A set of check boxes are used to
determine the initial filtering based on
attributes of files during search
operations. These defaults can be
changed later in the _ Search dialog by
using the _ More>> option.
The File Search at Start checkbox
determines whether the Search dialog is
automatically invoked at startup.
Save Window Size always appears
unchecked in the dialog when it is
invoked. If you check it, the current
size will be saved if the OK push-button
is clicked. The next time you invoke
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Filefind 3.4 Dialogs
Filefind, its window will initially be
this saved size.
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Filefind 3.4 Support
Support Support Support
Technical assistance is available via Compuserve, Easyplex
74076,1632. Support will be cheerfully provided for
registered users. You may also write to the same address as
you sent your registration, but presumably, you would rather
have a quicker response, so you will probably want to use
Any bug reports, while not welcome, will none the less be
appreciated. Please send any to the registration address or
through Compuserve.
WIN.INI formats WIN.INI formats WIN.INI formats
Filefind maintains its default settings and other variable
information in the WIN.INI file. This section describes
these variables. Most of Filefind settings are in the [SRS [SRS [SRS
File Finder] File Finder] File Finder] section.
The variables are:
Date Display If 1, the file date is initially displayed.
If 0, the file date is not initially
Time Display If 1, the file time is initially displayed.
If 0, the file date is not initially
Size Display If 1, the file size is initially displayed.
If 0, the file size is not initially
Attribute Display If 1, the file attributes are initially
displayed. If 0, the file attributes are not
initially displayed.
Concatenate Path If 1, the initial display shows the file
name and path concatenated. If 0, the
initial display shows the file name and path
in separate columns.
Drive If null (i.e. "DRIVE="), the initial disk
drive in the filespec dialog is the current
working directory. Otherwise, Filefind uses
the initial disk letter (e.g. 'C' for drive
'C', etc.).
Winx defines the initial horizontal size of the
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 22
Filefind 3.4 WIN.INI Format
Winy defines the initial vertical size of the
initial filespec If 1, Filefind will automatically invoke
the Search dialog at startup. If 0, you will
have to invoke the filespec dialog
Run2-9 defines user defined menu items. The
programs variable in [windows] [windows] [windows] defines the
file extensions that Filefind considers to be
executable files.
Registration Your registration identification.
lAttr defines what attribute filters Filefind will
default to. It consists of a string of eight
zeroes or ones.
ShwDrv If 1, the disk drive that the file resides on
is initially displayed. If 0, the disk drive
is not initially displayed.
ShwPth If 1, the file's path is initially displayed.
If 0, the file's path is not initially
Messages Messages Messages
This appendix documents the various messages produced by
Note that if you are running in Real Mode, any of the memory
problem messages ___ may be cleared up by closing other
applications. In other modes, these messages indicate that
you have encountered internal Filefind limits. In almost
all cases, this will be because you have specified search
criteria that has resulted in finding hundreds of files. If
this is the case, simply narrow the search criteria and try
Can not copy a Subdirectory
A subdirectory is in the selection list and you have
invoked the copy command. Filefind can not copy
Can not copy a Volume Id
A volume label is in the selection list and you have
invoked the copy command. Filefind can not copy volume
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 23
Filefind 3.4 Messages
Can not delete Volume Id
A volume label is in the selection list and you have
invoked the delete command. Filefind can not delete
volume labels.
Can not move a Subdirectory
A subdirectory is in the selection list and you have
invoked the move command. Filefind can not move
Can not move a Volume Id
A volume label is in the selection list and you have
invoked the move command. Filefind can not move volume
Can not move to the same directory
An attempt to copy or move a file to the same directory
has been made.
Can not run menu item xxxx
You have attempted to invoke a user defined menu item.
xxxx is the associated program id. Filefind does not
consider the associated program id to be an executable
file. If the associated program id is an executable
file, your win.ini file may be in error. See the
section on installing Filefind for further information.
Can not run selection xxxx
You have attempted to invoke a selection that Filefind
does not consider an executable file. xxxx is the
associated program id. If you have selected what you
think is an executable file, your win.ini file may be
in error. See the section on installing Filefind for
further information.
A Directory is not Currently Selected.
The list directory or list directory w/spec menu item
has been invoked. However, you have not yet selected a
directory tree item.
Do not ignore these messages.
