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OS/2 REXX Batch file
181 lines
Attr - Calculates a single integer from forground and
Back - Calculates background color from a single
CapsOff - Toggles Caps Lock key off
CapsOn - Toggles Caps Lock key on
CapStat - Returns status of Caps Lock key
CheckKey - Returns true if key in keyboard buffer
ClrKBD - Clears keyboard buffer without removing keys
CurDisplay - Returns active display adapter
CurBot - Bottom scanline of cursor
CurTop - Top scanline of cursor
Fill - Fills a box on the screen with a charactor
Fore - Calculates forground color from an integer
GetKey - Get a single key from KB buffer, wait if no key
GetScrn - Places any portion of the screen into a string
InsertOff - Toggles insert status off
InsertOn - Toggles insert status on
InsStat - Returns status of INS key
IsAlt - Returns true if ALT key is depressed
IsCaps - Returns true if Caps Lock key is depressed
IsCtrl - Returns true if Ctrl key is depressed
IsInsert - Returns true if INS key is depressed
IsLShift - Returns true if Left Shift key is depressed
IsMouse - Returns number of buttons on mouse if installed
IsNumLock - Returns true if Num Lock key is depressed
IsRShift - Returns true if Right Shift key is depressed
IsScroll - Returns true is Scroll Lock key is depressed
LScroll - Scroll any portion of the screen to the left
MaskIn - Get masked input from user
MouseKey - Gets a key from KB, mouse movement detected
MLocate - Locate the mouse cursor at any place on screen
MouseOff - Turns mouse cursor off
MouseOn - Turns mouse cursor on
MouseStat - Returns mouse position, and button pressed
MouseWin - Define the window for mouse cursor
NumIn - Get numeric input from user
NumOff - Toggles Num Lock key off
NumOn - Toggles Num Lock Key on
NumStat - Returns status of Num Lock Key
PutScrn - Puts a string created with GetScrn back onto
the screen
ReAttr - Changes the color of any position on the screen
ReColor - Changes all designated attribute bytes to new color
RScroll - Scroll any portion of the screen to the right
ScrollDN - Scrolls any part of the screen down
ScrollOff - Toggles Scroll Lock key off
ScrollOn - Toggles Scroll Lock key on
ScrollStat - Returns the status of the scroll-lock key
ScrollUP - Scrolls any part of the screen up
SetText - Sets cursor color from single integer
StuffKey - Stuff the KB buffer with up to 16 chars
TextEd - Lets user edit the chars within a line
TextIn - Gets ASCII input from user with editing options
VidAddr - Returns the segment of the video address
VidMode - Returns current video mode
Bin2Dec - Converts a binary string to a decimal integer
BitSet - Returns true if a specified bit is on
Center - Centers a string with spaces padded to left and
Compress - Compress a text string at about 3:2 ratio
Cpu - Identifies CPU that program is running on
Date2Int - Converts a date to a 2 byte integer
Decrypt - Decrypt a string using a password
DelChar - Delete a charactor within a string at desired
DesqView - Returns true if DesqView/TaskView is active
Encrypt - Encrypt a string with a password
Evaluate - Evaluate a given expression and return answer
GetAddr - Returns segment and offset of a string
Hex2Dec - Converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal
InsChar - Insert a charactor within a string at desired
Int2Date - Converts a 2 byte integer to a valid date
IsAlpha - Returns true if a char is alpha
IsAlphaNum - Returns true is a char is alpha or numeric
IsASCII - Returns true if a char is printable ASCII
IsNum - Returns true if a char is numeric
IsPunc - Returns true if a char is punctuation
LPad - Pad a string to the left with desired char
LRotate - Rotates a string to the left one charactor
MakeInt - Converts two bytes into an integer
NumParsCmds - Returns the number of parameters found on the
command line
ParseCmds - Does the actual parsing of the command line into
a specified array
ResetBit - Turns a specified bit off within an integer
Reverse - Reverses all charactors in a string
RInstr - Like INSTR, only searches in reverse
RPad - Pad a string to the right with desired char
RRotate - Rotates a string to the right one charactor
SetBit - Turns a specified bit on within an integer
ShiftAlpha - Shifts uppercase alpha chars over chars
ToggleBit - Toggles a specified bit on or off
Trim - Trims spaces from both ends of a string
UnCompress - Uncompresses a compressed string
AddShadow - Adds a shadow to current window
Box - Draws a box on the screen
ChangeWin - Changes the size of the current window
ClearWin - Clears the contents of the current window
CloseWin - Closes a previously opened window
GetFrst - Return the first uppercase letter or number in
a string
InitPBScreen- Initialize all variables for window routines
Menu - Displays a menu and returns choice from user
MoveWin - Moves the current window in any one of 4
NoShadow - Removes the shadow form the current window
OpenWin - Pops a window on the screen saving whatever is
PFirst - Print a string on the screen with the first
uppercase letter or number highlighted
ScrollPrint - Scrolls all the lines in a window up one, and
prints a string on the bottom line
ScrollWin - Scrolls the text within the current window in
one of 4 directions
Title - Displays a title in one of 6 positions
WinColor - Changes the text color of the current window
WPrint - Displays a string within the current window
WPrintC - Centers a text string horizontally within
current window
ZoomBox - Explodes a box on the screen
Atrb - Turns DOS attribute into a printable string
Attrb - Turns printable string into a DOS attribute
CurDrive - Returns the current logged drive
DIR2 - Returns the filename, filesize, and date of a spec
DirCnt - Counts the number of subdirectories within a
DrvSpace - Double precision integer containing drive space
Exist - Returns true if file exists
Expand - Expands a file to it's full 12 charactors
FileCount - Returns the number of files in dir matching
FileDate - Converts a DOS integer into a valid date
GetDir - Returns an array containing all filenames
matching spec
GetDirs - Returns an array containing all subdirectories
within a directory
GetDosV - Returns current DOS version number
GetDrive - Returns current active drive/partition
GetRec - Retrieves a record from a file
NumRecs - Returns total number of records within a file
PutRec - Put a record into a file
RecSearch - Performs a search of a random access file for
records based on a boolean pattern
SetDrive - Like CHDRIVE, but does not cause an error if
drive is invalid
SizeDir - Returns the total number of bytes within a
SortDirExt - Sorts a directory array by extension then name
VLabel - Returns the volume label for default drive
CloseHandle - Closes a previously allocated EMS Handle
EMSFree - Returns the amount of free EMS memory
EMSHandle - Allocates the requested pages and returns
handle number
EMSInst - Returns the amount of EMS installed
EMSStat - Returns the status of installed EMS
EMSVer - Returns the version number of the EMS driver
FindHand - Returns the file handle number for given name
FreePages - Returns the number of free pages in EMS
GetHandName - Returns 8 charactor name of an EMS handle
Handles - Returns the number of handles used
IsEMS - Returns true if EMS installed
MapPage - Maps logical page to Page Frame
PageFrame - Returns the address segment of the page frame
SetHandName - Assign an 8 charactor name of an EMS handle
UnMapPage - Unmaps current mapped logical frame