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▌ This help contains the following chapters : ▌
▌ ▌
▌ 1. Introduction ▌
▌ 2. How to use UDEL ? ▌
▌ 3. Examples ▌
▌ 4. Default options ▌
▌ 5. UDEL limits ▌
---------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------
UDEL (the Ultimate DELete command) will be a component of UTOOLS (the Ultimate
TOOLS) which will contain the following four tools :
UCD Intelligent directory change that works between disks/drives and
whithout having to give a complete path.
UCOPY File and/or directory copy with several selection options. When the des-
tination disk is a floppy diskette, UCOPY is able to split files on
several diskettes if necessary and may restore only designated files.
UDEL Files/Directories deletion with numerous options (see below). Note that
without any option, UDEL works like the DEL command.
UDIR File list with numerous selection options (date, size, type, ...) and
usable as a more powerful WHEREIS.
▌ ▌
▌ Today (08/01/91) UDEL is the unique UTOOL ▌
▌ really available. Other components will be ▌
▌ distributed as soon as they will be avai- ▌
▌ lable. ▌
UDEL is distributed as shareware, meaning that if you've downloaded it from a
bulletin board or obtained it from a friend, you can try it out before you
decide to keep it or not. Like all shareware, if you decide to
keep UDEL, you must pay a registration fee.
UDEL is a copyrighted program protected by both international and U.S. copy-
right law. If you obtained UDEL from an on-line computer service or bulletin
board, a friend or colleague, or another similar source, you have an unregis-
tered (trial) copy. You are authorized to use this copy without charge for a
limited period of time (One month). When this time is up, you have to register
and pay for UDEL to keep the use of it.
You may freely give your copy of UDEL but without discarding or modifying any
of the files in the package which MUST contain :
README.TXT An english introduction text file
MELIRE.TXT A french introduction text file
UDEL.EXE DOS Executable file
UDELW.EXE Windows Executable file
UDEL_END.HLP English DOS help file
UDEL_FRD.HLP French DOS help file
UDEL_ENW.HLP English Windows help file
UDEL_EN.CFG English configuration file (may be renamed UDEL.CFG)
UDEL_FR.CFG French configuration file (may be renamed UDEL.CFG)
If you like UDEL the registration fee for a single copy of both versions UDEL is
$20 (or 120 FF).
Corporate licenses are available. Please, contact us.
Payment of this fee entitles you to :
· A disk with the latest version of UDEL, registered to you.
· A complete documentation file ready to print.
· A free upgrade to the next major version of UDEL. Future upgrades will be
available for downloading from different sources ; if you do not have a
modem there will be a minimal processing charge ($5 including shipping) to
obtain an upgrade on diskette.
Why this extremely modest name for Ultimate Tools ?
First, we wanted to call them YADEL (Yet Another DELete command), YADIR, YACOPY
and YACD (As you can see, these names are a little bit less pretentious).
But these names are too long to be efficiently and rapidly typed. And the key-
board layout is not adapted to a fast typing of the three consecutive letters
Y, A and D.
Besides, we didn't really like the name YATOOLS for the complete package.
That's why, after a long time of reflexion (at least 2 seconds), we humbly
decided to call our tools the 'Ultimate' tools, because we did not see so
powerful tools on the freeware or shareware market until now and the equivalent
is far not ready to be available. ;-)
If you like UDEL and decide to pay your fee, please send your contribution to:
GREEN Informatique
Rue du Tour de l'Eau
ZI de Champ Roman
Fax : (33)
And please, don't forget to give the following informations :
- Your address completed,
- Version number of your copy of UDEL,
- Diskette format desired.
For outside Europe users, if you want a fast delivery via air mail (instead
of surface mail - that might take one or two monthes), please add $3.
Every remark or suggestion or bug report about UDEL will be welcome (even
from non-registered users).
--------------------------- 2. HOW TO USE UDEL ? -----------------------------
What is UDEL ?
UDEL allow you to select and delete files AND directories across disks or
partitions if desired, all in one command.
Several file specifications are allowed on the same command line.
Several options allow you to select with precision which files to delete.
UDEL may also list the only selected files, like a more powerful WHERE.
This command may be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. As an example, when
+------------+ no default option is defined, the command UDEL /R /X \*.*
▌ BE CAREFUL ▌ deletes ALL files AND ALL directories on ALL mounted disks
+------------+ or drives without asking for confirmation (incredible,
isn't it ? Yes, but fast and efficient ! I hope you have a
recent backup)
UDEL Syntax :
UDEL [[-|/<Options> [<Parameters>]] [<File Spec.>] ...] ...
Options must always be preceded by a '-' or '/' sign. Those which are not
followed by a parameter may be combined (/ABC, for example).
Some options have to be followed by one parameter (date or file name). In that
case, the following parameter in the command line is supposed to be the awaited
Most options act like a toggle : If a default option is defined (See UDEL /I),
the same option in the command line toggles the corresponding default option ;
Every occurence of the option on the command line toggles the previous state of
the option.