You are running an unlicensed copy of Filefind and
clicked on the Ignore button. You can not ignore these
messages. You should also license you copy of
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 24
Filefind 3.4 Messages
- Error S1002 - File Limit Exceeded
Some versions of Filefind have a built-in limit to the
number of files that may be found.
File not found
No files matching the entered file specification were
found. Check the specification. Also make sure that
you specified the correct disk drive.
No files selected
A delete, move, print, or one of the user defined menu
items has been requested, but no file has been
No files to show
Filefind could not find any files to show. This may
come from a file search, trying to list files in an
empty directory, etc.
Not a valid license Id
You have entered the license registration id and
clicked the OK but the id is invalid. Correct and re-
Not enough memory to construct selection string
Not enough memory exists construct a string of the
selections. Free some memory by closing existing
Not enough memory to continue
Filefind needs to allocate memory and there isn't
enough available. This can occur while Filefind is
searching the disk and building lists of directories
and matching files, when copying a file, or moving a
file. If you are running in Real Mode, freeing up
memory from other windows applications may help. If
you are operating in Standard or 386 Enhanced mode,
this should only occur while Filefind is building the
file list based on a search specification that is
finding hundreds of files that match the search
specification. Try narrowing the search specification.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 25
Filefind 3.4 Messages
Not enough memory to create destination path
An attempt to copy or move a file is being made. Not
enough memory exists to create destination directory
Rename Failed with DOS Error xxxx
You attempting to rename a file and a DOS error has
occurred. xxxx is the DOS error number.
Overwrite xxxx
A copy operation has been specified and the file
already exists in the destination directory. If you
want to write over the existing file, click on OK.
Click on Cancel to leave the existing file in the
destination directory intact.
Unable to delete Directory FILENAME.EXT
Filefind is unable to delete the directory
FILENAME.EXT. The most likely cause is that the
subdirectory contains other subdirectories or files.
Filefind can only delete empty subdirectories. Other
reasons are that it is a read-only file or that it is
one of your current directories (i.e. some windows or
DOS program is using the directory).
Unable to delete File FILENAME.EXT
Filefind is unable to delete the file FILENAME.EXT.
The most likely cause is that the file is a read-only
Within days are invalid
The days to use for the Within filter is invalid. This
value must be a positive number.
xxxx opening destination file
A DOS error has occurred trying to open the destination
file for a copy or move. xxxx is the DOS error code.
xxxx opening source file
A DOS error has occurred trying to open the source file
for a copy, move, or print. xxxx is the DOS error code.
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Filefind 3.4 Messages
xxxx reading source file
A DOS error has occurred trying to read the source file
for a copy or move. xxxx is the DOS error code.
xxxx writing destination file
A DOS error has occurred trying to write the
destination file for a copy or move. xxxx is the DOS
error code.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 27
Filefind 3.4 License Information
License Information License Information License Information
Filefind is distributed as a shareware product. All rights
have been reserved by the author. Filefind has not been
released into the public domain. If you use Filefind beyond
a 30 day initial evaluation period, you must purchase a
license. If a 30 day period is not sufficient, please
contact the author. Two license options are available. You
may purchase one license for each user of Filefind.
Alternatively, you may purchase a site license. From the
perspective of the following licensing terms, a site license
is considered to be a group of single user licenses sold at
a discount rate.
License Terms
By using this software you agree to the licensing terms
that follow. If you do not agree with these terms, you
should not use this software.
FileFind is supplied "as is". The author disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without
limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of
fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no
liability for damages, direct or consequential, which
may result from the use of FileFind. If you have
purchased a disk, the disk is warranted, for a period
of 45 (forty-five) days from the date you receive the
disk, to contain an accurate reproduction of the
program and accompanying materials. To obtain
replacement of defective materials, you must return the
defective product within the warranty period.
A single Filefind license may be used in one of two
ways. The license may be dedicated to a single person
who uses the software on one or more computers (for
example, an office computer during the day and a home
computer during the evening). At home, the license
extends for non-commercial use to the immediate family
(parents, spouse, siblings, and children) of the
licensee and up to three computers as long as the
relatives and computers all reside at a single
residence. The license does not does not does not extend to immediate
family use away from home.
Alternatively, the Filefind license may be dedicated to
a single computer that is used by multiple people.
