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File: SECURITY.TXT - 9/9/91
Documentation for SECURITY for Windows
Version 0.90 - BETA
(C) Miller-Ware Development, 1988-1991
All Rights Reserved.
This document contains the documentation for version 0.90 of Miller-Ware
Developments SECURITY for Windows Version 0.90, and later.
Version 0.90 of SECURITY for Windows is a BETA test release. Although
every precaution has been taken in the creation of the software and in the
preparation of this file, these items should be used accordingly. Anyone
who registers this program from a BETA version (pre-version 1.00), will
automatically receive a free copy of the first production release
(version 1.00). Thank you for assisting us in the evaluation of our product.
Table of Contents
Part Description
---- -----------
1 Overview
2 Distribution Versions
3 What is SECURITY for Windows?
4 System Requirements
5 Installation/Set-Up
6 HELP! - I Forgot my Password
7 Licensing Information
8 User Groups/Shareware Distributors/BBS Sysop's
9 Notice of Warranty/Merchantability
10 User Support
11 Future Updates
12 Registration
13 About Miller-Ware Development
14 Credits
Part 1: Overview **SECURITY for Windows
SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware is a security system to be used with
Microsoft Windows 3.0 and later. With SECURITY installed on your hard
drive, you will protect your Windows data and programs from unauthorized
trampering, viewing, etc. SECURITY for Windows will help you to maintain
your privacy and protect your important data.
Ease of use, flexability, and the features you expect without
sacrificing any of the power or graphics you expect in your software.
This makes SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware a step ahead of all
the rest.
Part 2: Distribution Versions **SECURITY for Windows
SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware is distributed in two versions:
first as licensed "User Supported Software" (SHAREWARE), and second
as a licensed, REGISTERED program. Upon registration, you will receive
a fully functional copy of the latest version of the program.
Registered users also receive user support, notice of significant
upgrades and reduced fee upgrade registration fees. We believe most
people who use SECURITY will find it useful, and will register their
programs. This is the foundation of the Shareware concept and what
makes personal computing so exciting.
Part 3: What is SECURITY for Windows? **SECURITY for Windows
SECURITY for Windows is a security system for your windows system
which prevents access to windows without the correct password.
The way SECURITY works is you edit your WIN.INI file so SECURITY
automatically loads when windows is invoked. What happens is
SECURITY takes over the system and will not allow the user to access
Windows without the proper password. That is all there is to it.
Authorized users have complete control over passwords for they may
be changed at any time. If SECURITY is invoked and no response is
received to the request for password verification within 5 minutes,
a screen blanker will take control. To make another attempt at
entering your password, just press any keyboard key or any mouse key.
SECURITY may also be used during any Windows session. Merely click on
the Icon and Windows is activated. The system will stop where it is until
the proper password is entered.
All Registered users are provided with a special Serial Number which
enables them to access the "Back Door" Password. The Serial Number allows
the user to override the system with a the "Back Door" password at anytime.
If you loose your Serial Number, Miller-Ware Development will maintain a
master list. All you need to do is contact Miller-Ware Development and we
will assist you. That's real protection. Please see Part 6 "HELP! - I
Forgot my Password" for more information about obtaining Serial Numbers.
Part 4: System Requirements **SECURITY for Windows
The following are the system requirements for installing and running
SECURITY for windows. The requirements for Microsoft Windows are
sufficient for the addition of SECURITY for Windows to your system.
If you are currently running Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later, there should
be no problem. Yet, please keep in mind. The nice thing about standards
is there are so many to choose from. Not all "compatible" systems are
fully compatible. If you have a problem, please contact us.
Minimum System requirements:
IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible
512K DOS memory + (2M or more recommended)
Hard Drive
DOS version 2.1 or higher
Microsoft Windows 3.0 or higher
Logitech or Microsoft compatible mouse (optional)
Part 5: Installation/Set-Up **SECURITY for Windows
Installation of SECURITY for Windows is simple. The major prerequisite
is you have already successfully installed Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later.
After you have completed that, follow the following 4 simple steps.
Copy the files provided to your Windows directory or
create a new directory.
Use the Program Manager provided with Windows to add
SECURITY as an application as you would any program.
Edit the file WIN.INI which should be found in your Windows
directory. Change the run line to display the location of
SECURITY for Windows.
If you have the SECURITY in your windows directory which
is "C:\WINDOWS" you should change the run file to read as
Exit windows and then reinvoke windows. SECURITY will
create a default password for you. The password is
"MILLERWARE". It is recommended you change this password
to your own at this time. To do this, press the "Change"
button and follow the prompts. That's all there is to it,
except remember your password.
Part 6: HELP! - I Forgot my Password! **SECURITY for Windows
Well, what do you do now, you forgot your password, misplaced
your "Back Door" and there is no way you can remember your daily password.
What do you do now? Simple, call Miller-Ware Development at (407) 851-5268
and we will help. Make sure you have your Registration Number and private
Serial Number handy.
Part 7: Licensing Information **SECURITY for Windows
This software is provided to you under a limited license agreement.
IT IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN or FREEWARE. You do not own the program.
The Shareware release is provided to you under a limited license to use
the program for limited, private evaluation purposes only. This
limited evaluation period is not to execeed 30 calendar days. This
evaluation period is calculated as 30 calendar days from the day you
first obtain a copy. Bonafide Shareware distributors, user groups,
and SYSOP's of Bulletin Boards refer to the USER GROUPS/SHAREWARE
DISTRIBUTORS/BBS SYSOP's section of this file for additional information.