Note that UDEL without any option and with only one file spec acts like the
DOS 3.x or 4.x DEL command.
Available options :
- *NW* stands for : Feature not available in the Windows version -
/? Help in english or french, depending on the default language
/A [A]ide (Help in french) (*NW*).
/C [C]onfirm before each deletion of a file or a directory
/D Confirm only before each deletion of a [D]irectory
/F The list of files to be deleted is in the following [F]ile name (*NW*).
/H [H]elp (Help in english !)
/K [K]eepDir - Do not delete directories, only files
/I [I]nstall default options
/L Only [L]ist files and directories without deleting them
/N [N]ewer - Delete only files which have been modified since the following
date (MMDDYY if language is english, DDMMYY if french)
/O [O]lder - Delete only files which have not been modified since the follo-
wing date
/P [P]aginate the list of files (if /L or /V option) (*NW*)
/R [R]ecursevely delete files in sub-directories of the current or designated
/S Delete also [S]pecial files (invisible, system or read-only)
/V [V]erbose - List all deleted files and directories.
/X Repeat deletion across [X] all available disks, drives or partitions.
/Z [Z]ero - Rewrite file with zeroes before deletion. This action prevent the
undelete function of some popular tools like PCTOOLS(tm).
/1 Delete Recursiveley but only from the first [1] level of the current tree
(see below for more explanations).
------------------------------ 3. EXAMPLES -----------------------------------
Explanations for these examples are given supposing that no default option
is installed with the UDEL /I command.
Deletes all the .BAK files in the current directory.
Deletes all the .BAK files and directories in the current directory and all
sub-directories of the current directory.
Deletes all the .BAK files and directories in the current drive/disk.
Deletes all the .BAK files and directories in all directories of all the mounted
Deletes all the .BAK files and directories in the D: disk/drive (note that
the unit specification D: supersedes the /X option).
Lists all the .BAK files in all the mounted disks/drives without deleting
UDEL -RV -O 072290 *.BAK *.OLD *.SAV
Deletes and lists all the .BAK, .OLD and .SAV files in the current directory
and in all the sub-directories if they don't have been modified since 07/22/90
UDEL /RV \*.BAK /R \*.OLD /RV \*.SAV
1. Deletes and lists all the .BAK files in the current disk/drive
2. Deletes and lists all the .OLD files in the root directory of the current
disk/drive (note that the second /R option toggles the first one)
3. Deletes and does not list all the .SAV files in the current disk/drive
(note that the third /R option toggles the second one and the second /V
option toggle the first one)
Recursively deletes and lists all the files and directories which specifications
are found in the text file LIST.DEL (This file must be a text file with only
one file specification on each line).
With the /R option, if \AAA\BBB and \AAA\CCC\BBB subdirectories are present in
the current drive (same BBB name, but not at the same level in the tree), the
following commands :
'UDEL /R BBB' if the current directory is \AAA
will delete both BBB subdirectories in the tree because all subdirectories of
AAA will be scanned, not only the \AAA\BBB one.
This may be annoying if not wanted.
The /1 option (which works with the /R option) tells UDEL to scan only from
the first level of subdirectories.
The command :
will destroy the complete sub-tree under \AAA\BBB (BBB included), but NOT other
BBB subdirectories.
--------------------------- 4. DEFAULT OPTIONS -------------------------------
The UDEL /I command allow you to define some default options, that is to say
options it is not necessary to repeat in the UDEL command line each time you
use it.
These default options are saved in the UDEL.CFG file which is in the same
directory as UDEL.EXE.
Available default options are :
/R Recursive mode
/V Verbose mode
/C Confirm each file/directory deletion
/D Confirm only each directory deletion
/K Do not delete directories, only files
/Z Rewrite files with zeroes before deleting
/S Delete invisible and read-only files
/X Delete across mounted disks/drives
/P Paginate list of files/directories (if /V or /L option)
/L Only list files without deletion
/1 Delete recursively from the first level only
Besides, you can possibly indicate which language to use for UDEL messages and
UDEL help (english or french - sorry, the english version is not a very good
one and there is no german or spanish version available !) and which default
answer must UDEL propose in case of confirmation.
When default options are installed, you must NOT repeat them on the
command line (remember that an option toggles the state of the last
same option). In fact, you must use the option if you do want to
toggle it.
In verbose mode, default options are repeted embedded in '[]' characters on the
first line of the screen.
Example :
IF the /L option is a default one, if you really want to delete a file, you
must use a UDEL /L command to toggle the /L default option.
----------------------------- 5. UDEL LIMITS ---------------------------------
And now the bad news :
UDEL is NOT able to delete read-only directories. Sorry !
---------------------------- END OF ENGLISH HELP -----------------------------