Shared workstations and networks fall into this
category. A license must be dedicated to each
workstation. Networks must have enough licenses to
dedicate one to each node on the network that has
access to Filefind or have and use network software
that limits the number of concurrent users to the
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 28
Filefind 3.4 License Information
number of Filefind licenses. Licenses that are used in
this manner do not do not do not extend to home or any other use.
Duplication and Distribution Restrictions
Filefind is a shareware product. It may be copied and
distributed for others to evaluate as long as the
following rules are followed. They are:
1) The Filefind program, this documentation, and any
other accompanying materials may not be modified
in any way.
2) A copy of this documentation and all accompanying
materials must be distributed along with the
program. You may not distribute registered
license identification ids.
3) You may not charge for distributing this program,
except for a nominal media and handling charge.
In any case, such a charge may not exceed $10.00.
4) Users of Filefind must purchase a license for its
use. One license per copy of Filefind, or the
alternative site license, is required. Note that
this requirement allows you to make backup copies
to your heart's content as long as you have a
license per user or a site license as described
5) If you purchased a disk containing this software
from a public domain/shareware software
distributor, you have paid the media and handling
charges as permitted in 3 above. You have not
purchased the required license for Filefind.
Purchasing a license is required for continued
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 29
Filefind 3.4 License Information
Ordering Information Ordering Information Ordering Information
All orders for amounts less than two-hundred dollars
($200) must be pre-paid. Purchase orders for two-
hundred dollars ($200) or more are subject to
acceptance. Purchase orders that obligate the author
to your company's terms and conditions are generally
rejected. Purchase orders must include:
l A list of items ordered with quantities
l Shipping address
l Billing address
l The name, address, and phone number of a
knowledgeable individual whom we may contact
should any question about this order arise.
All orders for single user licenses will normally
receive a registration id for each registration
ordered. All site licenses will normally receive a
single registration id for each site license ordered
regardless of the number of users in the license.
Disks are usually supplied in 3 1/2 inch format in
either 720K or 1.44M sizes. If your needs differ from
the above indicate your requirements on the order form.
Variations from the above are not generally a problem.
Printed documents or documents in electronic form other
than the supplied .TXT format can be negotiated. Other
requests or requirements will be reviewed on an
individual basis.
Two rate scales are available for licensing Filefind.
You may purchase a single user license or a site
license. For either, you may simply purchase a license,
or you may purchase a license, the current version on
disk, and/or a printed copy of the documentation.
Refer to the license applications following this
section for current rates.
The purchase of a license allows you to use Filefind
and receive support. As new versions are released, you
may obtain them through the various shareware channels.
New versions will also be available directly from the
author for a nominal materials and shipping charge.
Make checks payable to and send payments to:
William L. Page
P.O. Box 266
Flagtown, New Jersey 08821-0266
Note Note Note Payments must be US funds. Checks must be drawn
on or payable through a US bank. If you wish to
remit a foreign check, we will attempt to have our
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 30
Filefind 3.4 License Information
bank process it through their collection
department if you include a $7 fee. Somehow that
doesn't seem worth it. Foreign users are probably
better off sending cash.
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 31
FileFind 3.4 Single User License Application
Application for Single User License Registration
FileFind 3.4
Date: ______________________
To: William L. Page
P.O. Box 266
Flagtown, New Jersey 08821-0266
Please register FileFind for:
(Company) ________________________Title_______________
City, State Zip _____________________________________
I got Filefind from (BBS & Phone #) ___________________
| Item | Unit $ | Quant | Total $ |
| FileFind | $12 | | |
| Current Version on disk | $6 | | |
| Total | |
Special Requirements: __________________________________________
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 32
FileFind 3.4 Site License Application
Application for Site License Registration
FileFind 3.4
Date: ______________________
To: William L. Page
P.O. Box 266
Flagtown, New Jersey 08821-0266
Please register Filefind for:
(Company) ________________________Title_______________
City, State Zip________________________________________
I got Filefind from (BBS & Phone #) ___________________
| Item | Unit $ | Quant | Total $ |
| First 10 Users | $100 | 1 | $100 |
| Users 11-50 | $8 | | |
| Users 50+ | $6 | | |
| Current Version on disk | $12 | | |
| Total | |
Special Requirements: __________________________________________
Date: October 21, 1991 Page: 33