Once you have evaluated the program and decide to continue to use it,
you are expected to purchase a REGISTERED release. This registered
release will provide you with many benefits. Registered users receive
notice of major updates and revisions, will be provided with user
support, have "Password Protection", and may upgrade at reduced prices.
The registration fee is $ 20.00 (Florida residents add 6% sales tax).
Non-US orders must add $5.00 shipping to their order. See HOW TO
REGISTER for complete information.
The Registered release is also provided under a license. It may not
be copied, replicated, duplicated, transmitted or otherwise distributed
in any way without the expressed written permission of Miller-Ware
Development. One back-up copy may be made. Each registered copy
is licensed for single system use only. The program may not be
installed on multiple machines. Any Local Area Network (LAN) use of
SECURITY or installation on multiple computers must be licensed
separately or by obtaining a site license. Please contact Miller-Ware
Development for further details.
Any deviation from these terms is a violation of your license, voids
it immediately and may subject you to legal penalties.
SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware is protected by U.S. Copyright law.
Because of its shareware status (the Shareware release only), you are
allowed and encouraged to make copies of the shareware version to give
to other people. However, it may not be disassembled or resold (either
modified or unmodified) without the expressed written permission of
Miller-Ware Development.
Part 8: User Groups/Shareware Distrib./BBS SYSOP's **SECURITY for Windows
PC User Groups, Shareware Distribution companies, and BBS SYSOPS
are welcome to include SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware (Shareware
Version) in their libraries/catalogs under the following conditions:
1) the files must be completely unmodified;
2) SECURITY for Windows may not be used to advertise any other
product or service without the expressed written permission of
of Miller-Ware Development;
3) a diskette/copying fee of $8 or less is charged; and
4) all of the following files MUST be included:
The files are:
SECURITY.EXE The Main Program File
VBRUN100.DLL Run-Time Module
SECURITY.TXT This documentation file
We would appreciate notification that you have added SECURITY for
Windows by Miller-Ware to your library but notification is not required.
Part 9: Notice of Warranty/Merchantability **SECURITY for Windows
SECURITY for Windows by Miller-Ware is provided for your entertainment
and education only. It is licensed without any warranty of
merchantability, fitness of particular purpose, performance, or
otherwise; all warranties are disclaimed. By using SECURITY for Windows,
you agree neither Miller-Ware Development, the authors, the publishers,
nor any of the distributors, either licensed or incidental, of this
software will be liable to you or any third party for any use of
(or inability to use) this software, or any damages (direct or indirect)
whatsoever, even if Miller-Ware Development, or any of the other above
parties are apprised of the possibility of such damages occuring.
No liability is assumed with respect to the use of this software
or the information contained herein. While every precaution has
been taken in the preparation of this document, Miller-Ware Development
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use or misuse of the
information contained herein.
Part 10: User Support **SECURITY for Windows
User support is provided to all registered users. There are many ways
to obtin support if needed. The methods are:
1) Leave a message on GEnie: W.MILLER22.
2) Leave us a message on CompuServe: 73750,2464
3) Call us at (407) 851-5268
4) Write to us at:
Miller-Ware Development
11103 Aries Drive
Orlando, FL 32837
Registered users are given preference for all user support. If you require
assistance with an evaluation (unregistered) copy of SECURITY for Windows
you may also write us at the above address. Please do NOT include your
Registration Number in any "Open Forum" correspondence such as CompuServe
or GEnie. If you give us your name and address, we will be able to verify
your registration. If in the future you require the use of your
Registration Number, it may be found on the main screen. Un-Registered
copies will merely say "Un-Registered."
Part 11: Future Updates **SECURITY for Windows
Improvements will come largely from suggestions received from users of
SECURITY for Windows. We encourage you to submit your suggestions and
ideas to:
Miller-Ware Development
11103 Aries Drive
Orlando, Florida 32837
Part 12: Registration **SECURITY for Windows
1. Print the Registration form which is included in the program.
Click on "Register".
2. The registration fees are as follows (per copy):
Registration Sales Tax
Fee (if appl) Total
------- ------ -------
New Registration (US) $ 20.00 $ 1.20 $ 21.20
New Registration (Non-US) 25.00 N/A $ 25.00
Upgrade for Registered Users $10.00 $ .60 $ 10.60
3. Mail the completed order form with your check or money order to:
Miller-Ware Development
11103 Aries Drive
Orlando, Florida 32837
All upgrades must include the registration number from the original
registered SECURITY for Windows program.
NOTE: You MUST specify if you want 3 1/2" disks instead of 5 1/4".
All orders are filled on 5 1/4" disks unless you specify otherwise.
All registered copies will include all the latest improvements and upgrades
to date.
Quantity discounts are available as follows:
Quantity Registration Fee*
-------- ----------------
1 - 5 $ 20.00 per unit
6 - 10 $ 13.00 per unit
11 - 20 $ 9.00 per unit
over 20 $ 6.00 per unit
*Florida Residents must add 6% tax
Site licensing is available. Please contact Miller-ware Development
for details.
Part 13: About Miller-Ware Development **SECURITY for Windows
Miller-Ware Development is committed to the development of high quality,
reasonably priced software. We believe you should be able try out software
before you buy. SECURITY for Windows and all other Miller-Ware software
demonstrate this commitment. We hope you find SECURITY for Windows useful,
and if you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or would just like
to say HI, please contact us.
Thank you for taking the time to read this documentation file.
Part 14: Credits **SECURITY for Windows
SECURITY for Windows is Copyright 1988-1991 by Miller-Ware Development.
Microsoft(tm) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft Windows is Copyright 1988-1991 Microsoft Corporation.
Logitech is a registered trademark of the Logitech Corporation.